Noble cold-resistant large-fruited tomato: description and features of cultivation


The Velozmoha variety is one of the few tomatoes that cannot tolerate hot weather, but, on the contrary, feel comfortable in the Urals, Siberia and other areas with a cold climate. This tomato is distinguished by beautiful large fruits, which, despite the northern character, are also very tasty.

Characteristics and description of the varieties of tomato nobleman

Tomato Nobleman became known relatively recently, but he quickly gained popularity with his positive features. This is a variety that is not afraid of cold weather, bears fruit in large and tasty tomatoes, and is quite unpretentious in its care.

Origin, growing region

The nobleman variety was bred in the city of Novosibirsk, at the well-known institute SIBNIIRS, and is intended for severe climatic conditions. Some gardeners sincerely consider the Nobleman a kind of tomato Budenovka, because in appearance they are really similar. However, the creators of the variety convinced that in this assumption there is not a drop of truth.

The variety was entered in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2005 and is recommended for such cold climatic regions as the Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern. However, this does not mean at all that it cannot be grown in other places. Amateur gardeners successfully cultivate a nobleman both in the central regions of Russia and in the Volga region, but in the very south of the country the variety really feels uncomfortable.

The main purpose of this tomato, judging by the official document, is to grow various household plots, summer cottages and other small farms in unprotected soil. Apparently, there are reasons why it is unprofitable to use the variety for industrial production. Although, based on the description of the tomato, such reasons are not explicitly visible. Growing in a greenhouse, of course, is also possible, but unprofitable: in greenhouses they try to plant tall tomatoes in order to maximize the use of the entire useful volume of the structure.

General characteristics of the variety

The nobleman's tomato is intended for fresh consumption in salads. Of course, fine fine juice is also obtained from it, but full-canning is impossible. This is a very tasty variety of tomatoes, which is even a pity to translate into juices, preservation, etc. In addition, the fruits are very beautiful and look appetizing.

The noble bushes are not tall, with a height of just over half a meter, the variety is among the determinants. However, unlike many determinant varieties that do not need to be tied up, this option is not suitable for the Nobles: the stem is not strong enough, and the fruits are too heavy. Therefore, the variety requires both formation and binding to the supports.

Since the harvest at the Nobles is difficult, you can’t do without supports

The nobleman's leaves are of usual green color and medium size, the inflorescences are complex. The first inflorescences are formed after 7 or 8 leaves, and then, every 1-2 leaves, the following are laid. The readiness of tomatoes for harvesting occurs 103-117 days after emergence, that is, the variety is medium early.

Since the Nobleman does not belong to hybrids, it is possible to collect seeds from his harvest: getting them from ripe tomatoes is not at all difficult.

Fruits of an interesting heart-shaped form, raspberry-colored: there are not so many varieties with such fruits, but large-fruited, perhaps, only a few. The mass of most tomatoes is in the range of 150-250 g, but half a kilogram specimens are not uncommon, even champions weighing up to a kilogram are described. The number of seed nests is 4 or more. Various tasters describe the taste of fruits as excellent or good: the pulp is fleshy and sweet.

Productivity - at the level of the best determinant varieties. On each bush you can grow a fairly limited number of fruits (usually 7-8), but due to the mass of each of them the total yield is not bad: up to 7 kg / m2. Some record lovers specifically standardize the crop, removing some of the flowers to get especially large fruits.

Unfortunately, the fruits do not differ in transportability and long-term storage: apparently, this is one of the reasons that the variety is grown mainly in amateur gardens.

Video: large noble tomato


The nobleman has an interesting shape, and, in combination with the size and color of the fruit, this tomato looks practically unlike any other; it is easy to recognize it among many others.

The fruits of the nobleman are large, beautiful, but prone to cracking

Since the stems of the nobleman are rather weak, it cannot be said that the “tree” with fruits looks elegant: you can see how hard it is for him to sustain the crop, even if he is firmly tied to a support.

Although the bushes at the Nobles are small, they cannot be kept without a garter

Advantages and disadvantages, features, differences from other varieties

The Nobleman's tomato is not without drawbacks, but the combination of advantages and relative minuses makes it very popular among gardeners in most of the territory of our country. The obvious advantages of the variety include:

  • high cold resistance, in connection with which the variety can be grown in almost any region;
  • increased resistance to most diseases and, in particular, to late blight, which mows most varieties with the onset of the cold end of summer;
  • large-fruited in combination with a spectacular appearance;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • good overall yield.

Perhaps, it is cold resistance should be considered the most important advantage of the variety. While the content of this article was being considered, on the night of June 1 to 2, unprecedented and unexpected frosts came to central Russia. He was driving to the country with a heavy feeling. Yes, it was scary to see it ... But among the two hundred dead bushes of tomatoes stood two dozen greenbacks. And it turned out to be a nobleman.

Not all disadvantages of the variety are easily eliminated even with careful care, unfortunately, they are. For instance:

  • poor portability and short shelf life of fresh tomatoes;
  • the need for strong supports for bushes, which for many determinant varieties is not required;
  • increased moodiness in the composition of the soil: The nobleman consumes a lot of nutrients and does not feel well in heavy soil;
  • the need to form a bush, which is rare for undersized tomatoes.

In fact, the last three drawbacks are an unpleasant feature of the variety that distinguishes it from most other determinant varieties. However, it is difficult to recall a stunted tomato with such spectacular, large and tasty fruits. Raspberry tomatoes are generally not common, and large-fruited heart-shaped varieties can be counted on the fingers.

So, for example, an early ripe salad variety with large heart-shaped fruits Altai honey has recently appeared. However, the color of the fruit is orange, and the main purpose of the variety is greenhouse cultivation. The Siberian variety Batyania with heart-shaped raspberry fruits is well-known, but it is distinguished by its indeterminacy. The long-grown Bullish variety with red heart-shaped fruits ripen later than the Nobles.

The bull’s heart resembles a nobleman in form and size, but the main characteristics of the varieties vary

Thus, for the whole set of positive properties and relative disadvantages, Velozmoha tomato can be considered a very good choice for regions with a cold climate, but its cultivation requires at least minimal knowledge and skills.

Features of growing and planting tomato nobleman

Like the vast majority of tomato varieties, nobles are grown only through seedlings. Therefore, by the beginning of spring, everything must be prepared in order to do this interesting thing. Of course, in a city apartment for this you need to allocate a rather big area: you need a well-lit large window sill.


The cultivation of seedlings of tomato nobleman is no different from that for most varieties. The whole process consists of several mandatory activities.

  1. Seed preparation. You can take the seeds of the Nobleman from your harvest, but they must be prepared for sowing. After selection of full-fledged seeds, they must be disinfected (20-30 minutes in a dark purple solution of potassium permanganate), and after peeling in a damp cloth, they are quenched (2-3 days in the refrigerator).

    Seed dressing can be combined with calibration: those that are not drowned should be discarded.

  2. Preparation of the soil (you can buy it in the store, but if you make it yourself, you should also disinfect it, watering it well with a weak solution of potassium permanganate). The soil should be air- and water-permeable, which is achieved by using peat, humus and sod land.

    The soil purchased at the store is usually perfectly balanced for certain vegetables.

  3. Sowing seeds in any small box or box. In this case, the soil layer must be at least 5 cm, and the seeds are sown to a depth of about 2 cm, with a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

    For sowing a small amount of seeds, any unnecessary box is suitable

  4. Careful monitoring of temperature. Before emergence, it can be room, but immediately after the appearance of "loops" it is reduced to 16-18 aboutWith for a few days. Then - again room, and lighting is always the maximum possible.

    If the windowsill faces south, no additional lighting is required.

  5. Pick-up (seating in a more spacious box or in separate cups), performed at the age of 10-12 days.

    The best containers for a dive - peat pots

  6. Moderate watering (the soil should not dry out, but in no case should there be stagnation of water), as well as 1-2 feeding. If the soil is fertile, you can do without fertilizing: seedlings should grow “in difficulties”.

    If you need to feed seedlings, it is convenient to do this with an azophos

  7. Hardening, which is carried out a week before planting seedlings in the garden.

"Correct" seedlings before planting in the garden usually grows up to 20-25 cm, no longer needed, but the stem must be thick. Landing in unprotected soil is possible when the soil reaches a temperature of about 14 aboutC, which is observed in the middle lane at the very end of May, and in Siberia 1-2 weeks later. If you need to do this earlier, you will have to take care of a temporary film shelter, and preheat the garden bed by pouring hot water and covering it with a film for a couple of days.

Despite the resistance of the Nobles to low temperatures, they select a site protected from northern winds for landing. The nobleman requires higher, compared with many varieties, doses of fertilizer, but this should not be fresh manure. Phosphorus is especially required for tomatoes, therefore, digging a plot under the tomatoes in the fall, add one and a half buckets of humus or compost and 50-60 g of superphosphate per square meter. Wood ash, up to a liter jar, will not hurt.

In the spring, the bed is slightly loosened, and in the places designated according to the chosen scheme, small holes are dug, where seedlings are planted, deepening cotyledon leaves. Since the noble seedlings are not prone to stretching, it is usually planted without tilting. Despite the determinism of the bush, a too tight landing is undesirable. The distance between the bushes is maintained in the range of 45-50 cm, and between the rows - 50-60 cm.

When planting seedlings, gently squeeze the roots with their hands so that there are no voids between the soil particles

In order for the seedlings to take root more quickly, it is necessary to try to remove it from the box or cups without destroying the earthen coma. After landing in the wells, the tomatoes are carefully watered with water with a temperature of at least 25 aboutC and mulch the soil with humus or peat. Strong pegs are also driven in at the same time, although they will come in handy later for tying bushes with tomatoes.


When caring for the nobleman's tomato, well-known operations are required: watering with subsequent loosening and destruction of weeds, rare top dressing, formation and tying of bushes. It should be watered with water warmed up in the sun, so they do it in the evening. Watering the Valmosha requires plentiful, especially during the growth of the fruit, but as soon as they begin to turn red, watering sharply reduces, otherwise tomato cracking is possible. It should be watered under the root, trying not to wet the leaves again.

The first top dressing is given in 2-3 weeks after transplanting, the further - after about the same time. At first, it is better to use mullein infusions, and after setting the fruit, it is undesirable to give nitrogen, so they make up a composition of 25 g of superphosphate and half a liter of ash per 10 liters of water.

Fortunately, the nobleman is highly resistant to disease. If some sores catch up with the variety, it’s only in the greenhouse, and even then it’s no worse than brown spotting, from which you can save yourself with garlic infusion. In the open ground, diseases are so rare that amateur gardeners, as a rule, do not even carry out preventive spraying.

Nobleman's tomato is grown in one or two stems, removing all stepsons below the first flower brush. In this case, the two-stemmed variant is more often chosen in the greenhouse, and in the open ground a plant is formed into one stem. The variety is not distinguished by rampant stepson formation; however, extra shoots are systematically broken out. If too many flowers form in the inflorescence, the extra ones are plucked, leaving no more than four.

Nobleman's tomato is rarely grown in 3 shoots (c), options (a) or (b) are chosen

As soon as the ovaries appear, the stems are firmly tied to the stakes, using soft twines. After all, if the fruits grow a little, the bush without a garter cannot stand firmly. However, instead of individual stakes, a common trellis can be equipped; each gardener has his own preferences. With proper care, the Nobleman will delight with large tasty fruits that do not ripen at the same time, so that pleasure stretches for a long time.

Video: the formation of bushes of undersized tomatoes

Reviews about tomato nobleman

The grandees indicate raspberry fruits, the Budennovka - who gives red, who are raspberry. But, in any case, both tomatoes are worthy to be grown on their own site. I do so, although I see no difference between them.



The nobleman is not an early variety, the height of the bush is up to 150 cm. Medium is affected by diseases. But the taste of the fruits is high. I liked the taste. The first fruits are large, pink up to 300-400 grams.

Charlie 83


The nobleman is not bad. Productive, large, even in size, did not crack. But the taste also does not reach such "heart-shaped" ones - Bull's heart, Mazarin, Fatima ...



Wonderful variety, very large fruits and delicious.

Vera Malysheva


The nobleman is a wonderful salad variety of tomatoes for a cold climate. Its fruits are not suitable for full-canning, as they simply do not fit in a standard jar. But for eating fresh or making various sauces this is a very good option. If you have some gardening experience, it’s not difficult to grow a good crop of these tomatoes.


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