Zamioculcas or dollar tree: description, planting and care


Zamiokulkas amyloidaceous - a poisonous ornamental evergreen plant of the Aroid family, native to the foothill regions located in the tropics of Central Africa. In room culture, there is only one species - small-leaf zamioculcas.


The flower has several feather-branches on a low stem, growing from a tuber and strewn with shiny leathery leaves. In tubers, a flower stores water in reserve. The bush itself is low, with careful care grows up to 1 meter.

Zamioculcas bloom is very rare and inconspicuous, a cob of light cream hue is hidden among the green foliage.

The main room varieties

An unusual plant became known recently, only at the end of the last century. During this time, he was so fond of plant breeders that breeders began to develop new forms of plants.

Small-leavedThe first known form, propagated by Dutch breeders, came from South Africa, where it was discovered in the middle of the XIX century. In addition, this species grows well on the island of Madagascar. For small, shiny leaves, flower lovers were given him a harmonious name - a dollar tree, folk - Lodges. The plant develops slowly, forming a lush bush 1 m high, very easy to care for, it is deservedly popular for decorating various rooms, including office ones.
Lanceolate (Zamioculcas lanceolata)It was found in Mozambique in the early twentieth century. Its long branches are covered with elongated leaves. The bush itself is stretched to a height of 1.5 m.
Boiavin (Boivinii Decne)Also from South Africa. There it is also called the "Zanzibar Pearl", and in our country - "Women's Happiness." Its leathery leaves have a smooth smooth edge. Despite the large tuber, it is very hygroscopic and does not tolerate drought, prefers moist air and requires spraying.
Variegate or variegated (Zamioculcas variegate)Originally from Madagascar. The species attracts attention with leaves of various spotty colors with white or beige stains, arranged in strict geometric sequence. Due to its exotic nature, sale is very rare.
Black (Zamioculcas Blak)The young plant has an ordinary color, but darkens with age, increased illumination does not affect the color of the leaves, they become consistent with their name.
ZamicroA miniature view introduced in the last decade for small rooms. The dwarf flower grows quickly, its branches reach a length of 60 cm, increasing to 6-8 in a year. A compact plant can be placed in an apartment on a small window.

Features of planting and transplanting Zamioculcas, soil and pot requirements

After the transplant, the root system should develop in the tank 2-3 cm more than it. It is very good if the pot is made of clay, it lets air through. In a plastic pot, moisture stagnation is possible, in which case the root may rot and the plant will die.

There must be holes at the bottom of the container, then plastic and glass flower beds can be used.

Zamioculcas will develop well in a low flowerpot if the roots reach the walls of the vessel. Dwarf plants look very good in tall pots in the form of a vase, and large specimens in low and wide.

A small rooted seedling is transplanted into a small container and transplanted annually as it develops. Developed bushes are transferred from the pot to another once every five years.

This must be done with great care so as not to harm the fragile roots. At the same time, the old soil does not change. Carefully remove the plant from the previous container on the litter, in a new one - lay the drainage, and then place the flower. Fresh soil is poured around the tuber so that it rises slightly above the ground.

The best transplant period is considered spring or autumn. A newly purchased plant is transplanted one month after acquisition.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

For effective flower care at home, you should follow simple rules.

ParametersSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingBrightly lit balcony or garden.Highly lit and warm rooms.
Temperature+ 21 ... +29 ° С+ 15 ... +18 ° С
Humidity / Watering1-2 times in 2 weeks.Once a month with warm, settled water.
Top dressingTwice a month with fertilizer for cacti or succulents.Fertilizers to exclude.


With an incorrectly formed bush, the plant requires pruning, which is carried out in the spring. The growth point is removed, after it irregular side shoots growing up are removed. Gradually, the plant is given a spherical shape, in which case all the branches will receive enough light, sun and nutrition, and it will be magnificent and even.

Reproduction of Zamioculcus

Reproduction methods:

  • seed;
  • cuttings;
  • leaf rooting;
  • part of a branch or stem;
  • tuber division.


Finding seeds is almost impossible. But if you are lucky and will be presented with seeds from Africa, then the cultivation scheme is as follows:

  • Seeds are laid out in moist soil (soil for cacti or succulents) at a distance of 2-3 cm, then sprinkled on top of the ground.
  • A film is pulled over the container, which is raised for ventilation once a day.
  • For 2-3 months, they monitor the soil moisture, avoiding overmoistening and drying out, if necessary, spray.

First, a tuber is formed, from which a germ grows. When two true leaves appear, they are planted in small containers.


The propagation method is used for propagation in late spring or early summer. A part of the leaf is taken with two oppositely arranged leaves from the mother plant that has reached 5-6 years of age. From a young plant or just bought cuttings practically do not take root:

  • Using a sharp knife, cut a piece of branch.
  • Within 2-3 hours, allow the slice to dry (cork).
  • 1/3 a small capacity by drainage, and then by soil for growing violets or succulents. It is also rooted in a glass of water at room temperature with the addition of crushed tablets of activated carbon or potassium permanganate.
  • Having dusted the cut of the cuttings with the root stimulant, it is buried in the ground to a depth of 2-3 mm, carefully pressing it with soil.
  • For good rooting, the cuttings require warm earth, a temperature of + 22 ... +25 ° C and a humidity of 70-75%.
  • Seedlings are covered with a film. As the soil dries up, it is slightly sprayed with a solution of the root stimulant.
  • Watering is increased after 2 weeks, when the first roots begin to grow.
  • After 7-8 weeks with the appearance of nodules, the plant is rearranged in a bright place and begin to care like an adult plant.
  • New leaves will appear in 5-6 months.


Leaf propagation method is very long. No more than 3 pieces can grow during the year.

The larger the selected leaf, the sooner a new plant will grow.

Step by step:

  • The selected sheet is cut with a disinfected knife at an angle of 45 °. The cut day is dried before capping.
  • The lower third of the sheet is powdered with crushed activated carbon mixed with a root activator.
  • When rooted in water, leaves give weak nodules. They recommend planting them in a mixture of peat and sand at a ratio of 50:50, deepening by 1/3 of the height.
  • Leaflets covered with a film contain at a temperature of + 22 ... +25 ° C, arranging daily ventilation.
  • Within 2-3 months, small nodules should form, and the leaves should dry.
  • The first real sheet will appear in 5-6 months. Then you should plant the young plant in small pots with good drainage. The diameter of the new containers is 7-10 cm.


It is used for transshipment from mid-April to mid-September. For this method, only adult domestic plants are used if they have two growth points. Otherwise, they do not risk a bush.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The tuber is dried for 2-3 days.
  • A drainage layer to a height of 1/3 is laid on the bottom of the container with a diameter of 10-12 cm, and on top is a mixture consisting of the same amount of leafy, fertile sod land, peat and sand with the addition of 5% fine expanded clay and humus.
  • Cut tubers with a growth point are buried in the ground by 3-5 cm.
  • They take care of an adult plant, but do not feed it, but only spray it.
  • The first fertilizer is possible only after 4-6 weeks.
  • Only 2-3 leaves grow per year. After that, the plant is planted in the ground and grown as an adult.

Possible growing difficulties, diseases, pests

Zemiokulkas is an unpretentious plant, but various troubles can occur with it. With improper care, its appearance worsens and then measures should be taken.

Manifestations on the leaves, other symptomsCauseRemedy
Leaves grow smaller, turn yellow, dry tips form.Bad light.Put the plant in a well-lit place.
The falling of the upper leaves.Lack of watering or its excess.Adjust watering.
Blackening with tubers.At low temperatures and high humidity, rot develops.Increase the temperature of the plant while drying the soil.
The appearance of dark spots.Abundant watering with high humidity and low temperature.Place the plant in a warm place, reduce watering and even out soil moisture.

A dollar tree can be affected by pests:

CauseSigns of defeatPreventive


Treatment methods
Putrefactive affectionBlackening of tubers and stems at the base.The correct watering regime.

At the beginning of the disease, treatment with chemicals once every 2 weeks:

  • Fundazole (1 g per 1 liter of water);
  • Speed ​​(1 ml per 2-4 liters of water);
  • Oksikhom (4 g per 2 liters of water).

In case of serious damage should be transplanted into new, previously cultivated land.

AphidLeaves are covered with sticky secretions, curl and fall off. On the reverse side are accumulations of pests.

Systematic inspection of the leaves from the back.

Periodic processing of flowers with a soap solution. Soil till use by roasting in an oven and pouring boiling water over it.

Thoroughly wash each leaf with soapy water. Before the final destruction of pests, the processing of one of the chemicals:

  • Acarin (5 ml per 5 l of water);
  • Actara (4 g per 5 l of water);
  • Karbofos (6 g per 1 liter of water).
Spider miteThe flower is covered with thin threads.The content of newly purchased plants separately from indoor plants for a month.Chemical treatment: Zolon, Actofit, Fitoverm (10 ml per 1 liter of water). UV light exposure.
ShieldBrown growths are formed on the back of the leaves.Set aside affected bushes
separately. Systematic
inspection of plants.
Treatment of pests with a soap solution or chemicals.

To control pests, you can use folk remedies:

  • 40 g of tobacco per 1 liter of water;
  • 30 g grated garlic or 20 g onion in 1 liter of water;
  • Boil 5-6 pods of red hot pepper for 1 hour in 1 liter of water.

Insist a day. Any means is treated 2-3 times with an interval of several days. You can also crush 1/3 of the cockroach control pencil, dissolve in 0.5 l of warm water and spray the soil and plant until the pests are completely destroyed.

Mr. Summer resident tells: signs and superstitions

A lot of money and superstitions are associated with Zamioculcas; for this, the flower was called the dollar tree.

During watering on Tuesday on the growing moon, a flower is asked to increase well-being. For irrigation use money water prepared by insisting of coins for several days.

The plant is transplanted only to the growing Moon, so that it gives an increase in prosperity, and according to the teachings of Feng Shui, houses are located in the southeast. To enhance monetary energy, a red thread is tied to its trunk, and a dollar bill curled up in a cone is placed. The top of the pyramid is fixed on the flower and made sure that it does not fall.


Watch the video: CARA KEMBANGBIAK ZZ PLANT VARIEGATA zamia variegta (October 2024).