How to feed begonia - types of fertilizers, application


One of the most popular decorative flowering plants is begonia. This is a great option for landscaping a personal plot or decoration of residential premises. The flower feels good both in open ground and in a pot.

How to feed begonia at home

Decorative flowering plant must be additionally fertilized. Most of all, this is required for tuber begonia. They feed the flower with nitrogen and phosphate-potash fertilizers.

Charming begonia

Note! It is important to choose the best remedy than to feed begonia, and follow the rules for its use. This is especially true during the flowering period.

The most important substances for budding are potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers are used 2 times a month. Due to this, the number of buds increases, the flowering period lasts longer, a healthy appearance of the flower is ensured.

Ornamental deciduous plants need fertilizers containing nitrogen, or complex formulations. They are used only for deciduous varieties. As a result, the plant is actively increasing its green mass, and decorative leaves increase.

Important! Nitrogen-based products inhibit the development of buds.

Potted begonias

General rules for fertilizing

How to transplant begonia to a new place

At home, when applying fertilizer for begonia, several factors should be considered:

  • Light and temperature. The early assimilation of fertilizing will occur only with good plant health. Begonia loves light and heat, is afraid of sudden changes in temperature and drafts.
  • Time. Fertilizers are best used in the evening or even at night, after dark.
  • Water. The absorption of the necessary nutrients by the plant depends on the moisture of the soil. It is better to water the flower a few hours before using top dressing.
  • Security. Means for feeding should not directly touch the plant. This may cause a chemical burn.
  • Moderation. Compliance with the quantity and frequency of fertilizer application is required. Excesses are just as detrimental to the plant as the lack of substances.

Begonia is fed for abundant flowering and growth by both factory and folk remedies.

Homemade begonias

Fertilizers and fertilizing for growth

What does begonia look like - types and varieties of flower

Spring is the period of begonia awakening, then transplantation is made into pots into a new substrate. Shoots begin to grow actively. The first top dressing is relevant at this time. As fertilizers, you should choose ammonium nitrate. Nitrogen and potassium products stimulate shoot growth and build up green mass.

Note! Ammonium nitrate should not be abused. Excess nitrogen interferes with flowering and even bud formation.

What and how often to feed for flowering

Indoor flower should bring aesthetic pleasure. The urgent question is how to fertilize begonia for flowering. Ready-made products can be bought at the store, there are specially developed dressings for these plants ("Begonia" or "Good Strength").

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The first element necessary for feeding is potassium. You can use a weak solution of nitrate.

Additional Information! The flowering period of the plant is about six months - from May to December. Then the plant goes to rest. At this time, the flower loses its leaves and dries.

In summer, top dressing begonias should not stop. Complex fertilizers for home flowers are used. A popular combination remedy is Kemira Lux, which is used for both growth and lush flowering.

Frequency of use of fertilizers:

  • The first top dressing is done during budding.
  • Next - every 2 weeks to rest.

Top dressing can be done more often, however, you need to make a weaker solution. When the plant ceases to bloom, the last replenishment of useful substances is done.

Important! Fertilizing tuber begonia should not contain chlorine.

Blooming begonia

Fertilizing mistakes and their consequences

It is worth refraining from surplus. The increased content of fertilizer contributes to a change in the composition of the soil, the immunity of the plant decreases. Begonia begins to hurt, it is affected by pests. The flower may die.

Folk fertilizer methods

Fertilizer for begonia can be prepared independently. Popular recipes:

  • Yeast. Contain hormones cytokinins and auxins. They are necessary for the active growth of begonias. Their action: the mineralization of organic substances and the production of phosphorus and nitrogen. A solution of 1 g of dry yeast, 1 tsp. Serves as a make-up. sugar and 1 liter of warm water. The mixture is infused for 3 hours. Before use, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. The frequency of plant replenishment is no more than 5 times a year.
  • Sugar. It is a direct source of glucose. Preparation of the solution: dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l Sahara. Means you can immediately water the plant. It is enough to repeat the procedure once a month.
  • Tea brewing. The used tea bag should be dried. During a begonia transplant, the infusion is mixed with the substrate in a ratio of 1: 3. Having completed planting, you need to carefully water the soil.
  • Citrus Peel. The peel of fruits is a storehouse of vitamins. Preparation: peels from oranges, tangerines or lemons are poured with boiling water. The amount of peel is 80% of the capacity of a liter can. The liquid is infused for 5 hours, then diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. The frequency of such fertilizer should not exceed 1 time per month.
  • Eggshell. A fertilizer solution for begonias with this product is used every month. It is prepared from egg shell powder, drenched in water (1: 5 ratio). The infusion time is 15 days, every 3 days should be mixed.
  • Peel from a banana. The peel of the fruit is dried and ground into powder. It is used to sprinkle soil on top, after which the plant is abundantly watered. The frequency of the procedure is monthly. The optimal effect is obtained by mixing the powder with the soil during a spring flower transplant.
  • Wood ash. An irrigation solution is prepared from it. In 1 liter of water dilute 3 tbsp. l mineral matter. Allow the solution to infuse for a week, water the plant 1 time in 14 days.

Street begonia

Additional Information! If you do not know how to feed begonia at home for abundant flowering, you can add wood ash to the substrate.

Refinement and surprising unpretentiousness distinguish begonia from other houseplants. A little effort, and the plant will delight the eye with lush and fragrant flowers. Regular care and use of fertilizers will ensure rapid foliage growth, bright color and beauty of the plant.


Watch the video: Indoor Begonia Care Guide . Garden Answer (October 2024).