Remont bezosny strawberry Ruyan: all the tricks of growing fragrant berries


Removable alpine strawberries are beloved by many gardeners for the wonderful aroma of their berries, long fruiting period, good winter hardiness and increased resistance to diseases and pests. Additional advantages of the Ruyan variety are the absence of a mustache, which makes it easier to care for strawberry plantation, and the ease of propagation by seeds, in which all the useful economic qualities of this unpretentious plant are fully preserved.

Alpine wild strawberry Ruyan - not a strawberry at all!

Remanent strawberry Rujana is a time-tested Czech alpine strawberry variety brought to Russia in the 90s of the last century. It is successfully grown in Belarus and Ukraine, zoned for personal garden plots throughout Russia.

Cultivated garden forms of wild strawberries are called alpine strawberries. It is very significantly different from large-fruited garden strawberries, and from real strawberries.

Alpine wild strawberry Ruyan - a remontant garden form of forest wild strawberry

What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries (table)

TitleOriginBerry sizeSepalsScent
StrawberryGrows on steppe and meadow slopes in Russia and EuropeRelatively smallTightly pressed to the berry, the cup is difficult to separateStrong musky taste and aroma
Wild wild strawberryIt grows in forests, at the edges and glades in Russia and Europe.Raised up, the berry is easily separated from the calyxThe pleasant aroma of wild strawberries
Strawberry AlpineGarden form of wild strawberry
Large strawberry gardenGarden hybrid of two South American speciesLarge and very largeAlmost odorless

Visual differences between strawberries and strawberries (photo gallery)

Strawberry Ruyan belongs to the repair varieties. It blooms in late spring and continues to bloom almost continuously until late autumn. Peduncles rise above the leaves and reach 25 centimeters in height. The flowers are small, flowering is very plentiful. The stems and petioles of the leaves are relatively thin. Leaf blades are thin, slightly corrugated, light green in color. No mustache.

On the bushes of remontant strawberries there are both flowers and ripe berries at the same time throughout the season

Fruiting begins in the second half of June (this is in the middle zone of Russia, in the south much earlier) and continues until the first frosts. By taste and smell, the fruits are very close to wild forest strawberries, but they are twice or three times its size. The berries are red, cone-shaped, with seeds protruding above the surface.

The berries of strawberry Ruyan are much larger than that of wild forest strawberries, but also fragrant

Delicious jam is obtained from the fragrant berries of wild strawberries of the Ruyan variety.

With strict observance of all the rules of organic farming, the leaves and berries of alpine strawberries can be used for medicinal purposes along with wild forest strawberries.

From the fragrant berries of Ruyana, amazing jam is obtained, like from wild forest strawberries

Propagation of beardless strawberries

Ruyan's alpine strawberries do not form a mustache at all - rooted creeping shoots. It is propagated by dividing a bush or sowing seeds.

Bushes division

Adult strawberry bushes can be divided into parts and planted. It is best to do this in spring or late August, in cloudy, non-hot weather. Dividets are planted to the same depth as they grew before. After planting, water abundantly. Can be covered with non-woven covering material to protect from the scorching sun. When the plants take root well, the shelter is gradually removed. Shrub division is a good way to rejuvenate strawberry beds older than five years.

Overgrown old bushes of beardless strawberries can be rejuvenated by division

How to grow strawberries from seeds

Strawberry seeds are very small, so seedlings are grown at home in pots or boxes. Various plastic containers for food and semi-finished products, disposable cups are well suited for this purpose. For sowing, you can use ready-made purchased soil for indoor plants or special for growing seedlings. Both seedlings and excess water are dangerous to seedlings, therefore, drainage holes in the bottom must be made in the sowing tanks.

The best time for sowing is from the beginning of March to April. At this time, there is still not enough sunlight, the plants are stretched. To prevent this, arrange artificial illumination with fluorescent lamps. They are located at a height of about 10 centimeters above the tops of plants and include for 12-14 hours a day.

Fluorescent light prevents seedlings from stretching


  1. Tightly fill the boxes with moistened soil mixture. Level the surface, tamp a little, slightly pour water to settle the soil.
  2. Gently spread strawberry seeds on the surface of the earth, at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from one another. You don’t need to fall asleep from above, let them remain on the surface.
  3. Gently pour water from a pipette to draw seeds into the ground. It is even better to spread freshly picked pure snow right on top of the crops - it will gradually melt and give the necessary moisture.
  4. After watering or melting snow, cover the crops with glass or film to preserve moisture. Keep at normal room temperature.
  5. As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the glass, put the box under the lamp and start highlighting. Strawberry seedlings are very small and delicate, easily stretched with a lack of light. They need regular moderate watering.

    Strawberry seedlings are very tender and easily stretched with a lack of light.

  6. The first leaves look very unusual, their shape is a bit like a fan. After the appearance of 1-2 ordinary triple leaves, seedlings dive one by one into individual pots or cups. The base of the bush (the point where the petioles of the lower leaves meet) should be located exactly at the level of the earth's surface.

    After the appearance of 1-2 ordinary triple leaves, seedlings dive in separate cups

  7. With the appearance of 5 real leaves, strawberry seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place.

    With the appearance of 5 real leaves, strawberry seedlings are ready for planting

  8. Seedlings are planted exactly to the same depth as it grew, watered abundantly and at first covered with agrofiber to protect from the scorching sun and possible night frosts. Shelter is removed gradually, in warm cloudy weather.

Growing strawberries from seeds (video)

Placement of wild strawberries in the garden, in the room and on the balcony

Strawberries grow best on loose permeable sandy loam and light loam with a slightly acidic reaction. You can plant in the spring or late summer, when the heat subsides. The distance when planting 20-30 centimeters between plants.

The plot for strawberries is pre-digged onto a bayonet shovel, freeing perennial weeds from rhizomes. On poor soils for digging, 2-3 buckets of humus are added per square meter; on fertile soils, 1 bucket is enough.

You can not plant immediately after strawberries, raspberries and solanaceous crops, they have common diseases.

On heavy clays and waterlogged areas, strawberries grow better on elevated ridges filled with soil suitable for it. In winter, they should be covered with a sufficient layer of snow for reliable wintering of plants, so you should not make beds above 15 centimeters.

On heavy clays and waterlogged areas, strawberries grow better on elevated ridges

In warmer countries, all kinds of pyramids and whatnots for growing strawberries are very popular. Such designs save space and look original. However, in the heat they have to be constantly watered. For most of Russia, this arrangement is suitable only in a collapsible or portable version.

Pyramids and shelves for strawberries are very popular in countries with warm winters.

Removable strawberries in the room

Remanent strawberry Ruyan can grow successfully and even bear fruit indoors. For planting, use small pots or boxes with a depth of 10-15 centimeters, with mandatory drainage holes in the bottom. They are filled with ready-made purchased soil mixture for indoor plants having a slightly acidic reaction. Watered sparingly, periodically fed with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants according to the instructions on the package. In the winter season, additional highlighting is very desirable, as when growing seedlings. If strawberries bloom, artificial pollination is necessary for the formation of berries: pollen is transferred from flower to flower with a soft brush. In summer, it is better to put indoor strawberries in the fresh air - on the balcony or in the garden.

Remanent strawberry Ruyan can grow in small containers in the room and on the balcony

Outdoor Strawberry Care

Alpine strawberries have a shallow root system located at the very surface of the soil. Therefore, the aisles on the strawberry plantation are loosened very carefully, to a depth of not more than two centimeters.

In hot, dry weather, strawberries must be watered once a week with one and a half buckets of water per square meter. When watering, only the soil under and around the plants is moisturized, avoiding the ingress of water on leaves, flowers and berries.

When watering, they moisturize only the soil, without touching flowers and leaves

The best fertilizer for wild strawberries is natural leaf humus, which is scattered in the spring on the surface of the soil about half a bucket per square meter. You can use purchased organic fertilizers based on vermicompost. Mineral fertilizers are not needed at all: they will hardly increase the yield, and the quality of the berries will be significantly spoiled. Strawberry fresh manure is strictly contraindicated.

Strawberries are very affected by weeds, especially from perennials that can completely destroy an unattended plantation during a season. To save time and effort, strawberry beds are usually mulched with a special black coating of non-woven agrofiber or any suitable organics (straw, sawdust, walnut shells). Mulching retains moisture in the soil, inhibits weed growth, and eliminates labor-intensive cultivation and weeding.

Mulching retains moisture in the soil and inhibits weed growth

Diseases and Pests

Remanent alpine wild strawberry Ruyan is not affected by powdery mildew and is relatively resistant to gray rot. The most noticeable harm is caused to it by slugs and snails, and of the most dangerous diseases are verticillin wilt.

It is strictly forbidden to use any pesticides on fruiting plantations of remontant strawberries.

How to resist pests and diseases (table)

TitleHow does it manifestWhat to do with it
Snails and slugsThe berries of wild strawberries are often eaten, and with a large invasion of pests, its leaves can also be affected. Snails and slugs (these are also snails, only without houses) are easy to see in the evenings and after rain. Their eggs look like lumps of translucent gelatinous granules, clearly visible on the surface of the soil
  • Collect and destroy adult specimens of pests and their oviposition.
  • Attract natural predators (hedgehogs, lizards, frogs, toads) to the garden that feed on slugs and snails
Verticillus wiltingStrawberry bushes suddenly wither and dry for no apparent reason.This disease is incurable and very dangerous. Dig a plant that suspiciously grafted immediately with a large lump of earth and burn it. Do not plant anything at this place for at least a year
Gray rotOn the berries of strawberries appear brown wet spots with an unpleasant odor, subsequently covered with a gray fluffy coating
  • Collect and destroy affected berries.
  • Do not plant alpine strawberries in the place of liquidated plantations of large-fruited garden strawberries, there is always a very large supply of spores of the causative agent of this disease in the soil, which have been viable for several years

Diseases and pests of alpine strawberries (photo gallery)

Flowering, pollination and frost protection

During the mass flowering of wild strawberries, Ruyan looks very attractive. This is a bee-pollinated plant that needs cross-pollination. In room culture, it is pollinated manually, transferring pollen from the flowers of one plant to another with a soft brush.

Elegant flowers of wild strawberries pollinated by bees

Blooming strawberries are very afraid of frost, even the lightest and shortest. Frozen flowers with blackened middle of the berries no longer form.

Frozen flowers with blackened middle of the berries no longer form

To protect against spring and autumn frosts, the simplest shelter from stretched polyethylene film or non-woven agrofibre helps a lot. At night, the edges of the covering material are pressed tightly to the ground and crushed with a load, and during the day they are necessarily lifted to give access to bees for pollination of flowers.

In the afternoon, the edges of the film shelters are opened slightly so that the bees can pollinate the flowering strawberries


Remanent strawberry Ruyan has high winter hardiness and winters well in all areas with a fairly deep and stable snow cover. In those areas where little snow accumulates or is blown away by the wind, pine spruce can be spread over strawberry plantations for better snow retention and additional warming.

Shelter cover contributes to snow retention and improves wintering

In the spring, shelter is removed immediately after the snow melts. It is not necessary to wrap strawberries too tightly - plants can suspend and die during the thaw. Strawberries in pots and crates for wintering are brought into a frost-free room, and in areas with deep snow and mild winters, you can simply put them in the garden on the ground where it turns out to be quickly and reliably covered with snow. In southern areas with snowless winters, alpine strawberries can withstand short-term cooling to -10 ° C.

Strawberries growing in open ground are more frost-resistant compared to those planted in quickly freezing containers.


Ruyan - 4 years after being planted from the seeds of a house in Krasnodar - three transplants, Spartan conditions, survived the monstrous heat with almost no watering ... nevertheless, the variety pleases with an abundance of delicious, albeit small berries, and it simply amazes with its vitality ...)



I recommend the variety, it is easy to grow, the berry is larger than the forest one, it is easier to collect it on your own.



Tasty sweet, almost forest berry pleases all summer. I collect extra berries in containers of 350 grams and freeze for the winter.



Advantages: ascended, did not hurt anything. Unpretentious: They planted bushes anywhere, but they grow. Bezssayaya. Disadvantages: sour and small berries. Do not expect a real harvest in the first year.



Growing remontant alpine wild strawberries of the Ruyan variety is easy for even beginner gardeners. With proper sowing, its seeds germinate well, seedlings grow quickly and do not get sick. A rationally organized strawberry plantation does not require special care and pleases its owners with a stable harvest of delicious fragrant berries and always an elegant appearance.


Watch the video: Growing the Miracle Berry- A fruit that makes life sweeter (October 2024).