Perennial flowers for a summer residence


Perennials can be seen in any garden. Flowers belonging to this category are popular due to their unpretentiousness and decorativeness. Bright inflorescences and unusual leaves emphasize the idea of ​​landscape design.

They adorn ponds, gazebos and paths. Plants that bloom at different times are usually included in the general composition. Thanks to this, the garden does not lose its attractiveness from the beginning of spring to late autumn.

Benefits of Perennials for the Garden

Pros of perennials:

  • Difficulties in the selection of seed usually does not arise.
  • You can break a beautiful flower garden without wasting time.
  • Many different combinations.
  • Long flowering period.
  • Strong root system.
  • Lack of difficulties in leaving.
  • Resistance to the negative effects of low temperatures.
  • Minimum financial costs for the improvement of the site. There is no need to purchase planting material before the start of each season.
  • Additional income. It can be obtained by selling seed.
  • They can be in one place for several years. There is no need at the beginning of each season to again select a place for planting and care for seedlings. Saved time can be spent caring for other crops.

When choosing garden crops, many factors should be considered. Among them are climatic conditions, soil, shading, personal preferences.

The choice of perennial flowers for giving

The assortment of plants used for landscaping a personal plot is diverse, characterized by its own characteristics. Thanks to this, every gardener has the opportunity to create a unique landscape design.

Flowers included in the list of the most popular perennials in most cases do not require complicated care. They need fertile, drained soil and watering.

Perennials are classified by flowering period and height. Given the latter indicator, we can distinguish tall, medium-sized and creeping plants. Size plays a decisive role when choosing a place to land.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The need for sunshine, shade and moisture.
  • The distance between the plants.
  • Availability of support (for high perennials).

Low-growing plants are used to border flower beds, fill voids and decorate borders. Tall ones are placed in the background, and medium-sized ones are planted in the middle.

Perennial primroses

These plants delight with their brightness, tenderness and grace at a time when snow is lying. Most of them prefer moist soil and shade.

To achieve the desired effect, spring primroses are placed in mixed flower beds, between tall bushes and on an alpine hill. The list of the most popular include:


Corollas open in late April or early May. This period lasts for 2-3 weeks. Succulent foliage combined with vibrant colors.

The latter can be white, yellow, blue, pink, red and purple. Wilted anemones have an unsightly appearance. Next to them, it is recommended to plant plants blooming in summer and autumn. Reproduction occurs using seeds and dividing the bush. Separated parts quickly take root. Diameter of flowers - from 65 to 80 mm.

Snowdrop or galanthus

Unpretentious plant that needs shade, moisture and coolness. The flowering time of early bulbous plants depends on weather conditions.

Snowdrop has a pleasant aroma, neat white drooping bell-shaped corollas, the ability to grow quickly.


In spring, flowers belonging to simple and terry early varieties bloom. In the flower garden, tulips are often combined with evergreen perennials. Usually they do not exceed 40 cm.

Also read about when to plant tulips.


Height from 5 to 50 cm. Corollas are yellow and white. Daffodil can be planted in a shaded or sunny area. Reproduction is carried out using bulbs.


Blossom simultaneously with snowdrops. The buds are cream, yellow, blue and purple. Flowering begins in March. Read more about crocus planting in a separate article.


Flowers drooping form. Grouse bulbs are not protected from external damage. To prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate.


Likes moist soil and shaded areas. Baby blue inflorescences, bright leaf blades in the form of a heart.


Low perennial, preferring partial shade. Dark green leaves are decorated with specks and dots. Blue and pink corollas are located on the same stem.


Heart-shaped light purple, white and pinkish flowers, an arched stalk. The height of the bush reaches 100 cm. Corolla dicentres open in May. Propagated by dividing the rhizome.


Blue delicate inflorescences outwardly resemble a bunch of grapes. The plant can be planted in any corner of the garden. Among the characteristic features, photophilousness and winter hardiness are distinguished. It blooms in April-May. Coloring can be monophonic or two-ton. Muscari chameleons are distinguished in a special category.


They prefer shade and loose fertilized soil. The color of the primrose can be varied. Corollas have a pillow-shaped, capitate, umbrella-shaped, bell-shaped, tiered shape.


Blue buds appear in late April. The plant needs coolness, fertile and drainage soil. With excessive moisture, the hyacinth bulbs die. Landing is carried out in early autumn.

Scilla or scilla

Low and hardy, create the effect of a bluish carpet. Propagated by bulbs, self-seeding is possible. Forests quickly adapt to changing climatic conditions. The fertilizer complex includes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Lily of the valley

Delicate and graceful flowers resembling bells. The plant loves moist soil and partial shade, it is afraid of drafts. Lily of the valley transplant will have to be abandoned.


Creeping plant, flowering period begins in April. Corollas can have different shades of blue. Unpretentious to the ground, needs partial shade. Periwinkle grows quite quickly.

Perennials blooming in spring and summer

The indicated period is distinguished by a variety of colors. Bright inflorescences look good against the background of lush greenery.

The following plants are used to create flower beds, mixborders and alpine hills.


High decorative and winter hardiness. Reaches 1.6 m. Large red and yellow flowers bloom in summer. Gelenium has a weak rhizome, highly branched shoots. Reproduction is carried out through young shoots and seeds.


The bushes are tall, the stems are straight and strong. The diameter of the small lilac-pink corollas of the monarda is 7 cm. It blooms in July.

Ayuga or survivor

Height does not exceed 25 cm. The plant is characterized by high frost resistance and shade tolerance. Tenderness prefers sandy soils. Small blue corollas remain open for 2 weeks.


Peduncles reach 35 cm. Inflorescences of the capitate form consist of pinkish, dark red, purple or white corollas. Armeria loves loose light soil and the sun.


Coffee, yellow and orange whisks are gathered in complex umbrellas. The diameter of the inflorescences is no more than 10 cm. The bush is 1.5 m. Among the additional characteristics of the Buzulnik are soils demanding, frost resistance and moisture lovingness.


Decorative leaves of green, yellow and blue. Frost-resistant, unpretentious plant. The height of the bush is 90 cm. The host can grow in one place from 15 to 20 years. Needs sun and fertile loamy soil.

Perennials blooming in summer and autumn

To decorate the garden during this time period, the following crops can be used.


Medium sized lanceolate leaves. Baskets can have different colors. From these flowers create bouquets and hedges. Representatives of different varieties differ in height and flowering period (spring, summer, autumn). Asters are characterized by unpretentiousness, frost resistance and photophilism.


Differ in long vegetation. The stem is branching and hollow. Baskets vary in shape, color and size. Not winter hardy. Dahlias are used to create intermittent and solitary landings.


A plant with a straight stem (up to 1.5 m) and flowers, collected in ears of various colors. Gladiolus loves sunny places. Requires support. Bulbs are dug before winter and planted again in the spring.


They are planted in discounts and massifs. They are characterized by high decorativeness. There are many phlox hybrids that bloom from May to September. Plants tolerate frost without any problems. Bright inflorescences, bewitching aroma, various scale.


Representative of the Astrov family Rhizome of the horizontal type, shoots are decorated with dense foliage.

Inflorescences are large in size and pyramidal in shape. The height can reach 2 m. A new plant is obtained by dividing the rhizome.


Flowering begins in July. Externally, the plant looks like chamomile. Coreopsis has green juicy stems that end with bright yellow terry "suns".


An elegant inflorescence collected from small white corollas. Tall branching stalk, openwork leaves.

Stonecrop or sedum

Creeping plant, characterized by brittle leaf blades of a bluish-green hue and juicy stems. Sedum planted on terraces and alpine slides, in small discounts.


Belongs to the family of asters. Gardeners are aware of 200 varieties. The culture is classified by size, flowering period, shape and height. Chrysanthemums bloom from June to December. Coloring can be violet, white, red and yellow. Perhaps their combination.

Chamomile or Leucanthemum

Strong rhizome. Reproduction occurs through seeds and division of bushes. Leucanthemum is characterized by winter hardiness and photophilousness.

The use of perennial colors

Perennials differ from each other in the type of inflorescences, color, planting algorithm, leaf shape. Plants belonging to this group are used for landscaping compositions of varying degrees of complexity. This is due to their appearance and unpretentiousness.

Giving preference to perennial flowers, the gardener frees himself from the difficulties caused by the need to regularly transplant and sow the garden plot. There is no need for winter shelter either. Flower beds, alpine hills, lawns, paths, hedges - there are quite a few ways to use perennial crops.

Tall garden perennials

Plants from this category are used to frame large objects in the garden.

The latter include benches, arches, arbors and pergolas. Among the perennials that are suitable for this:

  • Astilba - its bright panicle inflorescences adorn the site throughout the summer months.
  • Delphinium - during flowering, purple, sky-blue, white, blue and pink corollas open on the plant.
  • Rudbeckia - bright yellow, terracotta and reddish inflorescences are dense. This plant needs regular watering and sunlight. It blooms from the first summer month to frost.
  • Echinacea - has powerful healing properties, does not have a toxic effect. Tall stems end with beautiful large flowers. Differs in drought resistance and photophilousness.
  • Stem-rose - characterized by a long flowering period, winter hardiness and shade tolerance.
  • Lupine - breeders have bred many varieties. Corollas are two-tone and one-color.
  • Lobelia - different lanceolate leaf blades and scarlet inflorescences.
  • Chamomile - flowering continues throughout the summer. In autumn, green leaves become reddish. Violet-red corollas are small in size.

The list can be supplemented with evening primrose, hydrangea, lyatris, left-handed.

Medium Perennials

In this catalog are plants whose height varies from 30 to 80 cm. They are often planted in separate groups. In long-tier flower beds, middle-sized perennials belong to the second row. The most popular are: sage, daylily, cornflower, geranium, godetium, cuff, gerbera.

The list can be supplemented with astrantia, erigerone, yarrow, nivyanik (garden chamomile, the link to the main article was above).

Undersized flowers

When creating a unique landscape design, undersized perennials are also not neglected. These plants are planted in rockeries and on alpine hills. They are decorated with flower streams, borders and carpet beds.

Each species has varieties adapted for planting in personal plots and in parks. Inflorescences differ in various colors. Their shades can be soft and saturated. The first include lavender, lilac, pale pink and white. The second group includes plants that complement the light background with bright touches.

English roses are a kind of classic. The flowering period falls on June-August. Contrary to popular belief, these flowers are unpretentious and long-flowering. Therefore, they can be seen in any garden.

Among stunted plants, gypsophila, daisies, cloves, gentians, gaylardia are especially popular (there are high varieties). With the help of perennial flowers, you can create a garden, saving time and money. Planting materials must be purchased at a specialized store.


Watch the video: Guide to Summer Plants: Allium Species (October 2024).