Diseases of roses - treatment and pest control


Roses are the decoration of any garden, but diseases and pests adversely affect their growth and flowering. If measures are not taken in time, the plants may die.

Diseases of roses: how to cure them

Like any cultivated plant, garden roses are susceptible to disease. Suffer from the negative effects of pests. But take it for granted is not worth it. Danger arises when a flower falls into adverse conditions. It could be bad weather. But, as a rule, a complex of factors is of decisive importance.

The main pests:

  • weevils;
  • bronze;
  • scoop;
  • nut grower and others.

Roses as a decoration for a summer cottage

A sharp increase in temperature outside causes pests to breed. High humidity of the environment provokes the development of fungal diseases.

If you choose the wrong place for planting, there will be such diseases of roses and their treatment will be required immediately:

  • Gray rot. In wet weather, it quickly spreads to roses. And in view of the dense planting, there is so little space between the flowers that the moisture does not have time to evaporate. The earth dries for a long time after a rainfall.
  • Black spotting. It occurs in damp and cool weather, when the foliage does not dry out for a long time.
  • Powdery mildew prefers heat. It is characteristic of plants growing in the southern parts of the garden.

The most common causes, varieties and description of diseases

Gladiolus Disease - Pest Control

There are many diseases of roses and they are all treated differently. To protect the plant and prevent its death, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of what is happening. It is worth considering the common diseases and pests of roses, why they appear and how to treat them.


If white plaque appears on young foliage, shoots and even buds, then it is necessary to fight powdery mildew. Leaves are getting thicker. Curvature appears.

Powdery mildew (cercosporosis) - mycelium, spore-bearing fungi. The main cause of the disease is considered to be an excess of nitrogen and a lack of calcium in the soil. The earth is constantly drying up. Sandy and cold gray varieties of soil are affected.

Powdery mildew appears as white spots on rose leaves

Important! Most often, tea and hybrid tea varieties of roses suffer from the disease.

Cytosporosis refers to fungal diseases that cause the drying of individual branches and the complete death of the flower. It attacks bushes that have weakened after freezing, drought, sunburn, improper and untimely pruning.

Cytosporosis can lead to the death of a bush

To protect the plant, it is recommended to protect it from mechanical and other types of damage. Increase the vitality of roses. Fertilize the soil, ensure proper watering, timely pruning, protect from wind and frost. Parts of the plant with signs of disease are cut with a capture of 50 mm.

White spotting (septoria) is a fungal disease that affects cultivated, ornamental and wild vegetation. At first dark orange, brown spots appear small. Then a color change occurs. They become bright in the center. The contours remain dark.

Interesting! If you look at the veins and structure of the diseased leaflet under a microscope, you can see small elevations. Accumulations of fungal spores.

The best way to deal with the disease is preventive measures. It is recommended that residual vegetation be collected and disposed of. Promptly remove affected foliage. Perform prophylactic treatment of the bush with preparations from fungal infections, which allows to increase the plant's protection against septoria.

Rust roses

It turns out that roses can rust. Rust is a fungal disease that can be brought into the garden in many ways. Often, it comes with new planting material. Climbing varieties of roses are more susceptible. It is found in heavy and moist soils.

Different plants can get sick. Rusty dots appear on the back side of the foliage. Over time, they turn black. Shoots give in to curvature. Foliage turns yellow and falls. Rose ceases to bloom. If treatment measures are not taken in time, the bush will die. Infection will spread throughout the garden.

Rust appears as small brown spots on the back of the foliage

Root rot

Rot is a fungal lesion that manifests itself in prolonged rainy weather. Dampness and lowering of air temperature causes the appearance of small black spots on the lower part of the stem. Characterized by rapid spread throughout the plant. Leaves turn yellow. Covered with plaque.

How and how to treat black spots on roses:

  1. Having seen the first signs of root rot, it is recommended to remove the damaged parts of the plant.
  2. To treat the rose with special products containing mancozeb and triazole. The first week, drugs with mancozeb are used, and the second with triazole. Spraying is performed in the evening, to exclude the presence of dew on the foliage.

Gray rot (mold) on roses or botritis is a fungal disease that affects the plant from top to bottom. It is carried by gusts of wind, rainfall, animals, insects and birds.

Gray rot only affects damaged plant tissue

Important! A distinctive feature of the disease is that mold appears only on damaged and weakened areas of the bush.


Bacterial cancer is a growth on the root neck and roots of a bush. They can reach 30 mm in diameter. It is worth familiarizing with what to do if roses are ill with such a disease.

Decaying, the growth changes color from gray to brown. Less commonly, lesions relate to the aerial part of the rose, stems and branches. Tuberous nodules and tumors appear.

Bacterial cancer in rose bushes is presented in the form of growths, nodules and tumors.

The disease actively develops in a humid environment, excessive dung fertilizer.

In the process of transplantation, roots damaged by bacteria are removed, growths are cut off. The root system is immersed in a one percent solution of copper sulfate. After 5 minutes, the flower is removed. The roots are washed in water. Dip clay-sand composition.


Viruses are parasites that cannot multiply without a host cell. Once in the structure of the plant, they finally hit him. The cells are doomed. There is no salvation. It is impossible to remove the virus. Rose will die with him. As an option, pruning diseased shoots. If the virus has not spread throughout the bush, there is a chance to save it. In other cases, it is important to destroy and dispose of the diseased plant in order to prevent further spread of the disease.

Mosaic of roses is a viral disease, the signs of which appear after heat stress, drought. Sometimes manifestations are not visible at all.

Exact determination of the virus is possible only after examination of the material under a microscope. The main diagnostic technique: examination and comparison of signs.

For the mosaic of the nature of the symptomatology: drawings and spots of an indefinite shape, wavy lines on the foliage

Necrosis of the cortex

Disease of woody vegetation, including coniferous, caused by fungi. It differs in the locality of the dying off of the bark of the stems and branches of the rose. Lesions are characterized by an elongated shape. They differ in shape from a healthy plant. Specific formations may appear in the form of stroma or sporulation.

Medicines for roses: purchased and folk remedies

Pests and diseases of Chlorophytum - causes and struggle

Fungicides are substances of chemical or biological origin that can heal a plant from fungal infections. Depending on the chemical properties are divided into:

  • organic
  • inorganic.

The advantage of the first option is that they decompose and do not contain metals. A solution for spraying is done simply: the drug is added to water in the right amount. According to the instructions for use.

There are many folk remedies that allow you to cure roses without chemistry. Infusions of mullein, wood ash, baking soda, soap, potassium permanganate, whey, garlic and much more help. Various recipes will help fight insects. The nature of the action is determined by the diseases and pests of roses.

Pest control

Gooseberry diseases and their treatment

In the garden, many pests can be bred in the form of insects, which, by hitting plants, lead to their illness and death. To save vegetation, it is recommended to take measures to destroy them in time.

Green aphid

It attacks the rose bushes and rose hips. Appears in open ground and in pots. The pest is large. Green color.

In the spring, after wintering, larvae emerge from the eggs. These are females without wings. Only the next offspring will be winged. It can fly to other plants, forming new colonies.

Young shoots and buds are often amazed. Shoots become crooked. The buds do not open at all.

Green aphids infect shoots and buds of climbing roses, preventing the latter from blooming

To cure and protect the plant from the pest, it is recommended to buy special chemicals. If necessary, the bush is processed after half a month until the aphids disappear completely.

Spider mite

The insect has a small size - about 0.5 mm. Can only be seen through a magnifier. It poses a great threat to indoor and garden plants. It feeds on flower cells, drinking their juice. It causes irreparable harm to the rose.

You can get rid of insects through antiparasitic drugs:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Actofit;
  • Neoron
  • Actellik;
  • Fufanon.

The first treatment kills adults. The eggs stay. Spraying is performed for a month to destroy all pests. Watering plants is preliminarily performed.

Interesting! There are ticks, for example, demodex, which provoke human diseases. Rosacea is an inflammatory process of the skin, which is characterized by a staged course.

Rose circadian

Insect size of 3.5 mm. Oblong shape. Pale yellow or green. It feeds on the juice of living plants. Omnivore. It is difficult to get rid of a pest in view of its mobility. Sensing danger, he jumps from one bush to another.

The fight against insects is complex. In the fall, sanitary cutting of trees and bushes is performed. Fallen leaves are utilized, on which there may be larvae of the circadian. In spring, processing is carried out with special tools.

Rosanna cicadas is an omnivorous insect that feeds not only on roses

Rose sawfly and leaf cutter bee

Outwardly resemble small wasps. Danger for young roses. The pest lays eggs resembling caterpillars. You can fight them manually by collecting insects. If there are a lot of them, the treatment of bushes with insecticides is performed.

Leaf cutter bee is like a honey bee. Pests cut pieces of foliage while eating it. To get rid of them, you need to destroy flowering weeds that attract leaf cutter bees.

Beetles on roses, weevils and bronze

Weevils and bronzovka eat at night, during the day they hide. Their larvae are in the ground. They eat the root system of roses. Adults sit in the flower itself. Chemical pesticides are used to kill pests. Although beetles can be assembled by hand. They are big enough.

Nutcracker and scoop

Walnut forms bloating on the plant, reaching 50 mm. It is eliminated only by pesticides. In addition to chemical treatment, mechanical struggle is underway. Cut the diseased areas of the flower.

Scoop eats at night. More often we see only traces of her life. In the fight used insecticides.

Interesting! All modern plants can be found in the identifier atlas. This is a unique book that allows you to reveal basic information about the flora of our planet.

Do not be afraid of diseases and insects that affect roses. It is important to see the problem in time and take measures to eliminate it.


Watch the video: Black Spot Rose Disease Treatment. Die Black - Save Rose Plant (October 2024).