Violet Chic Poppy


Violet chic poppy is a breeding work. Seedling K.L. Moreva 2013 immediately found fans. A frequent visitor at international exhibitions and a representative of private collections.

Description of violets Chic poppy

The leaves form a rosette, the color from the center of the plate to the periphery turns from green to white, and there are pure white.

Flowers on high peduncles in diameter reach 8 cm. The first years bend under the weight of the buds and fall, then the plant grows stronger and this does not happen. Long flowering. Petals unfold slowly. Fringed around the edges. Pink young buds then acquire saturated brick shades. You can propagate leafy cuttings, which are well rooted and give up to 3 outlets, but this requires a lot of light.

Advantages of violet Chic poppy


  • unusually beautiful leaves - green with a white "powder";
  • huge fringed flowers covering the whole violet;
  • long flowering.


  • easy rooting of cuttings;
  • the rapid emergence of new outlets.

Planting and growing conditions of violets Chic poppy

Chic poppy requires a special attitude and increased attention to yourself, it is difficult to create suitable conditions, but its appearance is amazing and worth all the effort.



LocationA lot of light is needed, but keep away from direct sunlight to prevent burns. The west or east side is the best location. From the southern flower will have to cover in the summer.
LightingIt is necessary for flowering and preserving the beauty of rosettes. In low light, the cuttings stretch. With excess - the lower leaves are wrapped, which also leads to a loss of decorativeness. Daylight hours are at least 12 hours, so additional lighting is shown in winter.
TemperatureOptimal - + 19 ... +23 ° ะก. Avoid sudden fluctuations.
HumidityNot lower than 50%. In the cold period, additional humidification is necessary. You can put water in an open bowl near the flower.

A specially prepared substrate is on sale, but various mixtures can also be prepared:

  • Sheet earth, peat and sand (5: 3: 1); instead of sand, perlite or vermiculite is used;
  • Peat and perlite 3: 1 or 2: 1;
  • Wick peat and perlite 1: 1.

The soil should be slightly acidic (up to 6.5) or neutral 7.0.

Soil is replaced approximately 1 time per year.

To protect against fungal diseases, mix activated carbon or sphagnum moss into the soil. To destroy spores of fungi and other pests before planting, the soil is heated in the microwave, in the oven or spilled with boiling water.

Pot3 times less than the outlet. Do not need a lot of land. Plastic is suitable, but if there are holes in the bottom of the drainage pot, necessary to prevent stagnation of water and the development of rot on the roots. It can be expanded clay, pebbles, small gravel, broken brick. Frequent transplantation into a more suitable pot is necessary.

Mr. Summer resident warns: proper watering for violets Chic poppy

This plant does not tolerate overflow or drying of the substrate.

If heavily waterlogged in hot weather, it can die from a bacterial infection that spreads quickly through the leaves.

The delicate parts of the flower are also affected by the ingress of water on them. Therefore, the following irrigation measures must be observed:

  • water must be defended or filtered;
  • soften hard with oxalic acid 0.5 tsp on 6 l .;
  • be sure to fill up the drainage before landing;
  • prevent stagnation of liquid in the container under the pot;
  • violet must not be sprayed.

Watering methods:

  • Top of a watering can, but avoid droplets on the plant.
  • Bottom watering: the pot is placed in a pan with water for half an hour, after which it is removed.
  • Through the wick. During planting, stretch part of the cord through the drainage and the ground, plant a flower. Then place the pot over the container with water so that the wick is in the liquid and the bottom does not come into contact with it. As a result, soil moisture will be maintained at an optimal level.

Topping violets Chic poppy

It is carried out by finished liquid fertilizers. During the flowering period must be applied every week. If in winter the appropriate conditions are not provided: temperature and light conditions, 1 time in 30 days is enough.

During the growing season, young violets require nitrogen compounds, and for mature flowers preparing for flowering, phosphorus and potassium are needed.

If the violet was properly looked after, watered and fed in a timely manner, but the plant is still exhausted, you need to check the acidity of the soil. If you deviate from a slightly acid reaction in one direction or another, the ability of the senpolia to absorb in full nutrients from the earth is lost.

Trimming violets Chic poppy

For quick rooting, the lower leaves, as well as peduncles, are removed from the outlet. Placed in water or in the soil, it releases roots.

In an adult, overgrown and diseased leaves, peduncles with faded flowers are cut off. With strong growth, sockets are removed.

Transplant violets Chic poppy

It is done in early spring and in October. You can not transplant flowering plants. With excessive watering and slow growth, an unscheduled procedure is performed. Earth does not need much, the pot is selected in 1/3 of the size of the outlet. 24 hours before transplanting, the violet is watered. Then a healthy plant is transferred with a lump of earth into a prepared pot, in moist soil. If there are rotten roots, old, diseased leaves, then they are removed. After transplanting, do not water 48-72 hours. It is allowed to put the flower under a jar to preserve high humidity.


Watch the video: POPPY SAUVAGE 23 : CHIC NUDE LOOK (October 2024).