Outdoor cultivation of rhododendron


The word rhododendron is translated from Greek as a rosewood. He got this name thanks to his flower resembling a rose.

Description of Rhododendron

Rhododendron belongs to the heather family, which includes evergreens that completely or half-fold the foliage at certain times of the year, shrubs and trees. The most famous and common are azaleas grown indoors, in greenhouses and greenhouses.

It grows in the subtropics and temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, although it is also found in the Southern. In Russia, 18 species are known that are common in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. They grow individually or in groups forming entire thickets, in the mountains or under trees in a forest, in a marshland or in the tundra. The place should be shaded and moist, but the water in the soil does not stagnate. The air is damp.

Types of rhododendron vary in height (from 10-20 cm to 30 m) and in flower size (several mm and more than 20 cm). Simple and complex leaves with different edges. Bisexual flowers with a whisk of different colors: lemon, pink or purple-violet. They are combined into simple and complex inflorescences, and they are extremely rare alone. The fruit is represented by a five-fold box, opening down. The seed resembles a stick of 0.5-2 mm. Numerous small roots are located on the surface. Slow growth is characteristic. It can be propagated in various ways.

Rhododendron is a poisonous plant containing andromedotoxin. This substance first has an exciting effect, and then depressing, leading to death. Bark and leaves contain tannins.

Types and varieties of rhododendron

Shrub varieties are commonly grown in gardening.


Shrub descriptionSheetFlower


DaurskyMedium with large branching. Early flowering. Bark of steel color, thin reddish-brown shoots with a slight pubescence.Elongated, green, in the fall - lemon. 5 cmLilac pink in the form of a funnel.
KamchatskyMiniature in the shape of a hemisphere. Dwarf.Large, ovoid. 5 cmBright carmine. Inflorescence of 3 pcs. with a velvety surface.
CanadianLow, compact up to 1 m. Twisting, thin strong branches.Elliptical, bluish green.Pink and lilac. Heavily cut petals resemble a moth.


CaucasianCreeping shoots up to 1.5 m. Dark brown bark.Dark green, smooth on top and hairy on the bottom.Fragrant, yellow with green dots or white. Bell shape. 8-12 pcs brush
SmirnovaYoung branches with a slight white pubescence, old - gray bark. up to 1-2 m.Oblong-elliptical 8-10 cm.Purple in the form of a bell.
AdamsBranched 0.5 m. Shoots are pubescent with glandular nap.Elongated ellipse, naked above, below the scale. Ginger.A variety of pink shades. Thyroid inflorescences of 7-15 pcs.
Small-leavedBeautiful, compact. Young branches are rusty, old - steel. Straight or creeping. 0.5-0.6 m.Oblong-lanceolate.Golden 3 cm.

Rhododendron Landing

In order for rhododendron to grow on the site, it is necessary for him to choose a suitable place, prepare the soil and properly carry out planting and care. Deciduous species require a lot of light, and evergreens need shade. They all need shelter from the wind, and in winter from the snow, so it’s better to plant them near buildings, fences or tall plants. Trees that have the same structure of the root system: birch, spruce, maple and others are not suitable as neighbors. They can grow near oak, pine and fruit plants: apple trees, pears, cherries.

Rhododendrons prefer loose, acidic soil (4.5-5.5 pH), which freely provides access to air and water (does not linger). Sandstone and loam are deoxidized by adding peat, compost, pine needles, bark.

Bushes are transplanted at the age of 2-3 years into a recess of 30x30 cm, older ones - at 60x40. On the bottom put drainage from cracked brick or large gravel, on top - a special mixture of earth, peat, decayed needles, sand, compost (humus) and moisten well to settle. The roots of the plant are placed in water and kept in it until air bubbles disappear. The depth level is 3-4 cm above the root. After planting, the earth is moistened and mulched with a composition of peat, sand and chopped pine bark.

Rhododendron Care

Take care of the plant, following the rules:

  • Watered on the basis of weather and drying of the soil. At the beginning of development, sufficient moistening with soft water is required: in the summer - 1-1.5 buckets per mature plant 4 times a month, in the heat - more often. When it gets cooler, less often - every 1.5 weeks. Pour acidified water (10-15 g of oxalic or citric acid per 10 l).
  • They are fed with mineral fertilizers. In the spring to revitalize the plant and the beginning of its flowering. In the summer, to accelerate the growth of shoots and laying buds for next year. In the fall (without nitrogen) - to prepare for the winter.
  • Cut in the spring, removing dry and diseased shoots. You can shorten those branches that violate the shape of the bush. Withered flowers are torn off, otherwise the plant looks messy. It is necessary to direct forces on the growth of new branches and flowers.
  • Transplanted at any age. It is best before the sap flow begins - in spring, later - after flowering or at the very beginning of autumn, in order to have time to get stronger before the start of winter.
  • Winter-hardy plant, but for the cold period it is better to cover.


There are several methods of reproduction: by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and cuttings.

Seeds are sown shallowly in dishes filled with a wet mixture of peat (heather) soil and sand in a ratio of 3: 1. For the greenhouse effect, cover with glass or cellophane and put into the light. Daily aerate, irrigate and remove condensate. Shoots will appear in 30 days. Transplanted seedlings into another container after the appearance of two leaves (scheme 2x3 cm). In the garden - for 2 years, and before that they are grown in a greenhouse. Flowers will appear at the age of 6-8 years.

From a part of the stem (5-8 cm) with unripe wood and leaves, a stalk is prepared. The lower leaves are torn off and lowered into the stimulant solution for half a day. Then they stick it into the ground (peat and sand 3: 1), from above - a jar or a package so that the roots grow (1.5-4 months), after which you need a container with soil (peat and pine needles 2: 1). In winter, they are placed in a room with + 8 ... +12 ° С and flooded with light. In spring and summer they transfer to the garden, to the final site - after 2 years.

It is easiest to propagate by layering: a flexible branch is bent into a groove (15 cm), fixed with a wire and covered with soil. The top is tied to a pole. The usual care. In autumn or spring, you can separate from the main plant and transplant.

Divide the bush into parts that are planted separately. In a year, young branches will appear, and flowering will begin.

Winter preparations

If there is no rain in the fall, then the rhododendron must be additionally watered. In rainy weather this is not required. Before December, it is necessary to prepare the plant for winter: cover the roots with a layer of peat, in areas with a cold winter - additionally use burlap and tie with a rope, you can make a frame with covering material. Removed after the snow cover, on a gloomy day.

Diseases and Pests

Rhododendron is susceptible to attack by some pests and a number of diseases.


Symptoms (on foliage)

Remedial measures (spraying)

Rhododendron bugSmall white marks. Below - insect eggs (brown).Diazinon.
Khrushchik asian gardenIrregularly shaped holes or only streaks remain.
MealybugIrregular shape. Death.Karbofos. Repeatedly.
Furrowed weevil (corrugated mowing)The edges are damaged, the bark near the root is merged.0.3% karbofos emulsion, for watering 0.2-0.3%. At the end of summer, 0.1-0.15% liquid Bazudin or diazinon and Furadan are used.
Spider miteBelow is a thin web. The color is brown steel. Fly around.Agravertine, diazinon.
Slime plowedThrough holes appear very quickly.0.8% TMTD. Collection of adult specimens.
Black thripsGray holes above, dark - below. Steel shade, shedding. The inflorescence is ugly. Development is slowing down.0.2-0.3% nicotine. 0.2% emulsion of malathion.
Small-winged moth minerThe surface is stained. They are twisted into a tube, dry, crumble and crumble.Spraying or fumigation with sulfur.

In addition to pests, rhododendrons are susceptible to certain diseases.

Manifestation on the leaves / Symptoms

Disease / Causes

Remedial measures

Yellowness. Folding, drying out. Flowering is weak.Mixed chlorosis. Not enough batteries. Stagnant water, dense soil around the root system or has become alkaline.Foliar top dressing with iron salt of sulfuric acid 7.5 g / l, magnesia 6.5 g / l.
Red spots, folding into a tube, drying out.Sulfuric acid salt or ammonium nitrate. Potassium nitrate.
Brownish on top.Necrosis. Decrease in temperature of the environment.To shelter.

Each case of the disease requires the establishment of causes and their elimination.

The benefits and harms of rhododendron

Rhododendron is used to decorate areas, but it has useful qualities that have found application in conventional and traditional medicine. The presence of vitamin C, andromedotoxin, ericoline, arbutin and rhododendrin determined its use:

  • help reduce fever, pain;
  • will have a calming and bactericidal effect;
  • relieve swelling;
  • remove excess fluid from the body;
  • lower the pressure.

Contraindications: pregnancy, feeding a child, kidney disease and tissue necrosis.

It is best to carry out treatment in consultation with your doctor. This will protect against unsolicited consequences or death, which is possible because many species are poisonous.

Mr. Summer resident informs: how to grow a rhododendron in the middle lane

Many flower growers in the central European part of Russia (Moscow region, Leningrad region) want to grow rhododendron. This is possible if you choose the right view. Frost-resistant species and varieties are most suitable:

  • Deciduous species: Japanese, yellow, Schlippenbach, Canadian, Kamchatka.
  • Semi-evergreen Ledebour.
  • Ketevbinsky evergreen and its hybrids, short-fruited, golden, Smirnova.
  • Winter-hardy varieties: Elvira, The Hague, Mikkeli.
  • Hybrids of the Pink Lights, Spicy Light, Northern Light Rosie Lights and others.

After choosing a variety, planting is carried out according to the rules:

  • the place is located 50 cm from other plants;
  • special soil with complex mineral fertilizer;
  • the size of the pit exceeds the root by 2 times;
  • drainage layer 15 cm;
  • the trunk is not lowered into the soil below 4-5 cm;
  • hydration after planting.

Care has some features:

  • the soil does not contain substances alkalizing the soil;
  • Mulching is required;
  • sun protection (mesh, gauze, fabric);
  • balanced watering;
  • growth is unacceptable if it is warm and humid in autumn (spraying with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate or potassium phosphorus);
  • winter shelter - a lath in the form of a hut, wrapped in non-woven material.

If the grower meets all these requirements, then the rhododendron will grow on the site and delight with its flowering.


Watch the video: Rhododendrons. A Masterclass (October 2024).