Ciperus - home care and reproduction


Ciperus is a flower with many names, for example, it is called syt, papyrus, russet, swamp palm, venus grass. Due to its original appearance, this plant is often grown in office premises, decorates shopping centers, schools and kindergartens. This is no accident, the plant remarkably cleans and moisturizes the air. He was also loved by flower lovers for his attractiveness and useful properties. It is a real decoration of the verandas and balconies, moreover, it is safe for children and pets.

What does cyperus or swamp palm tree look like

Tsiperus belongs to the Osokov family. In the wild, it can grow up to 5 m in height, has a thick, sprawling, crown and forms impenetrable thickets along the shores of lakes, rivers and swamps. When growing a plant at home, you should not expect such results. It grows to 1 m, but it looks very impressive at the same time.

Tsiperus in the home interior

The main characteristics of the plant:

  • A long, creeping root located on the surface of the soil. Depending on the type of plant, the type of root may vary slightly, this must be taken into account when choosing the soil;
  • long stems of bright green color, aging and dying over time. They are quickly replaced by young ones;
  • rosettes of whorled thin leaves are located on the tops of the stems;
  • leaves vary in length, they are thin, pointed to the ends;
  • the top resembles an umbrella;
  • leaf color can vary from dark green to light green. Some species have leaves of different colors, sometimes even with spots of white or brown;
  • flowers are small, inconspicuous, are located in a rosette or one at a time.

For your information! Ciperus is attractive not only for people, but also for pets. They love to enjoy its juicy stems. For themselves, there is no threat, but the plant may die from such attention.

Common varieties

The genus Tsiperus consists of 600 species of plants that grow around the world. However, indoor gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of only a few of them. The most popular varieties of indoor cyperus flower are Papyrus, Helmer, Zumula, and Cypress.

Cyperus Papyrus

Echeveria - home care and reproduction

Tsiperus Papyrus is one of the oldest species of this plant. It got its name due to the fact that in ancient Egypt they made papyrus, parchment, woven baskets, rugs, and even made boats. It is more often found in the wild (in Ethiopia and Egypt).

As a house flower, cyperus of this species can be met extremely rarely, since it can reach huge sizes (up to 3 m in height). Its cultivation is most often done in greenhouses.

The variety is distinguished by a strong upright stalk, at the top of which is a whorl of long, hanging leaves. Subtle inflorescences appear at the base of the leaves. The flowers are unremarkable.

Note! To grow a house requires a lot of space and a large tub. Otherwise, this cyperus, home care, do not differ from other plants of this family.

Cyperus Helfer

The main difference between Cyperus Helfer is that it grows in water (compared to its counterparts). It grows no more than half a meter. This cyperus is grown in a pond or aquarium. Prefers slightly acid soil with a pH of about 5-6.

Helfer Grade

Tsiperus Zumula

The variety of cyperus Zulmur is outwardly almost identical to Helfer, but grows in a pot. For him, constantly moist soil with low acidity is important. It grows well from seeds. Due to its fluffiness, it looks very impressive.

Important! This variety is not safe for pets and children, so it is worth placing it on high shelves inaccessible to them.


This species is the most popular among gardeners. In nature, its main habitat is Madagascar. Tsiperus Zumula, grown at home, has the following characteristics:

  • perennial. With proper care and timely pruning of old stems, it can serve the owner almost endlessly;
  • reaches a height of 1.5 m;
  • upright stalk with crown-umbrella;
  • the leaves are narrow and thin. Their length reaches 25 cm;
  • small flowers in the form of panicles, appear at the base of the leaves.

Cyperus alternatifolia (umbrella)

Note! There are garden hybrids of this variety: Gracilis (small with narrow leaves) and variegated (with white leaves or stems or with white stripes).

Briefly about the history of the appearance

Solerolia - home care and reproduction

It is believed that the birthplace of cyperus is Madagascar and the African tropics. Other indoor plants come from the same place: cissus, cyclamen. For their love of rivers and other sources of water, as well as overly moist soil in Egypt, the cyperus plant is called a "river gift." It grows in other countries, for example, in the USA along the banks of water bodies, where it forms real thickets through which it is impossible to get through. In European countries and Russia, he appeared in the XVIII century. Tsiperus became a houseplant only at the end of the twentieth century. Venus grass quickly gained incredible popularity, thanks to its sophisticated appearance and absolute unpretentiousness.

For your information! In Russia, there are also natural brethren of cyperus: reeds, sedge, and cotton calves.

Whale in the wild

How to care for cyberus at home

Growing this plant and caring for cyperus is not particularly difficult. One has only to get acquainted with some basic rules, the adherence to which even a beginner can afford.


Monstera - home care, transplantation and reproduction

In summer, a standard room temperature of about 20-25 ° C is quite suitable for the plant. If it becomes hot in a room or on a balcony, then you just need to spray it more often (while avoiding sunburn). It is great if it is possible to put a flower pot in fresh air so that it is regularly ventilated. It will be useful for him. In winter, it is better not to lower the temperature below 15 ° C. It is also important to avoid drafts and remove it from the windowsill during the airing period.


Too sunny places for a flower should be avoided. It is better if it is a shadow / partial shade. It is ideal to place it near an aquarium or other domestic pond. However, it is not worth growing it in complete darkness. If you keep it on the windowsill, then an excellent option is the east or west side. In summer, it is better to increase the daylight hours for cyperus, so that it gives new shoots and enhances its growth. In winter, you can extend the daylight hours with a special lamp.


Since cyperus grows in nature in swampy, very humid places, it is obvious that at home, it requires a lot of moisture. If it is not enough, the leaves and stems turn yellow immediately, dry up, and the plant may die. It is not necessary to be afraid of root decay; you just need to remember that its soil must be constantly moist. Watering should be carried out daily. You can even pour water into the pan, but it must be very deep. In winter, you can water less often, but still regularly monitor the moisture of the soil.

Note! If the room temperature is too low, the roots can still rot. To avoid this, simply draining the water from the sump regularly is enough.


Spraying in the summer is carried out regularly with room temperature water. Do not do this during the day when the bright sun shines, otherwise the plant may get burned. In winter, you need to spray the plant much less often, once a week is enough.


High humidity is an ideal condition for cyperus. He will feel comfortable even at 75% humidity. But not all indoor plants can live normally in such conditions, therefore, the choice of flowers that will be nearby should be approached especially carefully. This humidity level is easily provided with a conventional household humidifier or atomizer.

You can also regularly arrange a flower for a warm shower. This procedure is to his taste. Do not place it near the batteries, as they drain the air pretty much.


The flower is not too demanding on the composition and nutritional properties of the soil. You can make it yourself from a mixture of peat, turf, humus and sand (1: 1: 1: 1). It is good if it is possible to add dry marsh grass and river sludge to it. This will ensure air permeability and avoid stagnation of excess moisture. On top of this raw material, you can put a layer of river sand or expanded clay. Suitable and shop soil for hygrophilous plants with low acidity.

Top dressing

The vegetative period of cyperus lasts from the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn. At this time, the plant is especially responsive to feeding. Special store-bought fertilizers for non-flowering plants are best suited. Top dressing needs to be done 2-3 times a month. If in winter the growth period does not stop, then the plant continues to feed, but less than once a month. If the plant has entered a dormant period (which is rare), then it does not need top dressing.

Important! For young plants, it is necessary to halve the doses indicated on the manufacturers' packaging.

When and how it blooms

Swamp palm - a flowering plant that blossoms buds regularly. But the flowers are inconspicuous, they do not give much beauty, the plant is not grown because of them, but because of the decorative leaves. Shades of flowers: pale green, brownish, beige.

Blooming cyperus

Types of flowers

Plant flowers are inconspicuous, can be solitary or most often form inflorescences of a rosette. They do not give special decorativeness to the plant. The flowers are bisexual, pollinated with the help of wind, therefore they have no perianth.

Flower shapes

The shape of the flowers is small spikelets, mainly gathering all together. After flowering, brown fruits are formed in the form of a box or, less commonly, an ear.

Flowering period

The flowering period most often occurs in June-July, but some species bloom from early summer to mid-September.

Changes in flowering care

During the flowering period of cyperus, top dressing should be done a little more often, but you need to make the solution less concentrated. It is also important to remove it from direct sunlight, but do not overshadow it.


Frequent pruning is not recommended for this plant, as it will help slow its growth. Only leaves that have been sick or have already wilted need it.

Note! If the variegated variety suddenly turns green, then this also needs to be prevented by removing the stems with green foliage. If pruning has to be carried out during flowering, then it is necessary to remove all the flowers.

Reproduction of Cyperus

Tsiperus can multiply in different ways: seed, cuttings, rosettes, using a tuber or dividing the bush. The choice depends on the capabilities of the grower, his experience and the availability of the necessary planting material.

Seed germination

Why is it important to know how to propagate cyperus with seeds? Because this method is often the only one possible for those who want to grow this unusual flower for the first time. But this is the most laborious way. First you need to treat the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then dry. In a container with a wet mixture of peat and sand (in equal amounts) put the seeds without deepening them. Top with a film or glass, put in a warm, well-lit place, periodically moisten from the spray gun and ventilate. You can transplant only after the appearance of 4-5 of these leaves.

Seed germination

Rooting cuttings

Cuttings can be made in spring by cutting off the top of the plant under the last whorl node. Trim each sheet, leaving only a third of the length. Lay the sheets down in a vessel with moist sand and put them in a warm place with good lighting. Most likely, the stalk itself will die, but young shoots will certainly appear. A month after the germination of new bushes, they can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Note! You can use water instead of sand. In this case, planting in a separate pot is made when sufficiently long roots appear.

Leaf sockets

In adult cyperus, deciduous sockets develop young, new ones that can be cut and transplanted. They should be placed in warm, moist sand and pressed with something not too heavy. When the plant has new roots, the processes can be transplanted into a substrate for adult plants.

Important! The outlet can not be removed from the adult bush, but simply bend the stem to the soil, if there is enough space, and squeeze something. The roots of the young plant will not make you wait long for its appearance.

Tuber propagation

When transplanting an adult plant, part of the tubers can be separated and rooted. They will take root right away. This will help rejuvenate the mother plant.

Bush division

When transplanting an adult plant, you can also cut off part of the bush with a sharp, well-sanitized knife. The places of cuts must be treated with crushed charcoal. New bushes should be planted in a substrate suitable for cyperus, watered abundantly and kept in a warm, bright place.


The plant can be transplanted at any time of the year, since cyperus practically does not know the rest period. Most often, it is transplanted as the soil is depleted or as it grows into a pot. But to preserve the decorative properties and more active growth and development of the plant, it is better to transplant annually. When transplanting, you should choose a pot whose size is slightly larger than the previous one. If there are damaged roots, they should be removed.

Possible problems in growing

Despite its unpretentiousness, cyperus may lose its external attractiveness. This is most often caused by improper care or the manifestation of certain diseases. This must be carefully monitored so that the plant does not die.

Cyperus leaves are soft and brown.

This suggests that cyperus is grown in uncomfortable conditions for it: low temperature, stagnant in pallets, spoiled, water, too dry air or burns from sunlight. When eliminating these problems, the plant will come to life again, however, damaged stems should be pruned.

Important! At low temperatures, the leaves may also begin to turn yellow. Comfortable conditions will help prevent this.

Leaves turn pale

Most likely, this problem appeared due to insufficient lighting. In winter, additional illumination is necessary with special lamps that shine, but do not warm. In summer, it is worth moving the flower to a brighter place.

The tips of the leaves have dried, turned brown

This is due to too dry indoor air. You must always remember that it is worth spraying this type of sedge regularly. Humidifiers and cover batteries with wet towels will help (but it’s better to remove the flower away from the batteries). In any case, humidity must be urgently raised.

Rotting roots

The reason for this is most often too low temperature and too cold water in the pan. The way out is to transfer the plant to a warmer place. You also need to remove it from the pot and carefully examine the roots.If they softened and turned brown, the flower can no longer be saved. If there are healthy roots, you need to trim and sanitize the rest by transplanting into new soil and a pot. The plant must be watered with the addition of any fungicide, for example, phytosporin. This will help him recover.

Tsiperus is an incredibly beautiful plant, absolutely unpretentious and does not require special conditions of detention. It is believed that it is not only a decoration of the house, but also able to cleanse it of negative energy, and also helps moisturize the air. The plant is certainly worth planting in every home.
