Green midges on roses - how to deal with pests


Green midges on roses are a frequent occurrence. The appearance of uninvited guests on beautiful succulent buds will upset any gardener, especially since the damage from such a midges flower can be inflicted large, until the plant withers completely. If small green insects appeared on a rose, measures to expel them should be immediate. The traditional methods of control are applicable - spraying with chemical preparations and alternative methods, more sparing for the flower.

Green midges on roses - what are these pests

In April, roses begin to wake up from hibernation and actively develop. Small green midges awaken with them. Aphids are a fatal insect for roses, carnations and fuchsias.

Green aphid is a malicious pest of roses

What are these insects

It is not difficult to understand that the rose has become the subject of aphid attacks - buds, leaves and branches are dotted with hundreds of small green insects. The length of their rounded body does not exceed 2 mm. Wings are missing. They grow only in those individuals that are at the last stage of development.

Aphids exist only in a favorable environment. It affects roses in groups. Insects carry the winter period in the bark of trees and fallen leaves. With the advent of warm April days, they attack the developing juicy shoots of flowers.

Aphid is a dangerous garden pest. Getting rid of her is quite difficult. The number of midges is growing rapidly, because once every 14 days, one female produces more than 150 new insects. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, their large numbers can lead to the death of all colors.

The appearance of green midges

Additional Information! Aphids settle on young shoots and buds, the tissue fibers of which are delicate and thin. The insect rarely attacks old, well-rooted branches.

Why are they dangerous for rose bushes

You can understand that aphid appeared on the rose by the following signs:

  • Deformation of buds and upper young shoots. It arises due to the fact that insects suck out all the juices from the plant.
  • The appearance of a brilliant liquid coating - honey dew.
  • A large number of ants on the branches is observed during the migration of aphid colonies during the laying period.
  • Thinning of the leaf apparatus, curling and yellowing of leaves.
  • Falling unopened buds.

Aphids not only spoil the appearance of plants. Green midges are dangerous because they attract other pests to rose bushes, in particular black ants. Insects are carriers of diseases that in a short period of time can lead to the destruction of rose bushes. Such diseases include a fungus, a number of viral infections, and black soot fungus. These diseases quickly spread from one bush to another.

Migrating from plant to plant, aphids infect perennial shoots with cancer, which lead to the mass death of all plantings.

Important! A black soot fungus actively propagates on liquid plaque produced by aphids. The parasite slows down the process of photosynthesis, due to which the rose stops developing and slowly fades.

Causes of aphids

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Why aphid appears on roses is not known for certain. An insect colony can migrate long distances in search of flowers with young shoots.

The reason for the active increase in the number of insects is the lack of regular preventive inspection of decorative plantings. Aphids are easiest to fight at the initial stage. Each gardener should know what to do when green beetles appeared on roses, how to deal with them in order to preserve the beauty and health of plants.

Aphid appears where its natural enemies are not - ladybugs, weevil mite and ground beetle.

Ladybug - the main enemy of aphids

Cats can appear on indoor flowers. Black and white midges on a rose arise due to the following reasons:

  • excessive soil moisture in the pot;
  • use of poor quality land with insufficient nutrients;
  • feeding plants with tea leaves instead of fertilizers, coffee or meat water.

Puppies are fatal to indoor plants. They quickly spread from flower to flower, destroying their root system.

Chemical processing of roses from aphids

Diseases of roses - treatment and pest control

Before you get rid of green beetles on roses, you need to choose the optimal strategy. Chemical preparations give a good and quick result, but it is recommended to resort to their use only if other, more gentle methods have not given the desired effect.

Many different formulations are sold in stores that will help eliminate parasites from rose bushes:

TitleDosageFrequency of use
Kinmix0.2 - 0.5 l / g. 1 bottle per 10 liters of water.Depending on the number of aphids from 1 to 2 times per season
Spark1 ml per 5 l of water.The maximum number of treatments is 2
Fitoverm500 ml of water 2 ml.3 times with an interval of 8 days
Decis5 ml of water 1 ml.No more than 2 times
Inta Vir10 l of water 1 tabletTo process bushes in the morning and in the evening. The maximum number is 3 times

Chemicals - an extreme measure, resorting to which is recommended only with a large number of aphids

Important! When using chemicals, it is necessary to observe the dosage when diluting them and not increase the frequency of use. Overuse of chemical solutions can harm the flower.

Fighting aphids on roses with folk remedies

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If green midges appeared on roses, what every gardener should know what to do with them. It is recommended to begin their elimination by proven gentle methods - solutions of natural products, soaps and other ingredients. Recommended Methods:

  • Grind laundry soap, pour a small amount of water to obtain a high concentration solution. Treat him with leaves, then rinse with water. The use of aromatic soap is strictly prohibited. Sweet aromas will attract insects even more.
  • Green tops of tomatoes are poured with boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes. Strain the broth. Spray the plant with cooled liquid in the morning and evening every 1-2 days. The procedure is carried out until aphids are completely eliminated.
  • Ash and tobacco are mixed in equal proportions (you can use each of the ingredients separately). Sprinkle a mixture of soil around the rose, pour water. Repeat in 2-3 days.
  • Pour onion peel with hot water, leave for 24 hours, strain. Use for daily spraying of roses until the aphid leaves the bushes.
  • Make a bait, placing containers with a mixture of honey and boric acid in equal amounts at a distance from roses.
  • Sprinkle the roots with lavender or mustard.
  • Grind 2-3 medium cloves of garlic without peeling. Pour a glass of water, leave to infuse for a day. To spray bushes with the prepared solution until complete disposal of aphids.

Laundry soap solution - one of the best, time-tested methods

So that the aphid expelled from the site does not return to it again, it is recommended to attract their enemies - ladybugs. They are attracted by the smells of certain plants, which are recommended to be planted:

  • dill;
  • coriander;
  • mustard;
  • tansy;
  • sweet clover;
  • calendula;
  • millennial.

Additional Information! It is necessary to spray with solutions not only those roses on which there is a pest, but also all other bushes, even if aphids were not noticed on them.

How to prevent the appearance of midges, prevention

To prevent the appearance of aphids on roses is problematic. In search of new plantations, insect colonies can cross long distances. If there are green midges on the roses on the neighboring plot, the probability that they will soon fly to fresh bushes is very high.

Help prevent the appearance of parasites of ladybugs. It is enough to plant plants on the plot that attract them, and not a single aphid dare fly into the "protected" roses.

Prevention - a way to protect the rose from wilting

It is recommended to regularly inspect the bushes for signs of aphids - twisted leaves, sluggish buds, the presence of small green midges. If even a small amount of aphids appears, you need to fight it immediately. The larger the colony will be, the harder it will be for the gardener.

In order to prevent, you can periodically spray flowers with a solution of water with laundry soap, sprinkle ash or tobacco on the ground near the bush. Carefully inspect the new bushes. The louse may be present on the leaves and buds of purchased seedlings.

If several individuals of midges were seen on a rose, they must first be removed manually, and then sprayed with a solution of the bush.

Attention! The main "breeders" of green midges are ants. All methods of exterminating green insects will give only a short-term result, if you do not exterminate all anthills on the site.

Green midge is a dangerous pest for roses, which not only spoils their appearance, but also kills a beautiful plant. It is necessary to drive out the aphid immediately after its detection using chemical means, spraying with solutions of natural ingredients. Prevention of the appearance of the parasite - regular inspection of leaves and buds.


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Bugs on Roses, the Green Way (October 2024).