Interesting Articles 2024


Barberry of Thunberg Atropurpurea Nana - grade description

Barberry of Thunberg Atropurpurea Nana (berberis Thunbergii) is a member of the Barberry family. In gardens, it is found infrequently, but it has a certain popularity. The plant has a decorative appearance, grows quite high, and its life span is approximately 65 years. Therefore, the bush is interesting for landscape designers.

The principles of the device for automatic irrigation systems

Manually watering a summer cottage is always difficult, especially if its area is not so small. The irrigation system on the site will solve one of the most pressing problems - lawns, flowerbeds, beds will always be properly moistened, and you will not puzzle over how it is more convenient to water the garden without spending a lot of effort on it.

How to make Hoya bloom at home

The homeland of the amazing hoya creeper is the coast of Australia. In Europe, she came from the greenhouses of the English Duke. The name of the breeder who has been engaged in breeding of hoya for almost half a century, and gave the name to an exotic flower. In home gardening, there are several flowering varieties of a tropical beauty, but many gardeners are faced with the fact that an adult plant does not want to throw buds.

About winter garlic: how to plant and fertilize today

Last year, in the fall, around October 10, I planted winter garlic. Planted quite deeply about 3 clove sizes. The distance between the leaves was about 15 cm. Before planting, I prepared a bed in advance, making humus and ash. They put the cloves dry in the ground, spilling the grooves with a solution of potassium permanganate.

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Planting beets: the secrets and subtleties of success

A good harvest begins with planting. This axiom applies to all garden plants, including the popular and common table beet. It is a pleasure to grow it: it is unpretentious, ripens well in the open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle lane, and even Siberia. If you properly prepare the soil for cultivation, plant the crop after good predecessors and in the optimal time, use the most suitable methods of sowing, then the harvest of this overseas beauty is guaranteed to be plentiful, tasty and healthy.

Lily of the valley - spring flower from the Red Book: description, types, photo

Lilies of the valley - rare flowers listed in the Red Book. There are several interesting facts related to them. It was established that even 2 thousand years ago, the Egyptians grew them year-round. They began to be cultivated in Europe in the 16th century, and in Russia in 18. Before that, he was going exclusively for medical purposes (treatment of fever, epilepsy).

Tritsirtis - garden orchid

Tritsirtis is a perennial, highly ornamental herbaceous plant. With its miniature flowers, it resembles a delicate orchid. Translated from Greek, the name means "triple nekratnik." Indeed, unusual flowers attract a unique aroma of a large number of butterflies and other insects.

Stefanotis: what care does Madagascar jasmine need for flowering at home

A wonderful guest from the tropics, the owner of delicate and fragrant flowers - stefanotis, conquers at first sight. Elegant emerald greenery in combination with snow-white flowers looks elegant and elegant. But before you get the desired Madagascar jasmine, you should carefully study all the subtleties of caring for an exotic handsome man at home.

Dyshidia - tropical exotic in the house

Dyschidia is a spreading vine that lives in the rainforests of Polynesia, Australia and India. It is an epiphyte and feeds on the juice of the plant to which it is attached. At home, dyshidia grows well in a mixture of moss and pine bark, delighting with long green threads and unusual, bubbly leaves.

Rose Brothers Grimm (Gebruder Grimm) - what kind of variety, description

Rose Brothers Grimm was bred by German breeders in 2002 in the nursery Cordes, which is known for its beautiful cultures. A rose of this species has won many awards in flower contests. She is the owner of medals and certificates. Short description, characteristic Rose blooms twice, but in the first flowering buds are more effective.

Pear in nature and in the garden

Pear is one of the most important fruit species in the central and southern regions. There are winter-hardy varieties for amateur gardening in central Russia, the North-West region, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. In order for the pear to give good harvests of delicious fruits, it is very important to properly care for it throughout the season.

Ideas for arranging a playground in the country for one or several children

Have you noticed how quickly young children learn all the gadgets that fall into their hands? A two-year-old baby will figure it out with a remote control or a phone, and by the age of three they can handle tablets. Just a doll or just a machine is an ancient age. Children like mobiles that can move around, talk, sing, or give out music.

Decorative concrete in landscape design: spectacular make-up for dull dampness

When looking at the beautiful relief coatings of walls, paths and fences, it is difficult to imagine that they are all made of the usual material - concrete. But modern coatings, unlike their "ancestor", known for its unattractive dull gray appearance, have a special aesthetics. Due to its presentable properties, decorative concrete is widely used not only in construction, but also in landscape design.

Dieffenbachia: look, features and content

Crocuses are perennial flowers growing in almost all climatic zones. Large bulbs produce a bunch of delicate bright green leaves and one thick peduncle. The color of the petals varies from boiling white to dark purple and burgundy. By flowering time, there are two types: spring and autumn.