Brovallia flower: home care and methods of reproduction


Brovallia flower is not the most frequent resident of Russian gardens and window sills. However, in many countries its popularity among gardeners is very high. Most often, browll flowers are grown as indoor plants, but, if climatic conditions allow, the culture will be no less comfortable in the open ground.

Main types

Brovallia belongs to the Solanaceae family, but, unlike its relatives, such as potatoes and tomatoes, it is not used in cooking.

The birthplace of the plant is South America.

There are five main varieties in the genus brovallia:

  • Beautiful;
  • American (pubescent);
  • Sticky;
  • Blue Bell;
  • Silver bell.

Brovallia is a very beautiful flower

Brovallia is beautiful

The height of Brovallia, beautiful in the wild, can reach one and a half meters. On the windowsills of apartment buildings, the plant usually grows to 35 cm. The shrub branches perfectly, does not require pruning to form a beautiful silhouette and blooms very plentifully. Flowers have a purple or blue tint.

American brovallia

This indoor annual plant contains small flowers that have a predominantly purple, sometimes blue hue. The leaves have a dark green, very expressive color. Flowering continues from mid-summer until late autumn.

Sticky browllia

Artificially grown sticky browllia is not the most common variety. The epithet "sticky" in the name she received for the stems covered with sticky fluid. The flowers of the plant are small, dark blue or white.

Browallia Blue Bell

For Brovalya Blue Bell is characterized by unpretentiousness in leaving. Due to this, the variety is often grown in residential conditions than the rest. The bush has a spherical shape and grows in height to an average of 30-35 cm. Already three months after sowing in the soil, the variety begins to bloom with flowers painted in different shades of blue. The variety is hybrid.

Browllia Silver Bell

Another popular hybrid variety, Silver Bell Browllia, has a five-pointed star shape. Their size is 3 cm in diameter, white petals. Silver Bell flower Browllia leaves have a deep dark green color. On average, they grow to six cm.

Brovallia Silver Bell looks very festive

This variety is often grown as an annual on flowerbeds and flowerpots on the street.

Home Care

In order to successfully implement browlia, growing from seeds at home, the culture should ensure proper care.


Catharanthus flower: home care and methods of reproduction

Browia from seeds at home will grow only if the plant is provided with enough light.

Important! Despite the fact that the flower loves illuminated places, it does not tolerate direct sunlight.


If possible, it is recommended to place the pot with the plant at the window facing the east side.


Despite its tropical roots, browllia indoor flower does not like too high a temperature. If you do not pay attention to the temperature regime in which the plant will be kept, you can forget about how the flowers of the crop look.

The most comfortable flower of browia when leaving and breeding feels at +20 degrees in the summer and at +15 degrees in the winter. In cool conditions, the plant inevitably slows down its growth, but its life span is somewhat extended.

Watering and humidity

A flower, regardless of the variety, does not tolerate dry air, therefore it is unacceptable to keep it indoors without additional spraying. Moisturize the plant daily.

Important! When spraying brovallia during the flowering period, in no case should water get on the petals, otherwise brown spots will appear on them.

Water the plant should be regular, but not too plentiful. Neither dry soil in the pot nor the accumulation of excess moisture in it should be allowed.

The soil

To grow browllia at room conditions, it is easiest to purchase universal soil. If the plant is planned to be planted not in the house on the windowsill, but in the open ground, the substrate can be prepared by mixing in equal proportions the turf land, sheet soil and sand.

Planting a flower in an overly moistened and oversaturated soil is not recommended. In this case, even if you take care of the plant correctly, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wait for the flowering - only the verdure will actively develop.

Important! The best option for planting a flower is a well-drained garden soil with an average fertility rate.

Planting seedlings should be at a distance of at least 30 and no more than 35 cm from each other - only in this case it will be possible to form a border without bald spots. If there is a need to delimit shrubs a little, the distance between the bushes can be increased to 40-45 cm.

Diseases and Pests

In general, browllium has good immunity to most diseases. But when growing a plant in an excessively humid environment or at too high a temperature, the development of signs of powdery mildew is highly likely. If you find a grayish coating on the shoots and leaves, you should immediately treat the flower with fungicides. It is better to initially observe the rules of care and provide the crop with optimal conditions for growth.

As for harmful insects, a spider mite, aphid and scale insect are especially dangerous for a house flower. It is most effective to deal with them with the help of insecticides and spraying (washing) with a solution of laundry soap.

Interesting. If the flower is grown in close proximity to plants with a specific smell (for example, geranium), the likelihood of pests will be significantly reduced.

Breeding methods

Bouvardia flower: home care and methods of reproduction

Browllia can be grown from seeds or cuttings.

Most often browllia is grown from seeds


The step-by-step process of propagating a crop by seeds is approximately as follows:

  1. A cloth is soaked in a growth stimulator and seeds are placed in it.
  2. Leave planting material for a couple of days in a warm room.
  3. Dry the seeds to flowability.
  4. Planting material is sown in a pre-prepared container.
  5. The container is covered with plastic wrap and try not to open unnecessarily.
  6. Twice a week air the crops under the film.
  7. After emergence, the film is removed.
  8. Water the plants through the pan.
  9. Upon the formation of several leaves, seedlings are transplanted in different pots.
  10. After the seedlings grow, pinch the tops above the sixth leaf to increase the bushiness.
  11. In the spring (optimally in mid-May), they are transplanted into a permanent pot or open ground.


Propagation of the culture with the help of cuttings has one definite advantage - cuttings are allowed to be cut throughout the growing season. The description of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Stems without buds are chosen, giving preference to the upper parts of the trunk, because they are easier to root.
  2. Remove the foliage from the cuttings.
  3. They cut the cuttings into the ground to a depth of 2 to 3 cm.
  4. They process planting material with a growth simulator.
  5. To preserve moisture, the container is covered with polyethylene.
  6. After the shoots take root, they are transplanted to a permanent place and pinched.

Important! When germinating cuttings, it is very important that they do not touch each other.

Plant poison

Lantana flower: home care and methods of reproduction

Having decided to plant a browll in the apartment, one should not forget for a second that this flower is poisonous. Without exception, all parts of the plant contain a toxic substance that has a negative effect on the human body when ingested or on the mucous membrane.

Grow browllia under the force of not even the most experienced florist


This does not mean that you should refuse to breed a beautiful flower at home. You just need to be very careful when interacting with the plant. If the apartment has children or pets, the pot of culture should be placed in a place where there will be no access to it.

The plant should be looked after with rubber gloves and should not be allowed to get into the eyes and unhealed wounds of the juice when pruning and transplanting. If, as a result of negligence, the poisonous substance nevertheless enters the skin, it is necessary to immediately rinse the body area under running water.

Most often, browllia is grown in pots, not in open ground.


Keeping safety, it is easy to avoid any problems associated with breeding brovale, and enjoy its incredibly beautiful flowering appearance.


Watch the video: Asexual and Sexual Reproduction (September 2024).