Rosa Gloria Dei - description of the climbing variety


Rosa Gloria Day is one of the most striking symbols of floriculture. Many rose lovers are eager to get this variety in their greenhouses. Gloria is rightfully considered one of the best species bred in the last century.

Rose Gloria Day (Peace, Gioia, Rose Gloria Dei, Madame A. Meilland) - what kind of variety is this, the history of creation

She was born to the French breeder Antoine Mayian of Lyon. It was he who, in the prewar years, after long experiments, brought out a flower with a unique honey aroma and excellent aesthetic qualities.

Rose bush Gloria Day

Short description and specifications

Initially, Mayyang used 750 seedlings for breeding a new rose variety, of which only 50 went through a quality selection. As a result of breeding work, a bush was obtained that yielded only 3 viable buds, of which only one successfully took root, which later became the ancestor of the Gloria Dei variety.

The hybrid tea variety Gloria Day attracts with its beauty and delicate aroma of a flower. Blooms productively throughout the season. The bush is tall, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Powerful shoots with rare sharp spikes and saturated bright green leaves. Flowers are distinguished by a large bud - up to 6 cm in length and a large flower, when opened, reaching a diameter of 12-15 cm.

Among the breeders and gardeners has several names - Gloria Dei, Madame Mayan, Peace, Gioia. In addition to the usual look, there is also a claming version - the climbing rose Gloria with powerful long shoots reaching 2.5-3 meters in length.

Hybrid Tea Bud Gloria Day

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Unlike other varieties, the Gloria rose is unpretentious in terms of habitat and undemanding in care. A great advantage is resistance to most diseases, especially fungal infections and rot. The variety is well adapted to the conditions of harsh winters - it easily tolerates a drop in temperature to -20 ℃.

The variety is excellently propagated both by cuttings and by grafting on decorative rosehips. Rose flowers have a unique color and aroma, which change as the bud opens. Among the shortcomings, a somewhat late flowering period is noted, beginning almost from the middle of summer.

Use in landscape design

A plant with such bush sizes requires a special, individual approach. That is why landscape designers recommend giving him a special corner of the garden in order to emphasize the beauty of the flower.

The plant looks great in planting roses with high shoots, especially when the flowers are picked up and form a color line, ranging from saturated red flowers to pale white.

Rosa climbing Gloria when used as a hedge looks great on a support, in the form of a lattice painted white. Such a fence will not only create the basis for plant growth, but also provide zoning of the site.

Note! When marking the flower beds, you need to take into account the size of the bush and provide for access for work from all sides. This is especially important when pruning - hard, powerful shoots with large spikes are difficult to cut in a limited space.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Fertile and organic soils are considered favorable for roses. For planting, fertile black soils and peat bogs saturated with manure are also perfect. Another important condition for growing a flower is the sufficiency of sunlight, without which it is unlikely that the indicators indicated in the description of the variety can be obtained.

In what form is landing

Rosa Scarlet (Scarlet) - a description of the climbing variety

For planting, grown seedlings are used at the age of 1-2 years. It is allowed to breed varieties by seeds, cuttings, layering and grafting on decorative rosehip stems. On an industrial scale, the method of planting cuttings and breeding using vaccination is used. In small rose gardens it is better to plant cuttings, layering or vaccinations. Dilution by seeds is rarely used today.

What time is the landing

A favorable time for planting is considered the time from mid-April to mid-October. During spring planting, it is possible to get powerful shoot vegetation throughout the season, but flowering will be late, it will begin in late July.

Interesting information! During the autumn planting, the plant will have time to take root in a new place and in the spring will enter a period of full development and flowering.

Location selection

For planting, lighted areas with rich soil are selected. This kind of roses, however, like the rest of the roses, is very jealous of the location. It is advisable that the roses do not grow at all over the previous 10 years. Optimal precursors may be legumes or asters.

When planting, the dimensions of the future bush are also taken into account - a height of 1.2-1.5 meters. Therefore, when breaking down the flower beds, it is desirable to provide 2-2.5 square meters for one bush.

Roses feel great in sunny areas, they tolerate partial shade relatively easily. Landing in the shade is better not to do - this will lead to depletion and wilting of the bush.

Rose flower

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

A pit is made at the planting site of the seedlings, into which a mixture of organic fertilizers, peat and fertile land is introduced. Before planting, the sapling is freed from transport packaging and the root system is refreshed - the root system is carefully cut with garden scissors, cutting about 0.3-0.5 cm of the root tips. Such pruning provides an incentive for the early resumption of growth.

When refreshing, inspect a section of the roots, they should be white. After this, soaking in a solution of root or another growth stimulator is done for 4-6 hours.

Landing procedure step by step

Before planting for 5-7 days, it is recommended to dig up and loosen the site for planting, make compost and infusion of organic fertilizers. After that, the site is mulched. On the day of planting, a landing pit of the right size comes off and soil is prepared for backfilling - a mixture of peat, compost and fertile land.

A mound of fertile land is poured in the center of the pit. A seedling is mounted on it. After installation, the roots must be spread to the sides in order to increase the area. Further, the pit is filled with prepared soil and watered.

When planting grafted roses on a rosehip, planting is done so that the point of grafting is 5-7 cm below the ground. Such a technique will ensure the growth of roots from the rose stem, eventually forming a full-fledged root system and minimizing the threat of the hybrid becoming degenerate.

Plant care

The fact that the hybrid tea rose Gloria Day does not require special care does not mean that she does not need the usual supervision, such as watering, mulching and top dressing.

Watering rules and humidity

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The basic rule of watering a rose is compliance with the measure. The plant does not like drying out of the soil, but it is also important to prevent stagnation of water. Settled warm water is taken for irrigation. Do not water the well. The rose does not accept sprinkling - drops of water can lead to burns on the sheets. In hot weather, the evening watering mode is selected.

Top dressing and soil quality

Feeding is planned for the period of the change of seasons and before the beginning of each of the flowering periods. Spring usually falls in mid-April, autumn in the second half of October. For summer top dressing, the introduction of organic fertilizers is recommended, and for autumn and spring - mineral fertilizers. In the spring feed, nitrogen fertilizers and humus are used, for October phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. In the summer between flowering periods, organic fertilizers are used.

It's important to know! Organic fertilizers are used in the form of infusions or solutions. Do not use manure or bird droppings in dry form - this causes damage to the root system.

Rose bush

Pruning and transplanting

During seasonal pruning, frozen shoots are removed in spring and the bush is prepared for vegetation. When pruning, shoots are removed 0.5-0.7 cm from the kidney. This approach will make it possible to wake the sleeping kidneys and increase the number of shoots.

During hygienic pruning, old shoots are removed, which allows intensive growth of new ones.

When transplanting, it is recommended to clean the bush from old shoots and rejuvenate the root system. A transplant is usually done in mid-April and in October, so that before the onset of cold weather the plant has managed to restore roots.

Features of wintering a flower

After autumn pruning before the onset of large cold weather, it is recommended to cover the plant with spruce branches or straw. For wintering tall shoots, it is recommended to make shelter from agrofiber, which will protect the roses from wind and frost. In regions where the temperature drops below -20 ℃, sheltering roses for the winter should be done.

Flowering roses

Rosa Sympathy (Sympathie) - variety description

Unlike other species, the Gloria rose blooms a little later than usual, therefore, it is not worth stimulating the beginning of the flowering period.

Periods of activity and rest

During the growing season, the period of activity has its ups and downs. This is due to the fact that a rose per season has an average of three flowering periods: June-July, August, September. The resting period after summer flowering begins in the second half of October and lasts until the end of April.

Blooming bud

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, hygienic pruning of the bush and top dressing is allowed. Hygienic pruning is performed to revitalize the kidneys, shoot growth and remove dried stems.

Top dressing is carried out between flowering by adding aqueous solutions of organics. After the end of flowering, bud removal is allowed to prevent the appearance of fruits.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

If the bush does not throw buds at all, it means that despite the vegetation the plant did not come out of the dormant period. To "wake up" the plant, it is necessary to cut the upper parts of the shoots at a distance of 0.5 cm from the growth point.

The second reason for the delay in blooming roses can be a disease defeat. In this case, it is recommended to carry out the treatment with complex preparations and do top dressing.

Flower propagation

Reproduction is carried out by growing seedlings from seeds, cuttings, layering and grafting grafts on the dogrose. Approximately 1-1.5 years, while the effectiveness reaches only 30-40%.

On a note! When growing bushes from cuttings, you can get a viable bush for 1 year.

When produced

Seeds are harvested at the end of the season when the fruits appear in place of the buds. After drying and seed disinfection, it is sown in containers in mid-March. The emergence of seedlings is expected by mid-April. Harvesting of cuttings is done after the first flowering period in June-July.

On a note! Rooting usually ends by the end of 4 weeks or by mid-August.

Layers are formed in June, so that by October the bush is ready for transplantation with a normal root system.
Inoculation of roses is best done in July-August, this is the most favorable time for the stock of cuttings of roses on rose hips.

Detailed description

For rooting, cuttings are selected 8-10 cm long with 5-7 live and healthy kidneys. The procedure is done directly at the landing site, with the deepening of the lower 4-5 kidneys in the ground. After this, the handle is abundantly watered and covered with a jar. Under normal conditions, after 21-28 days, a viable young bush appears.

Layers are formed on young shoots in the month of June. To accelerate the rooting process on the shoot, buds are cut. The shoot is pressed to the ground so that a 10-12 cm long section is found under the soil layer. The top of the shoot is fixed vertically on the support. A mound of land 10-12 cm high is poured over a fixed area. A young bush will be ready for transplanting in the fall.

On a note! Vaccinations are given in the July-August month. To do this, a young kidney is taken with a plot of wood about 3 cm long. A cut of the bark is made on the shoot of the rosehip, where the kidney is inserted. The vaccination site is fixed with tape or tape. The rosehip shoot is shortened 2-3 cm above the kidney and processed by garden var.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The aphids, thrips, nematodes, and spider mites are most dangerous to plants. When signs of damage to the bush by pests appear, immediate treatment with insecticides is done. Powdery mildew, rust, fungal diseases of the rose rarely affected. But in case of damage, it is recommended that the plant treat complex preparations to protect against plant diseases.

Observing these simple rules for caring for a plant, you can get a beautiful healthy rose bush that will delight the owner for more than one year. Experienced gardeners say that Gloria should be in the collection of every self-respecting rose lover.


Watch the video: How to Grow Climbing Rose Bushes (October 2024).