How to form a money tree at home


The crassula plant - it is also a money tree or a fat girl - is very popular with flower growers because of its lush branchy crown. But in order for it to form into an attractive, neat tree, it is important to trim and pinch the bush correctly.

Why do I need to form the crown of a money tree

At home, the crassula can grow up to 100 cm in height. There are several main reasons why a plant needs regular pruning and pinching of shoots:

  • giving more decorative crown;
  • increasing the stability of the bush;
  • trunk strengthening;
  • creating an open space inside the crown, thanks to which air circulates easily between the branches, preventing excess moisture from accumulating;
  • preparation for transplantation, during which long branches can interfere with the procedure and break into.

An overgrown money tree looks very attractive

Without pruning, the branches of the crassula can reach a rather large length and bend incorrectly. The severity of sprouted shoots with thick leaves puts too much pressure on the trunk, because of which it can not maintain an upright position, and the flower easily turns over with the pot. Timely carrying out procedures for shortening the branches of the Crassula helps maintain the balance of the crown.

How to do it right

Violation of the rules of pruning and pinching can cause irreparable harm to the flower. That is why it is important to know how to form a money tree.

You can start the new procedure for shortening the shoots of the crassula only after it has recovered from the last pruning. At the same time, all twisted and highly branching shoots are cut so that a direct branch is obtained.

The resulting slices must be disinfected with special means. Often a manganese solution or crushed activated carbon is used for this. Cut parts of the plant can be used for propagation.

Note!The age of the plant should be taken into account: in a young bush, the lower branches and leaves are completely cut, and an adult plant needs a deeper thinning of the crown.

Schemes of the formation of the crown in Crassula

Money tree - home care and flowering

The main pruning is recommended in the spring. Subsequent corrective procedures usually occur in the summer, when the shoots actively branch and form many new fleshy leaves.

Florists developed several basic schemes by which a fat woman is trimmed - how to form a crown is described below:

  • The bonsai technique involves the constant removal of the lower shoots and leaves from the central trunk, due to which it becomes stronger and more powerful.
  • Creating a fairly tall tree with a thick bare trunk and a lush crown is possible only when pruning a young plant. Formative procedures are carried out regularly throughout the life of the flower, during which all side shoots and leaves are completely cut. Removing branches from an adult bush will not give the desired result, but can only harm the plant.
  • The formation of a neat, rounded, lush bush of small height is possible when removing new leaves from the trunk and shortening the growing branches.
  • Spreading crassula is obtained with timely pinching of the ends of the branches, due to which shoots from the side buds begin to grow.

The flower can be given almost any shape

After the pruning procedure, it is necessary to make top dressing, helping the flower recover.

What to do for lush branching of the crown

It is possible to grow a lush branchy money tree only by observing the correct agricultural technology:

  • periodically removing excess branches and leaves;
  • conducting regular watering;
  • fertilizing the plant with special fertilizing with nitrogen, contributing to the formation of new leaves;
  • maintaining the necessary humidity in the room, temperature and providing sufficient illumination to the flower;
  • taking timely measures to prevent and control diseases and harmful insects.
How to feed a money tree at home

The young plant grows very actively, so it is transplanted annually in the spring, picking up a larger pot. Crassula requires a loose, breathable soil, under which a drainage layer must be placed. The bottom of the roomy pot must have special openings to remove excess moisture.

Important!When planting a fat woman, organics and minerals are immediately added to the soil to strengthen the root system and more actively grow greens.

Due to the increased soil moisture, the money tree stops growing, its foliage becomes dull and painful, its roots and trunk can rot.

A weakened plant is attacked by pests. Therefore, watering the plant should be regular, but without stagnation of moisture in the soil. It is recommended to be carried out twice a week on hot summer days and not more than once a week in the winter.

If the air in the room is too dry, the crackle needs a refreshing spray. In addition to increasing the level of humidity, this procedure will help rid the leaves of accumulating dust.

Excess shoots should be cut at the very base

Money tree loves good lighting, but it is worth shading from direct sunlight. If this is not done, then black spots of burns may appear on the fleshy leaf plates. You should also turn the plant to the light so that all parts of the crown receive their share of lighting.

The most suitable temperature for a fat woman is considered to be + 16 ... +20 ° C, with an increase in these indicators, the plant may begin to drop leaves.

Note! The composition of top dressing for Crassula must necessarily include phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

How to pinch a fat girl

Not every grower knows how to shape a fat girl into a beautiful tree. In addition to timely pruning, the plant needs pinching, in which their upper parts are removed from the branches. This procedure prevents the growth of shoots in length. In addition, it allows you to get the desired shape of the bush, making it spreading, rounded or creeping.

Money tree - how to plant a shoot at home

For the procedure, no special tools are required - the tops of the shoots can be shortened manually. The most common shortening with the fingers of the lower and upper branches, so you can arrange a tree in the style of bonsai.

Important!Such a procedure not only adds a decorative flower, but also relieves it of thickening the crown, that is, it also has sanitary purposes.

Pinch tops of shoots with clean hands

When to do the first pinch

For the first time, the procedure is carried out after the appearance of 4 pairs of leaflets. You can leave more paired sheet plates, but it is worth considering that then the overgrown crown will turn out to be excessively heavy.

Pinch the plant until it takes on a certain look. Do not feel sorry for small leaves requiring pinching, as they will subsequently interfere with the plant itself.

How and when to do preventive nipples

The young plant does not yet have a large number of large heavy branches. Therefore, in the first years of life, crassulas often try to form a strong tree with a powerful and stable trunk that can hold the crown in the future.

The top of the shoot is removed with clean fingers or disinfected tweezers, grabbing the last pair of leaves at the very base. The movement should be precise, slightly twisted, and not jerking. If you do not completely pinch off the leaves, they will continue to grow, although they will be deformed.

Crossula pruning

Before you begin to perform this procedure, you should study in detail how to correctly trim the money tree. The plant, accustomed to annual shortening of shoots, will be easier to recover from them in adulthood. This is the only way to get a healthy flower with a beautiful crown of the desired shape.

Note! All procedures for shortening plant shoots are recommended in the morning.

By a young tree

It is permissible to trim only with a sharpened tool, otherwise you can harm the tree. At home, they usually use such a step-by-step technique for pruning a young Crassula:

  1. Completely cut off the lower small shoots, as well as single branches.
  2. Pinch the lateral processes.
  3. In mature lignified branches, an extreme pair of leaflets is removed.
  4. Cut off the upper branches, stretching in height.
  5. All sections are moistened with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

Money tree, which is not pruned in the first years of life, grows big-leafed and actively grows.

Note! The branches are shortened by no more than 1/3, and the cut is done at an angle of 45 °.

After proper pruning, the plant forms a powerful central trunk

At the old tree

Money tree over 5 years old especially needs to be shortened branches. Otherwise, its central trunk may break, unable to withstand the weight of powerful shoots and thick leaves. An overgrown adult crassula is cut like this:

  1. Determine the widest and strongest central trunk.
  2. Cut all shoots from the bottom of the plant.
  3. All are cut off thick.
  4. Remove large leaves, as well as small shoots in the upper part of the bush.
  5. Sections are disinfected and lubricated with garden var.

The cut off parts of the Crassula are used for rooting as independent plants.

Bonsai Succulent Crown Formation

The bonsai shape has a powerful central trunk with branches hanging down. Such a plant can be obtained through regular pruning and pinching of shoots at different levels.

Formative procedures begin to be carried out by a young plant, while strengthening the central trunk. To do this, in the spring and summer, you should cut unnecessary branches in the lower part of the trunk and shorten the upper ones. The flower is regularly watered and fed, then the trunk is made stronger and wider.

For the first 2-3 years, the 2 thickest branches leave the tree, allowing them to grow, after which they are shortened to the desired length. Next, pruning of branches growing vertically upward, and at the side cut off the tips. In addition, they pinch off all the upper shoots so that the branches continue to grow only in the downward direction.

As the shoots grow, you should trim all excess processes in time.

Important! A real bonsai from a fat girl will be obtained only if it is transplanted annually in compliance with all the rules.

Further care after trimming

Pruned succulents should receive proper care in order to recover well and quickly. The most important thing is to maintain the level of humidity and air temperature in the room where the flower is located.

Crassula gratefully responds to conditions of detention

In order for the pruning procedure to go smoothly for the money tree, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • daily treat slices with disinfectants so that they can grow well;
  • provide the plant with adequate lighting;
  • set the temperature in the room within + 15 ... +18 ° C, not even allowing short-term supercooling below +6 ° C;
  • regularly fertilize the soil in the pot with complex compositions for succulents;
  • spray the bush from the spray gun and wipe dust off the leaves;
  • water the flower every 2-3 days, preventing moisture stagnation.

Note! Water for irrigation should settle for at least 6 hours and have room temperature.

You can get a magnificent fluffy copy of Crassula at home only thanks to the correct regular pruning of succulent. An overgrown manicured money tree will look very attractive and will be a great addition to the design of the room.


Watch the video: Put the money tree in your home, and see what happens (October 2024).