Rosa Westerland (Westerland) - a description of a semi-climbing variety


Rosa Westerland is a park plant, but in areas with a mild, warm climate, gardeners grow it as a climbing plant. Proper care of the rose contributes to its lush long-term flowering and the growth of the bush to a height of 2 m.

Rosa Westerland (Westerland) - what kind of variety

Rosa Westerland Parkland was bred in 1969 by crossing the Circus and Friedrich Worlein roses. The path to the world market for a flower was a long one.

Despite the rapidly acquired love among florists, the rose received certificates and world fame only a few years after its appearance.

This flower is one of the most beautiful among other rose bushes.

Short description, characteristic

Description of Westerland roses:

  • bush height up to 2 m;
  • flower diameter - from 10 to 12 cm, bowl shape, type of grandiflora;
  • half-double petals;
  • aroma - pleasant, spreads over several meters;
  • color - the main color is salmon or orange, with pinkish, scarlet and yellow hues.

A rose blooms throughout the season.

Additional Information! The Latin name of the variety Westerland in Russia is read in different ways: for some, the rose is westernland, for the second, western land, the third write the name as westernland.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rosa Westerland (Westerland) is loved by florists for resistance to diseases and pests, it is hardy in relation to growing conditions. The flower stably tolerates frost and heat, direct sunlight, heavy rain. This variety is distinguished by excellent decorative qualities.

The disadvantages include the rapid growth of shoots, which, if not formed, will break. In this regard, the plant needs to arrange regular pruning.

Use in landscape design

Climbing rose Westerland is planted in gardens and plots, in rose gardens. It can be combined with other roses, flowers, conifers.

Creeping shoots are used to decorate arbors and verandas. Due to the fact that the bush reaches a height of 2 meters, it can be used to organize hedges. If you form low bushes, it is permissible to place them on alpine hills.

From the many bushes, a magnificent hedge is obtained

Growing a flower, how to salt in the open ground

Rose is planted with seedlings. The seed method is not used, since such seed does not preserve grade.

Rosa J. P. Connell - yellow grade description

In order to get beautiful rose bushes from the planting, the correct planting of seedlings with their preliminary preparation should be carried out.

You can plant a decorative beauty both in the autumn period and in the spring.

Attention! Rose loves diffused light, and does not tolerate direct sunlight. There should be no drafts and strong winds at the landing site, but the calm is also not suitable for it.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Before the Westerland rose seedling will be planted, the acquired bushes must be prepared:

  • remove weak, damaged shoots, old yellow leaves;
  • soak the roots for 4 hours in water with the addition of a growth stimulant;
  • if the soil is clay, it needs to be dug up and sand added, if the earth is sandy, clay is added to it;
  • To improve the soil, it is recommended to introduce phosphate fertilizer, humus or humus into it.

Additional Information!It is best to plant a rose near a future support - a fence, a wall of a building or a gazebo.

Shoots with buds beautifully braid arbors, walls and supports

Landing procedure step by step

Rose Westerland is not difficult to grow, but when planting, it is better to adhere to the algorithm:

  1. Prepare holes 50 * 50 * 50 in size, make them at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other.
  2. Fill the holes with drainage - gravel, small stones. The height of the drainage layer is 10 cm.
  3. Manure or compost is placed on top of the drainage, a layer of 10 cm, after which the soil mixture is filled.
  4. The seedling is placed in the hole, the roots need to be carefully straightened.
  5. Sprinkle with earth, tamp a little.
  6. Water, spud.

The vaccination site must be immersed in the soil at least 3 cm.

Plant care

The frequency and duration of flowering depend on the comfort of the conditions for the flower.

  • Watering rules and humidity
Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

It is recommended to water the bushes in the morning with warm water. Frequent watering, at least 2 times a week, during the summer heat more often. The soil should always remain slightly moist, but not wet, otherwise the roots may rot.

Attention!Water needs to be poured only under the root, water should not get on the leaves.

Water must be rain or sediment.

  • Top dressing

You need to feed a rose 2 times a year - in the spring with nitrogen, in early summer - with a combination of phosphorus and potassium. In July, it is no longer necessary to give fertilizer flower so that the plant has time to prepare for winter.

For abundant flowering, a small amount of superphosphates can be added every 2 weeks.

Saplings are easily rooted, with them full-time bushes will appear quite quickly

  • Pruning and transplanting

In the first year after planting, it is recommended that you cut off Westerland so that it does not bloom. In the spring, sanitary trimming is mandatory, during which damaged or weak branches are removed.

If there is a need to transplant the bush, this can be done in the fall or spring. The flower calmly refers to transplants, it is quickly restored after them.

  • Features of wintering a flower

In areas with frosty winters, bushes should be covered with spruce branches and additionally wrapped with a non-woven fabric.

Attention!Before sheltering, it is necessary to prune the bushes, abundantly water the soil and mulch it.

Flowering roses

Rose Eddy Mitchell - grade description

When the proper conditions are created, the rose blooms several times during the season.

The active period begins in early summer and ends, depending on the climate, in September and October. The rest of the time the bush is in a calm state.

During flowering, it is enough to provide the rose with regular watering. After flowering, the rose is pruned, preparing for wintering. In the spring, before the onset of activity, fertilizers are applied.

The rose needs to be wrapped up if the temperature in winter drops below -7 ° C

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The climbing rose Westerland can bloom poorly or not bloom at all for a number of reasons:

  • insufficient watering;
  • soil poverty for nutrients;
  • improper location of the flower - prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

You can establish flowering by resuming proper watering.

Of course, we must not forget about pests and diseases - parasites and microbes can also reduce the possibility of flowering to zero.

Flower propagation

Rose scrub Westerland propagates by cuttings and vegetatively.

Cuttings are carried out in early July, for the vegetative method, March - early April is suitable.

Detailed description

Cherenkov method:

  1. Cut lignified branches from the bush, slice them obliquely over the kidney.
  2. Cuttings are cut from the middle and upper part of the branch, all leaves, except the upper ones, must be removed.
  3. Treat the cuttings with a growth stimulant and place them in nutrient soil to a depth of 2.5 to 3 cm. If a total capacity is used for planting, the distance between the cuttings should be at least 5 cm.
  4. Cover the cuttings with plastic bottles. Keep at a temperature in the region of +20 ° C. The required humidity is 98%; water is sprayed to maintain it.
  5. The first roots will begin to appear in about 1 month. For winter, cover with lutrasil.

Shoots can stretch up to 2 m or more

You can plant in the open ground next year.

Vegetative propagation:

  1. In March or in early April, dig a bush, divide it into 3-4 parts, each should have from 2 to 5 shoots.
  2. Remove bad, damaged roots, cut unnecessary branches.
  3. Shorten each shoot to the 3rd kidney.
  4. Treat the roots with a solution of cow manure and clay in equal proportions.
  5. Plant in a standard way into the ground.

Attention!In order for the rose bush to grow in a beautiful regular shape, when planting, you need to look at the direction of the upper buds - they must be turned sideways or outward.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Various diseases and pests rarely bother Rose Westerland. However, caterpillars, ticks and aphids can settle on bushes. To combat them, special drugs (insecticides) or folk remedies are used.

To protect the rose from diseases and parasites, you need to carefully monitor it, if necessary, resort to the preventive treatment of the rose bush. For this purpose, the aerial part is most often sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

With a rose you can create magnificent compositions in a garden and on sites. Its delicate, delicate aroma and splendor of buds will conquer and fall in love with everyone.


Watch the video: Best Way To Prune And Train Climbing Roses (October 2024).