Dracaena - types of Marginata, Deremskaya, Fragrans, Massangeana


Dracaena is a plant that invariably attracts gardeners with its decorative and easy care. There are many varieties of this interesting flower, but not all of them are intended for growing at home. Species specially bred for the home have a long life and good immunity to diseases, pests, parasites.

Types of dracaena for indoor breeding

Dracaena is a plant with a thickened tree trunk belonging to the Asparagus family. Sometimes it is incorrectly called a palm tree or shrub of a broken heart, because the leaves often have a heart-shaped shape. In total, about 140 flower varieties are known in the wild.

Dracaena - an interesting and beautiful plant

The most popular among domestic lovers of indoor plants are some of them. Dracaena species are the most common:

  • Compact;
  • Marginata;
  • Bamboo
  • Malayan;
  • Kanzi

Recently, Surculose and Lemon Lime have been added to them, as well as dracaena Mix and Magent. They can be freely purchased at any decorative plant store. In the West, lovers of indoor floriculture often acquire Sanderian dracaena, in Russia this species is quite rare.

All varieties love soil with a large amount of nutrients and high-quality soil drainage, therefore the most important care measures are top dressing and timely loosening of the earth. During a period of intensive growth, the flower needs a large amount of potassium and phosphorus.


You can recognize this variety by the following description:

  • A powerful, uncovered trunk;
  • Elongated, vertically elongated feathery leaves of light green color with red edges;
  • The average length of foliage can reach 70 cm;
  • Spreading crown.

Dracaena marginata home care is, first of all, abundant soil moisture. Also Marginata dracaena home care is an active prevention of diseases and pests (this species is characterized by weak immunity). To form the crown, it is necessary to regularly trim, otherwise the plant will lose its spectacular appearance. In some species, leaves may have whitish or golden edges. The plant is often used in interior design, it will be a wonderful decoration for the office or lounge.



Dracaena deremskaya - one of the most beautiful species. At the same time, she is the most moody. Few people know how dracaena blooms (it can be seen quite rarely and only if all conditions of care are met). This species has a thick trunk, from which leaves, in shape resembling a lancet, extend in different directions. On the upper side of the leaves you can see pale yellow or white stripes running along the entire surface.

At home, flowering is a fairly rare occurrence. However, in the wild, this variety of dracaena has small spike-shaped inflorescences of red or cinnabar shade. For growing a house, experts recommend choosing a subspecies of Janet Craig, it is the most unpretentious and easily adapts to changing conditions. The height of an adult plant is not more than 1 meter, the leaves cascade down.

Interesting. In the absence of pruning, the height of an adult plant can reach 1.6-1.7 m. Flowers, despite their spectacular appearance, have a repulsive smell.



Fragrance dracaena has an interesting leaf color. You can recognize it by the following distinguishing features:

  • Short thick trunk;
  • Dark green oval leaves, tips bent;
  • The leaves are covered with white, yellow, light gray spots and specks in a chaotic manner;
  • The length of each leaf can reach 65 cm.

This variety got its name due to the fact that fragrant flowers in the form of pompons emit a pleasant delicate aroma. However, at home they rarely appear. The continent of origin of the species is Africa. To wait for flowering in a city apartment, a flower needs good lighting and enhanced top dressing.



Massangeana dracaena has an unusual leaf shape. They are expanded at the base and bend down at the ends. In the middle of the light green leaf there is a bright yellow stripe, which makes the plant very beautiful. This variety is often found in urban apartments.

The main requirements for care are high air humidity and temperature, the absence of drafts, and plentiful watering. Grow should be on a well-lit window. However, direct sunlight can burn the leaves, so in hot summer it is necessary to artificially create partial shade. In the warm season, dracaena can be safely taken out onto a loggia or balcony, but if there is a threat of cooling, the flower is immediately removed to the room.



The compact dracaena is a small bush that grows slowly in height. The main distinguishing features of the species:

  • Long thin trunk;
  • Leaves collected in a tight bunch, dark green, without spots and stripes;
  • The height of an adult specimen can reach 2 m in nature and 1.5 m in a city apartment;
  • The surface of the leaves is glossy, smooth, pleasant to the touch.


This flower loves to take a shower. It is necessary to alternate abundant watering with spraying with water at room temperature. Spraying will help remove dust, dirt and pests (parasites) from the leaves. The flower is afraid of drafts and cold, loves top dressing with complex fertilizers for indoor flowers.


This species stands out against other varieties of unusually colorful leaves. Dark green leaves are covered with a whole network of stripes and specks of all shades of green, yellow, gray. Godsefa dracaena is demanding on soil composition and frequent top dressing. The root system is powerful, develops intensively, so it is recommended to carry out a transplant often.


A long stay of a flower in an insufficiently spacious pot can significantly slow down its growth and development. This species has useful properties (a mask with leaf juice helps strengthen weak and colored hair).


The bamboo dracaena got its name for the visual similarity of the stem with a bamboo shoot. You can recognize this type by the following characteristics:

  • Bared long thin stalk, expanded at the bottom;
  • Large leaves in the form of a lancet with bicolor color (light green and yellow), diverging in different directions from the apex;
  • Glossy smooth surface of leaves;
  • The height of the trunk in an adult is up to 1 meter.


Interesting. This variety grows well not only on land, but also in water. Bamboo dracaena is often used in pet stores to design aquariums. Flowering occurs once during the life cycle and ends with the death of the plant. The flowers are white in color, similar to fluffy pompons.

Lemon Lime

Lemon Lyme Dracaena is so called because of the pale yellow veins and patterns on the leaves. Sometimes this broadleaf species is simply called "Lime". Leaves extending from the trunk in different directions resemble arrows in shape. The main disadvantage of this species is the rapid decay of the root with excessive soil moisture. Also, leaves are sometimes affected by viral and bacterial infections. For the prevention of diseases, frequent loosening of the soil and good drainage are recommended. You should also protect the plant from drafts and take it to another room for the duration of ventilation. To prevent the flower from suffering from dry air, you can put a pan on the windowsill filled with water at room temperature to evaporate moisture.

Lemon Lime

Interesting. This variety is the smallest, therefore it is convenient to grow it on small window sills. A small compact bush is well suited for a small apartment.


The official scientific name for the variety is Fragrance Malayka. Despite the name, the flower in vivo does not grow in Malaysia, but in Central Africa. The main advantage of the species is that it grows and develops well in any conditions: in a dry, arid climate, and in high humidity. The main thing is that watering be moderate. The main distinguishing features:

  • Elongated oval leaves collected in a tight outlet;
  • Shortened powerful trunk, completely woody;
  • Light green leaves with whitish edges and a bright yellow stripe in the middle;
  • The edges of the leaves may bend up or down, depending on the subspecies.

With proper care, the plant lives a long time. The ideal arrangement of the pot with dracaena is on a window facing south or southeast. The flower tolerates partial shade. Complex fertilizers in liquid form are recommended for top dressing. Spraying the leaves can be carried out at any time of the year: both in winter and in summer. Malaya grows well in group plantings: 3-5 plants in one pot. The flower is often used to decorate the interior, it can be seen in the kitchen, in the living room, in the office.



This is one of the most unpretentious varieties of dracaena. Also, Malaya dracaena is interesting in that it easily tolerates temperature changes and is not afraid of drafts.


Surculose dracaena has a tall stem, like a small tree, and thin leaves. This variety visually resembles Dracaena Janet Craig. The leaves are collected in a tight bunch, oriented clearly up, like wide arrows (they look like someone bent them up). The trunk is powerful, covered with bark, but as the flower ages, it can be exposed. It’s easy to take care of.

At home, it practically does not bloom. He likes plentiful watering and high temperature in the room, tolerates partial shade. Leaves are sensitive to direct sunlight and often get burns. The flower needs frequent fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. During the period of physiological rest, watering is minimized. Flowering at home is an extremely rare phenomenon. The homeland of this species is South Africa. In Russia, the species is not very common.



Which type of dracaena to choose depends on the grower. Any dracaena brings joy to the bright coloring of the crown. The advantage of the plant is that poisonous species are very rare. However, when growing a house, it should be borne in mind that all species are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, they are afraid of wind and drafts. In the absence of regular feeding, the development of dracaena can slow down significantly. The same effect is exerted by insufficient soil moisture during the hot season.


Watch the video: Dracaena Plant Care 101. Dragon Tree and Corn Plant (October 2024).