Calistegia - a nimble bindweed or a delicate French rose


Calistegia is a gentle climbing plant of the family Convolvulus. It is also known by the names of plow, bindweed, birch, French rose. The birthplace of the plant is East Asia (Japan, North China). Sometimes the owners of the plots treat Calistegia as a weed, which is difficult to get rid of, but it can be turned into a good ally by protecting the rhizome. A fast-growing liana easily braids arbors, balconies, walls or fences, and delicate flowers bloom over bright greenery.

Calistegia is a faithful assistant in landscape design and decoration of unsightly buildings. This plant will be loved by gardeners for ease of care and decorativeness.

Botanical Description

Calistegia is a herbaceous perennial with a developed root system. Dense whitish roots are able to occupy a large territory. In spring, new shoots appear at a distance of 1.5 m from the main curtain. Smooth and flexible vines can grow 2-4 m in length. They are covered with a reddish-brown skin.

Triangular or heart-shaped leaflets with long petioles are located next to the entire shoot. They have wavy sides, a pointed edge and a relief pattern of veins on the surface. The color of the leaf plate is dominated by a bright green color.

During the summer, flowers bloom along the entire length of the vine. Single axillary buds are painted white or pink. There are varieties with simple (bell-shaped) flowers or with terry buds. The diameter of the flower is 2-9 cm. Thin delicate petals surround the core in the form of a column. After pollination on calistegia, the fruits ripen - small boxes with seeds.

In autumn, the shoots completely dry out. Only the rhizome remains alive, which in the spring will start new processes.

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In total, 25 varieties of calistegia are registered in the genus, but only a few of them are cultivated and purposefully grown. The remaining species are considered weeds.

Calistegia is fluffy. The plant is common in China and has the longest shoots (up to 4 m). The stems are covered with bright green elongated leaves with a leathery surface. There are varieties with simple and double flowers with a diameter of 4-9 cm. Petals are pink in color with a dark base. The most popular variety is calistegia flora captivity. Her large terry flowers are often called a French rose for their resemblance to a prickly beauty. Delicate buds with a subtle aroma densely cover the entire surface of the vine.

Calistegia fluffy

Calistegia fence. This variety is very common in many regions and is considered a weed plant. Long and very thin shoots are rarely covered with regular petiolate leaves and simple bell-shaped flowers. White or light pink petals grow together in a single funnel with a diameter of 1-4 cm.

Calistegia Fence

Calistegia multiplex. The frost-resistant plant forms shoots up to 3-3.5 m long. Dark green triangular leaves and terry pink flowers are located close to each other on them. Each flower can reach 10 cm in diameter.

Calistegia multiplex

Calistegia is flatulent or Japanese. The flower forms elastic strong lashes 1.5-2.5 m long. On them are small regular leaves and light pink double flowers with a diameter of up to 9 cm. Flowering occurs in July-September.

Calistegia Conjugate or Japanese

Calistegia is hairy. Liana is common in the south of the Far East. It has a long, cord-like rhizome and thick, erect shoots up to 80 cm long. The plant twists weakly. Oblong, petiole leaves have a light green or yellowish color. The axillary flowers on short pedicels in diameter are 4-6 cm. The corolla consists of five pink petals fused at the base with pointed edges. It blooms in the second half of summer.

Calistegia hairy

Reproduction and planting

The propagation of calistegia is carried out vegetatively by the method of division of the rhizome. The roots have high regenerative abilities. That is, even a small segment is able to shoot new sprouts. At the end of autumn, gardeners dig out part of Calistegia with the earth and store them in boxes in a cool place all winter. During the cold season, the soil should remain slightly moist.

In spring, the rhizome is completely freed from the soil and cut into small pieces. 5-7 cm is enough to form a new plant. The cutting sites are dipped in ash or crushed charcoal and planted in the ground to a depth of 3-5 cm. Planting is carried out in March in small peat pots or wide boxes. The soil after planting should be moderately moistened. When the shoots reach a length of 5 cm, they are nipped to slow growth and increase bushiness.

By mid-May, plants are ready for transplanting into the open ground. So that the calistegia grows moderately and does not capture the excess territory, the roots should be limited during planting. It is convenient to use a mesh tape 50 cm wide, sheets of slate or plastic, which should protect the landing area. Planting a bindweed in a bucket is not worth it. If the rhizome is crowded, the plant may die.

Care Rules

Caring for calistegia does not require much effort. If the place for her is chosen correctly, the flexible beauty will quickly grow and bloom actively.

Lighting. Bindweed prefers well-lit areas. In shaded areas, the growth of the lashes slows down, and the flowering becomes not so plentiful. Also, in a shady place, flowers appear 1-3 weeks later.

The soil. Liana prefers loose, moderately fertile soil. It can grow on loamy, peaty, deciduous soils. In one place, the plant usually lives 1-2 decades. Over time, partial soil replacement may be necessary.

Watering. Calistegia normally tolerates periodic drought. Stagnant water is detrimental to it, the proximity of groundwater is also undesirable. A powerful rhizome stores a certain amount of water, so you need to water the plant only with prolonged absence of rain. The rest of the time it is content with natural rainfall.

Fertilizer. Since the vine grows sprouts quickly, it needs nutrients. In the spring, before the growth is activated, dig the soil and make a sufficient amount of cow and leaf humus. In May-September, twice a month, calistegia is fed with universal mineral complexes. For 1 m² of soil, you need half a tablespoon of fertilizer. In autumn, the soil is additionally mulched with ash.

Wintering. In addition to fluffy kalistegia, all types of plants winter easily without shelter. If winter is expected to be harsh and snowless, you need to cover the soil with sphagnum moss, peat or fallen leaves.

Pruning. During the entire flowering period, it will be necessary to carry out periodic pruning. Each flower lives for about a week, after which it is advisable to remove dried buds. In autumn, you will need to cut off all dry shoots so that in spring they do not spoil the appearance of the site.

Diseases and pests. With excessive watering and damp air, Calistegia suffers from root rot and powdery mildew. Correct the situation will help change the conditions of detention and treatment with fungicide ("Fitosporin"). In dense thickets slugs and snails that feed on juicy leaves and even flowers can settle. Treatment with an insecticide (Karbofos, Thunderstorm) will save parasites.

Use of calistegia

Calistegia is great for vertical gardening. If there are arbors, arches, farm buildings in the garden, the plant will quickly hide their contours under a solid green carpet. A simple chain-link will be a good basis for a future hedge.

The plexus of several shoots resembles a garland covered with a hat of delicate flowers. It is suitable not only for everyday decoration, but also for a solemn event. It is enough to plant a rhizome in the right place in a few months and the dense thickets will take the necessary shape.

Planting calistegia in the front garden or in the flower bed, where other plants grow, is undesirable. In the neighborhood she behaves aggressively. It is better to highlight a liana corner near a tree with a rare crown or territory in an open area.

You can drop calistegia in boxes and put on a balcony or porch. She will decorate the pillars and windowsill. At night or in bad weather, the flowers close, and when the sun is bright, they open again. Because of this feature, calistegia is not suitable for the formation of bouquets.
