Zinia: planting and care


Zinnia or zinnia in the original spelling is a perennial heat-loving shrub plant cultivated in temperate latitudes as an annual.

Named after the director of the Botanical Garden, Johann Zinn. The second popular name is Major. Belongs to the family of asters, there are more than 20 species, more than 50 varieties are bred.

They differ in the shape and color of the buds in the form of caps having a hemispherical or flat shape. Tall varieties are grown for bouquets, cut flowers stand in bouquets for up to 20 days. Medium and low shrubs are used in landscaping. Agricultural cultivation is simple.

Description and features of zinnia

A flower shrub with branched erect or spreading elastic stems with a harsh edge blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. The thermophilic culture is afraid of frosts, unpretentious in leaving. Like many plants in the aster family, zinnia is not demanding on the ground, it loves good lighting. Depending on the variety, grows from 20 cm to a meter. The leaves of the major are ovoid with a pointed tip, dense, dark or saturated green.

Grow opposite or in whorls. The fruit is an achene of a trihedral, oblate or oval shape.

It is used to decorate gardens and parks as an annual culture, although in the wild the major is considered a perennial shrub. Grows in Mexico, North and South America. Breeders have deduced abundantly flowering varieties of different colors and shades, the caps of the flower are flat or hemispherical. Reed-shaped petals rarely grow straight, often curl into a tubule, forming a terry bud, sometimes curl at the tip.

Multilayer flowering, lasts up to two months, begins 50-55 days after emergence. In Russia, agricultural technology of seedlings is used.

The first row of large outdoor buds is the flowers of the first stage, the seeds ripen in them, the rest - inside the bush, bloom in the second, third turn, in them the seeds may not inherit the features of the species.

Types and varieties of zinnia

Existing garden classifications group numerous varieties of flowers in appearance into 4 species groups of zinnias: graceful, narrow-leaved, fine-flowered, separate linearis, although outwardly it looks like thin-leaved myra.

The length of the stem is distinguished:

  • high zinnias, they are grown for cutting into bouquets, these are bushes with a height of 60 to 90 cm. With good care, lighting, they separate varieties reach a meter height;
  • medium-tall, with a height of 30 to 55 cm, they are bred for the decorative design of plots;
  • stunted or flowerbed, dwarf, their height ranges from 15 to 30 cm, they look good in rockeries, on alpine hills, they decorate balconies, planted in pots.

Color variety is worth considering in detail.


An annual view of zinnia with dense petals forming large, lush caps. It blooms from mid-summer until freezing temperatures. The group has dwarf, medium-tall and tall varieties. Floral outlets are dense, diameter varies, minimum 3 cm, maximum up to 17 cm. A diverse palette of flowers: from white to purple, numerous shades of yellow from lemon to cream, red from scarlet to maroon, there are carmine, orange, purple, lilac. Varieties:

  1. The dahlia group of large-flowered high zinnias with dense caps of a hemispherical shape is the most numerous. Reed petals with a round edge, collected in the form of tiles, terry inflorescences, large, from 10 to 14 cm. Grown for bouquets, retain their presentation for up to 3 weeks. Popular varieties: California giant, Denaris Giants, hybrid Russian size F1. Breeding news: Polar bear with snow-white inflorescences, Lavender surprisingly delicate blue-lilac shade. Crimson Monarch has a carmine color of flower hats, Dream has a lilac color, saturated, bright color, Hallo with coral pink inflorescences. Giant Purple Prince or Ginny with caps the size of a saucer with a lilac hue, glossy petals, gleam.
  2. Cactus-like or giant zinnia with spiky petals refers to tall species, hats are loose, petals are even at the base, form a dense tube at the tip. The popular Giant Cactus Flowers series is created for bouquets, bushes are tall, up to a meter high, flower hats are orange, scarlet, sunny, dark carmine color.
  3. Chrysanthemums are considered to be medium-tall. Petals are large, collected in terry buds. Plain colored petals form a tube or have the shape of a curl.
  4. Pompoms - stunted, branched zinnias, characterized by increased bushiness, hemispherical flowers. Cold-resistant, tolerate small frosts on the soil, bloom from June to the end of October. Popular varieties: Little Red Riding Hood, in the original version called Rotcopchen. medium-sized bushes with floral hats of saturated red color, the petals do not fade in the sun; Tom-Thumb, a dwarf variety that resembles Little Red Riding Hood, but the flower is not so dense.
  5. Fantasy - medium-sized bush zinnias with loose caps of flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Petals are narrow with a forked, uneven tip, in many varieties they are twisted, they are monophonic and variegated. The popular undersized Short-Staf variety branches well, flower caps are small, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, the colors are juicy: red, coral, sunny, white, cherry.


This is a medium-sized group of zinnias, the height of a spherical bush is 45-55 cm. Flower caps are small, up to 3.5 in diameter, flat or loose, like terry. Petals of medium density, fold into a tube. have a plain yellow or orange color, the rows of small petals at the core are darker than the rest. Outwardly narrow-leaved zinnia resembles marigolds.

Popular, often used in landscape design varieties:

  1. Persian carpet, on a dense bush at the same time there are buds of different shades from sunny yellow to saffron.
  2. KandyStrip, a regionalized version of the Persian carpet, is distinguished by striped flower petals, the second name of the variety is Tiger.
  3. Gloryenshine, a variety with a neat bush strewn with terry hats of bright orange color, sometimes a dark brown narrow border is visible on the petals.
  4. Cherry - a dwarf hybrid with branched shoots, used for year-round home breeding in pots, hemispherical, terry buds, petal color transitional, orange at the base, saffron on the tip.
  5. Persian Carpet in shape resembles a Persian carpet, the color of the petals is white or lemon, the bushes are dense, massive.


Breeders received many decorative species by crossing narrow-leaved and graceful zinnias, the most popular varieties used in landscape design:

  1. "ProfusionMixed", released a series of color and growth varieties under this brand. The bushes branch well, strewn with multilayer flowers. Hybrid zinnia petals are similar to chamomile.
  2. The Karusel color mix is ​​a medium-sized large-flowered variety of zinnia, hats are dense, the petals are narrowed to the tip, vary in color, small, growing at the core of a different shade.
  3. The Svizl variety is represented in Russia by two varieties of Cherry Ivory with white-cream dense buds, the petals change hue to the tip; Scarlet Yelou with hats of saturated red color, petals surrounded by a small brown border.
  4. Shaggy Dog - a tall bush with loose buds, narrow, twisted tubular petals.
  5. "Magellan" is a low-growing variety with dense buds up to 10 cm in diameter. Hybrid colors: coral, salmon, orange, juicy cherry, bright red, saturated and pale yellow.
  6. Peppermint Stick is a mid-sized hybrid with a smooth transitional color of petals from sunny to red.
  7. Envy is a branchy bush with hemispherical flower buds of different shades, used for landscaping city parks.

Fine flowered

Outwardly resembles cosmea. The bush is loose, medium-sized, the stem is thin, slightly reddish, divided into small knees. The diameter of the flowers is small, up to 3 cm. Petals are rarely planted, narrow, curving, purple.


A short variety of zinnia, the shape of a small bush reaching 30 cm, spherical. This species is sometimes called narrow-leaved, but it branches more. Petals are dense, narrow, sharp, yellowish. Several breeding varieties:

  1. Golden Ai - snow-white, a floral rosette like a daisy, at the core a dense row of small petals.
  2. Caramel compact bush is strewn with small flowers with dark wide centers, the petals are dense, matte, pale yellow.
  3. Yellow Star - saturated yellow flowers.

Linearis is grown in apartments as a potted perennial culture, zinnias are unpretentious in leaving, appreciated for plentiful long blooming.

Planting zinnia

The plant is thermophilic, does not tolerate frosts, only some selection varieties tolerate subzero temperatures.

They grow zinnia seedlings. It is kept at home or in a greenhouse until the end of return frosts. Sowing seeds is carried out in March or April, it is convenient to sow zinnia in individual cups or peat tablets. Soil is purchased ready-made, universal or for tomatoes. The soil is made independently by mixing in equal proportions the turfy earth, river sand and humus.

Before planting, the seeds are checked for germination, sprouts appear within five days. Landing dates are selected according to the lunar calendar. It is most convenient to use peat tablets, they are soaked without removing the reinforcing mesh. For planting zinnia choose tablets with a diameter of 4 cm. In the second place for convenience, individual cups, you can purchase cylindrical blister packs of 6-8 pieces. The seeds are deepened to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. For group planting, an interval of at least 4 cm between plants is observed. For the rapid emergence of zinnia shoots, tropical conditions are created: planting containers are well shed, tightened with a film, cleaned in a warm place, the recommended germination temperature is + 25 ... +27 ° С.

Shoots appear in 5-7 days. The film is removed, the seedlings are transferred to an illuminated warm place.

Features of growing zinnia

During the period of active growth, seedlings are fertilized with complex fertilizer Agricola for indoor plants. With a general planting of seeds in a large capacity, dive plants are carried out after the appearance of the third full leaf.

The optimum growth temperature is not higher than +22 ... +24 ° С, not lower than +17 ° С. If the seedlings stretch very much, they lighten it up, increasing the daylight hours to 14 hours. The plant blooms 2.5 months after the appearance of sprouts, seedlings are transplanted at the age of 4 to 6 weeks. In the process of growth, pinching is made for the appearance of lateral shoots, the apex is removed from the stem. You can cut it with scissors, they are pre-disinfected.

Fertilizing during the growing season is carried out no more than 1 time per month. It is advisable to choose complex, which includes potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Nitrogen fertilizers make limited, so as not to provoke root rot. For feeding, superphosphate, ammophoska, potassium sulfate, ready-made fertilizer "Flower", "Rainbow" are used. Before planting in the soil, the seedlings are tempered - they are taken out to a cool place, they are allowed to spend the night outdoors, first under a fabric shelter, then without it.

Outdoor cinnamon care

The complex of agrotechnical measures includes weeding seedlings, watering in the dry period, top dressing during the budding period, removing shoots after flowering, new ones will form in their place. If the soil is dense, it is advisable to carry out loosening.

Pinch only bush decorative varieties. The stems for bouquet zinnias are left unary, even, so that the flower has a presentation.

Tsiniya is not demanding to leave. It grows better in a well-lit place, but will also please in shady areas.

Tsiniya after flowering

After flying around the petals of the bud, a fluffy cone is formed on the stem, this is a seed basket. It is torn off or left to ripen. The brightest, most even buds of the first row are marked with threads, seeds are collected from them. If desired, the bushes can be moved to an apartment or a winter garden.

How and when to harvest zinnia seeds

Cut seed baskets are additionally dried until they crumble. After that, they are kneaded in the palms so that the seeds appear. Before packing they are sorted. Zinnia has a distinctive feature: different bushes can grow from one basket. This is due to the stage of seed development.

For planting, leave only elongated spear-shaped seeds with a pointed tip and narrow with a grayish tip. Brown heart-shaped ones are thrown out, low-decorative base plants grow from them, even if seeds are collected from terry bushes.

Experienced flower growers divide the seeds into groups. They choose spear-shaped for growing loose terry and flat buds, elongated with a grayish tail, usually completely inherit the decorative features.

Seeds are laid out in packages, sign the year of collection, color, variety. Store the seed at room temperature in paper. With high humidity, germination drops.

Perennial zinnia in winter

In warm regions where there is no severe frost, zinnia is covered with spruce branches, dry tops of peas, and other loose material. Make snow protection. Bushes winter in the open ground, come to life in the spring, again begin to bloom. If desired, they are dug up, leaving an earthen lump, transferred to pots, flowerpots, and containers. Transferred to a winter garden or apartment for wintering. In order not to stop flowering, dry peduncles break out.

Pests and diseases of zynia

Zinnia protect from slugs, flying insects with insectides. From fungal diseases fungicides are used. Zynias rarely get sick.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: the benefits of zinnia in the garden

The plant is cultivated for decorative purposes; it occupies a key place in landscape design. It is appreciated by the owners of the plots. Benefits of Zinnia:

  1. Bright palette of colors of the form and shades from yellow to purple. The exception is blue, only the lavender variety is bred.
  2. Buds do not fade under the sun, stand well in a bouquet.
  3. Not demanding care in the open ground, drought-resistant, unpretentious to the composition and acidity of the soil.
  4. Flowers attract pollinating insects: bees, butterflies. Seeds are eaten by birds.
  5. Duration and layering of flowering.
  6. Species diversity, grow at different heights.
  7. Zinnia does not oppress garden crops, greens, for planting it is not difficult to choose a place.

When choosing a place for zinnia, you should consider the advice of designers:

  1. They are best planted in groups; for single planting, large-flowered varieties are preferable.
  2. Undersized - excellent design of borders.
  3. Zinnia is best combined with asters, marigolds, saffron.

At the end of the season, bushes can be transplanted into pots, they will delight you with flowers all year round.


Watch the video: ZINNIA the Best Flower to Grow in Summer Months. Growing Zinnia from Seeds. (October 2024).