Cordilina - indoor palm tree with colorful leaves


Cordilina is a beautiful houseplant with large succulent leaves. In shape, it is a bit like a palm tree and attracts with reddish stains on the foliage. Caring for cordilina is uncomplicated, so flower growers are happy to bring this exotic guest home. Previously, the cordilina belonged to the Agave family, but today botanists classify it as the Dracene family. Sometimes you can hear the name "dracaena cordilina", but these are different plants. The homeland of cordilina is the tropics and subtropics of the southern hemisphere, as well as some regions of East Asia.

Plant description

Cordilina is a tall shrub or shrub plant. In the natural environment, it can reach a height of 3-5 m, but in indoor conditions cordilina does not exceed 1.5 m in height. The roots consist of several thick fleshy branches. On the cut it is clear that they have a whitish color. Kidneys and babies form on the rhizome.

Large upright trunk of the plant is covered with large petiolate leaves. Lateral branches are extremely rare, so foliage forms a dense heap. After a while, the lower leaves gradually dry out and the trunk is exposed. In this case, cordilina becomes even more like a palm tree.

Leaf plates have a lanceolate, belt-like or xiphoid shape. They are painted bright green, but there are varieties with a red or pink color. Leaves can grow up to 50 cm in length and up to 10 cm in width. They clearly visible relief central vein.

An inflorescence in the form of a loose panicle consists of many small buds. Petals are painted in white, red or purple. The fruit - a three-nested seed box - has up to 15 small seeds in the nest.

Types of cordilina

The small genus of the cordilin plant consists of 20 species. The most popular among gardeners are the following:

Cordilina apical. A low tree, which in the homeland reaches 2-3 m in height. Wide leaves densely cover the trunk and top. Their length is 50-80 cm, and their width is 5-10 cm. A short, dense petiole is directed upwards. In the lower part, a thick central vein is visible. Paniculate inflorescences consist of white or purple flowers with a diameter of up to 1 cm. The plant prefers warm rooms. Popular varieties:

Apical cordilina
  • Red Edge - the leaves are not so large, but they have a red strip along the edge;
  • Tricolor - foliage covered with yellow, pink and brown stripes;
  • Augusta - raspberry stripes are located on dark green leaves;
  • Cordilina kiwi - characterized by wider leaves covered with raspberry stains.

Cordilina south. The tree has a short trunk, covered with long erect leaves. The xiphoid leaf plates reach a length of 1 m and a width of 4 cm. Foliage is often covered with red or yellow longitudinal stripes. During flowering, the plant is covered with whitish or lilac axillary panicles with an intense pleasant aroma. This unpretentious plant needs a cold wintering (up to + 3 ... + 5 ° C).

Cordilina South

Cordilina straight. The plant has erect stems and a dense crown of lanceolate leaves 30-60 cm long. The edges of the foliage are covered with small teeth. Leaf plates are painted bright green. The plant prefers cooler rooms.

Cordilina straight

Cordilina fruticosis. A tree with a thin trunk covered with lateral shoots. The foliage is painted in green and purple hues. Differs in simplicity in leaving and unpretentiousness.

Cordilina fruticosis


Cordilin is propagated by seed and vegetative methods. Seeds at room conditions are rarely sown, seedlings do not retain varietal traits of the parent plant. Cordilin flower seeds are sown in a wet sand-peat mixture in early spring. They are buried by 0.5-1 cm and covered with a film. Shoots appear after 1-2 weeks and quickly grow. With the advent of 4 real leaves, plants dive into pots of 2-3 pieces.

The easiest way to reproduce is to separate root children. During the transplantation period, it is enough to cut off a young plant with a portion of the root. The cut site is sprinkled with crushed charcoal and planted in a light, fertile soil.

For spring cuttings, semi-lignified stems are cut into several parts. In each section should be 2-3 internodes. The lower cut is recommended to be treated with root, and immersed in soil 2-3 cm. The pot is covered with a film and put in a bright place with air temperature + 25 ... + 30 ° C. Every day you need to ventilate and moisten the greenhouse. The rooting process takes about a month.

Transplant Rules

Caring for cordilina at home involves a regular transplant. Young seedlings are transplanted annually, and older plants every 2-3 years. The pot should be larger than the previous one, but not too spacious. At the bottom lay out drainage material and charcoal. The soil for cordilina should consist of:

  • garden or leaf soil;
  • river sand;
  • peat.

The earth is chosen with a slightly acid reaction. Due to its light structure, air flows freely to the roots.

Plant care

Caring for room cordilina is simple, but still requires certain skills. The plant needs to pick up a bright room with a long daylight hours. However, it must be shaded from direct sunlight. Plants with plain green foliage better tolerate a lack of light. It is optimal to place the flower in the southern room at a distance from the window.

Summer indoor temperature should be + 22 ... + 30 ° C. It is advisable to take cordiline in the warm season on the street. The place is chosen quiet, protected from drafts. In winter, the plant needs a cooler content. The air temperature is lowered to + 12 ... + 14 ° C gradually. Abrupt night and winter cooling leads to plant disease.

The humidity in the room where the flower is located should be high. The crown is sprayed with water twice a day, trays with water and wet pebbles are placed nearby. In winter, do not put cordiline near heating appliances. If the humidity is insufficient, the cordilina will begin to dry and drop leaves.

Cordilina is not too demanding on watering. Between irrigation, the earthen lump should be half dry. Water the plant twice a week or less. Water is used well-kept and warm. Even a slight stagnation of water is detrimental to the plant, so it is important to provide good drainage and drain the liquid from the pan in a timely manner.

From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, cordilina needs regular fertilizer. Use mineral complexes for indoor flowering plants. They are bred in water and applied twice a month.

Cordilin is resistant to plant diseases. The only problem with flooding the soil is root rot. On lush foliage, especially in dry and hot air, parasites (thrips, aphids, spider mites) often appear. At the first sign of insects, insecticides should be treated immediately.


Watch the video: Care tips for the Cordyline Plant. Donna Joshi (October 2024).