Why monstera leaves turn yellow - diseases and pests


With improper care of the monster, its leaves lose their attractiveness and change color from green to yellow. So the plant is trying to warn the owner of problems with the root system, nutrition or lighting.

The main causes of yellowing foliage

There are many factors affecting the color change of plant leaves. To eliminate the problem of yellowing of the leaves, you need to find the cause of its occurrence.

Incorrect lighting

A native of South America does not like the bright sun. Under the influence of its rays, the leaves of the monstera quickly begin to turn yellow and fade. If a cause is found, action must be taken immediately. It is necessary to move the flower away from the window and provide it with diffused light. If movement is not possible, then the window is hung with a curtain.

Proper watering will save you from many problems

The opposite problem (lack of light) also leads to yellowing of the foliage. By placing the container with the plant in a dark corner, you can destroy it. Monsterea tolerates a good lack of light, but the shadow does not like.

Water imbalance

To determine the reason why monstera leaves turn yellow, you need to pay attention to the moisture content of the soil. For a full-fledged existence and active growth, the plant needs a lot of moisture. Large leaves need a sufficient amount of water.

It is worth paying attention to the nature of yellowing: limited light areas will appear on the old foliage, which in the future can capture the entire sheet. Young leaves look initially lethargic and die off quickly.

Along with yellow spots, brown ones often appear. Why does the monstera turn black leaves, what to do in this case? The point here is also a lack of moisture. It is necessary to provide the plant with regular watering with a sufficient volume of water. For speedy recovery, spraying leaves is used.

Important! At low temperatures, Monstera is watered less often than in a hot period. In winter, its growth slows down and resumes with the onset of the spring months.

Excess watering leads to similar problems. Excessively filling the plant, you can destroy its root system. If the leaves turn yellow at the monstera, then you need to do this: dry the soil as quickly as possible, remove the rotten roots, add top dressing and normalize the watering regime.

Temperature mode

If for some reason the tips of the leaves dry in the monstera in the winter, this is due to the beginning of the heating season and, as a result, to dry and hot air. This mode is a great stress for the plant. It is recommended not to place a container with a flower near the central heating batteries.

If it’s hot in the room, the monster needs to be watered, in the fall suspended animation at this temperature it will not fall. In case of rapid drying of the soil, watering is carried out daily. The surest sign that the plant is hot is the curl of the leaf edges.

Important! If the plant turns yellow, and part of the leaves are dried, then the liana suffers from high air temperature. This can happen at any time of the year. If you do not change the conditions, the plant can die quickly.

In the cold season, in the room where the monstera stands, the temperature should be about 17 ° C. With warmer air, the plant will grow vigorously, bypassing the resting phase, which will weaken the flower.

Incorrect soil

Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the monstera is improperly selected soil for transplantation. Beginning plant growers often leave the flower in the same capacity with the soil where the flower was when purchased. It is not right. Usually, many stimulants and power engineers are added to such a soil. Their prolonged exposure to a houseplant worsens its condition. After a week of adaptation to a new place, the vine should be transplanted with soil replacement.

The easiest way to buy a ready-made mixture for a monstera, but you can do it yourself. It is necessary to take a mixture of land, fine sand, peat and humus in equal proportions. Monstera would be grateful for the acid-neutral soil, but it would feel good in slightly acidic.

Nutrient deficiency

If the monster lacks nutrition, it turns yellow and discards dry leaves. To find the cause, you need to observe the growth of aerial roots. If there are a lot of them, and active growth is observed, it means that the soil lacks nutrients, and urgent fertilizer is required. Complex store preparations for monstera will help. It is important to observe the proportions and frequency of application of the substance (indicated on the package). You can independently prepare a nutritious mixture of ash and nitrogen fertilizers.

Important! The leaves of the monstera often turn yellow not completely, but only along the edge. This happens with chronic starvation of a flower or a very tight container. The problem is solved by transplanting a plant into a spacious container with the addition or change of soil. Fertilizing fertilizer for flowers will favorably affect the yellow vine.

The lack of trace elements affects the condition of the leaves of monstera

Monster Pests

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It is very important to periodically inspect the leaves, the stalk of the plant for yellowing, and the soil - to identify pests. Often, parasites enter the house with a purchased flower. To avoid this, a new plant is recommended to be quarantined for a week. The same can be said of purchased soil. If it is not treated before planting flowers, pests may appear from the mixture. The consequences can be dire.

Spider mite

The insect prefers to dwell on the underside of the leaf. The tick produces a web, which, enveloping the sheet, dries it. The presence of a spider mite can give out the presence of light-green dots on the sheet, which after some time merge into a single whole. The diseased leaflet becomes light, and then falls off. To combat the spider mite, Fitoverm is actively used.

It is much easier and more effective to prevent its occurrence. In order to prevent the leaves of the plant should be regularly sprayed, including the lower side of the plate, and to avoid dry air in the room. They fight the parasite by spraying with infusions of onion husks and garlic. Well-established solution of laundry soap.


The insect prefers to parasitize on young branches, the skin of which has not yet been roughened.

Distinguish between white, black and green aphids. All varieties are equally dangerous to the plant. The harm lies in sucking out juice from the shoots, as a result of which the leaves turn yellow, curl and fall off. If the aphid is black - this is also the reason why the monstera leaves turn black. Without assistance, the plant will die.

If a pest is detected, an urgent need to process the leaves

With a small accumulation of aphids, it is cleaned by hand, wiping the affected area with a napkin dipped in a strong soap solution. If there are a lot of aphids, then insecticides are used in aerosols. Not only affected plants are treated, but also neighboring, apparently healthy ones. The earth is treated with the same solutions.


This is a very fast breeding parasite. The scabbard lives on the shoots, aerial roots and leaves of the monstera. Outwardly, it looks like a brown plaque that is firmly pressed to the sheet.

The plant affected by the scale, looks oppressed, the leaves turn yellow and fade. To eliminate the insect, the foliage is wiped with a soapy solution. After eliminating the parasite, it is necessary to transfer the plant to a cooler room and increase soil moisture.

Note! If the plant is severely affected by the scale, fighting for it is pointless.


Most often, a mealybug appears on the monster. The lesion can be found by fluffy lumps or points on the stem and leaves of the plant. If there are many such points, the foliage begins to turn yellow, and then fall off. To get rid of the problem, you need to wipe the areas where the pest is noticed, with an insecticide. The procedure is repeated weekly until complete recovery.

Regular inspection of plants will help to notice the problem in time.


Plant treatment

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If a pest is found, you must try to get rid of it using folk remedies (infusions of husks of onions, tobacco or calendula, chopped garlic, a solution of tar or laundry soap). They are less radical and harmful both to the flower itself and to people living in the apartment. The measure is justified when there are few insects, and the plant did not have time to suffer much. Otherwise, it is better to use synthetic insecticides.

Timely treatment will help keep the monster


In order for the monstera to please the owner with the appearance, it is necessary to establish proper care. First of all, it is removed from the draft and protected from accidental damage. It is necessary to carefully choose new soil for transplanting vines. Incorrect composition is detrimental to the flower. The plant requires regular feeding and watering, diffuse lighting and spraying the leaves.


Watch the video: How to Trouble Shoot a Monstera (October 2024).