Rosa Caramella


Rosa Caramellla was bred at the beginning of the XXI century in a nursery in Germany. Refers to scrubs, this is a class of international garden classification. Its other name is modern park roses or shrubs. Caramella is a semi-climbing plant, perfect for landscaping.

Rosa Caramella is popular among flower growers due to her stamina and discreet beauty. She will transform any garden plot and will not require much time for maintenance. Caramella refers to nostalgic roses, looks like artificially aged. The name is consonant with the carom rose, but its buds are distinguished by a bright orange color.

Rosa Caramella

Short description

Rose buds are caramel colored; they can be amber yellow or pastel. Orange strokes are visible on them. The diameter of the flower does not exceed 10 centimeters. Up to three goblet-shaped buds may appear on each stem. The bush turns out to be about 120 centimeters.

The leaves are large, dark green, smooth. They set off the delicate color of the buds. During flowering, a delicate pleasant aroma with fruity notes appears.

Rosa Caramella is unpretentious in nature, adapts to any weather conditions. The plant survives both in frost and in the hot season, is resistant to dampness. Therefore, the rose rarely suffers from fungal diseases. In the rainy season, you should not risk it and it is better to carry out preventive treatment of leaves with special solutions.

Note! Rosa Caramella is characterized by thick and dense shoots. Bend them to the ground will not work. Therefore, in order to protect the plant from frost, it is necessary to construct a structure using a frame.

Use in landscape design

Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety

Rosa Caramel refers to groundcover roses or border. Therefore, it is used to decorate lawns. Due to the compact size of the shrub, it can be planted in flowerpots.

An excellent use case is the design of the rockery. This is an element of landscape design in the form of mountains created from stones and plants.

You can plant a rose singly, in groups or together with other plants. Compositions combining several colors will decorate any lawn.

Caramel in the garden

Outdoor flower cultivation

The plant perfectly takes root in the gardens of the middle lane. Due to its unpretentious nature, it pleases with flowering from two to four times a year.

Planting a plant

Rose Louise Odier - what kind of varietal culture is this

Planting begins with a selection of seedlings. Annual plants are best.

Simple tips will help with the selection:

  • the bark on the seedlings should be formed, firm and without wrinkles;
  • with dry roots, it is recommended to keep them in cool water for a day.

The best time to land

Landing begins in the spring, the best time for this is the end of April or the beginning of May. You can postpone the process until the fall, but keep in mind that if the plant does not take root, it will die.

Preparation for landing

For planting seedlings must be prepared. To do this, a day before the planned date they are placed in a solution that stimulates root growth. For example, heteroauxin is widely used. If the seedling has long roots, or they are damaged, it is recommended to shorten them. Only healthy wood should remain. The soil should be medium acid, breathable, light.

Location selection

Rosa loves the sun, but all day to be under bright rays is harmful to the plant. It is better that in the afternoon the bush was in partial shade.

Landing procedure

Planting a prepared seedling occurs as follows:

  • Dig a hole about 60 centimeters deep;
  • A drainage of about 10 centimeters is laid at the bottom, gravel, gravel, pebbles are most often used;
  • Fertilize, manure or compost;
  • Garden soil is poured to a height of about 10 centimeters;
  • The sapling is set in the center of the pit, the roots are straightened, they are covered with soil from above. In this case, it is important that the site of vaccination or the root neck deepens to a distance of about 5 centimeters;
  • The soil is slightly tamped, the plant is watered abundantly.

Additional Information. Garden plants are vaccinated to give them the properties of other representatives of the flora. For example, roses interact with rose hips. Due to this, they become less whimsical and more frost-resistant.


The root neck is the place where the root goes into the trunk or stem. It is important not to deepen it much, otherwise the liquid may stagnate during watering, which will lead to decay of the root system.

Plant care

Rose climbing Caramella does not require much attention, care does not take much time. The main thing is to follow simple rules, then the plant will delight with abundant flowering several times a year.

Watering and humidity

Caramella is a drought tolerant flower. When it is warm and hot outside, watering is increased up to 2 times a week. In this case, take about 15 liters of water per bush.

Note! It is important that it is not cold. In August, watering is reduced, in September it is completely abandoned.

Fertilizing and soil

The plant loves fertile soils, also an important condition is breathability.

If there is a lot of clay in the soil, then you can improve it by adding:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Conversely, if the soil is too light, it is bad for the plant. Sand quickly passes water, not allowing it to linger. In addition, during the heat, such soil is heated, which is harmful to the bush. To this soil, clay soil with humus and turf should be added. It should also be borne in mind that the plant prefers a slightly acidic environment.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning is carried out in the spring after the appearance of the kidneys.

She may be:

  • Strong. There are no more than 4 buds left on the shoots. Her goal is to rejuvenate the rose bush;
  • Average. It is carried out in order to bring the moment of flowering closer and to add splendor to the bush. On branches there should be about 6 buds;
  • Weak It is carried out in the summer to remove the dead parts of the plant.

Note! If necessary, the rose is transplanted in spring or early autumn, carefully digging out so as not to damage the roots. The earthball is not destroyed, they are moved to a new hole.

Wintering flower

In winter, roses are sheltered to protect against severe frosts. The flower will survive the temperature up to minus 7 degrees without additional help. When cooling, you need to huddle the earth at the roots of the shrub, trim it and prepare covering material. Usually they use spruce branches for this. A structure is constructed above the shrubbery, making a frame, a heater is placed on it, which is covered with a film.

Wintering option

Care during and after flowering

If you properly care for the rose, creating comfortable conditions, it will bloom throughout the summer. Soft yellow flowers look spectacular against a dark green background of foliage.

Wilted flowers are removed from the plant, just like other dead parts. The buds continue to be removed until the end of July. Then, before the onset of dormancy, a couple of flowers are left. You do not need to cut them, thanks to them, you will get abundant flowering next season. After its completion, feeding is stopped, and watering is reduced. It is not necessary to moisten the soil in autumn.

Periods of activity and rest

With the onset of spring, active growth of the shrub begins, requiring the resumption of watering and fertilizing. At this time, the flower is fed with nitrogen-containing mixtures. In summer, the flowering period begins, then fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus are applied. Comfortable conditions, timely watering and pruning will help extend the colorful period. In winter, the plant is at rest, building up strength before spring awakening.

Why the rose does not bloom

In the first year, roses usually do not bloom. It is not necessary to be upset about this - it is a natural process that does not mean poor care.

Note! Incorrect location may result in lack of buds. Perhaps the shrub is in the shade and lacks the sun. Or the plant does not have enough organic fertilizers, the introduction of which is a mandatory point of care.

Incorrect pruning, when many healthy buds are removed in order to form a compact bush, can also affect flowering. In addition, the rose may suffer from fungal diseases and parasites. Although Caramella is resistant to such phenomena, it is necessary to control its condition.

Blooming Caramella

Flower propagation

Rose Prince (The Prince)

Propagate the rose to Caramella exclusively by cuttings. Other methods will result in the loss of variety characteristics.

Cuttings are prepared in the summer, pruning the shoots after the first flowering. Usually this is the beginning of July.

Reproduction of the shrub is accompanied by the following actions:

  • From prepared cuttings, only the lower and middle parts should be left. There should be 2 sheets, one of which is at the top;
  • The shoot base should be treated with a root growth stimulator and deepened into the ground. Enough 3 centimeters. The distance between the seedlings should be about 5 centimeters;
  • Cover the cuttings, creating a greenhouse effect;
  • Water and spray every three days, keep in partial shade.

If the roses are rooted, transplanted in open ground, otherwise leave in a container that can be buried in the ground.

Diseases and Pests

Note! Rose caramel crab is resistant to diseases and pests. To avoid infection of the plant, it is necessary to ensure air circulation and avoid planting in the lowlands.

In rainy and wet weather, it is better to treat the leaves of the plant with antifungal agents. Prevention of the bush does not hurt. If powdery mildew or violent spots suddenly appears, a soap solution will help to cope with them.

Caramella, or, as it is affectionately called by flower growers, the Caramel rose, is an unpretentious plant that will become an adornment of any garden. She effectively looks both alone and in combination with other representatives of the flora. Proper care will allow the plant to bloom throughout the summer.


Watch the video: A caramella (September 2024).