Ornithogalum or poultry: description, rules of care


The flower acquired its beautiful and unusual name from the combination of two Greek words - "ornito" and "gala", which translates as "bird's milk". Previously, he belonged to the Lilein family, but today he is ranked as Sparzhev. Ornithogalum is found in the Mediterranean, West Asia, South Africa, America and Eurasia. The poultry farmer has been known to people since the 16th century; it was used for food and even for medicinal purposes.

Description and features of ornithogalum

Ornithogalum is an onion perennial plant. In nature, there are about 150 of its species, they are cultivated from them somewhere around 10. The flower has the shape of a star, for which it is also called the "Bethlehem Star" in some countries of Europe.

The poultry bulbs can be of various shapes: ovoid, round or elongated. The height of the bush is from 30 cm to 85 cm. The fruit of the flower is a small box in which there are black seeds.

Poultry Varieties

Below are the most popular and common types.

ArabIt reaches a length of approximately 0.85 m, white flowers in a small amount of 5 cm in diameter.
BoucherHeight is about 0.5 m, inflorescences are racemose and up to 50 green flowers.
DoubtfulHas an orange, yellow, red or white color, the inflorescence is racemose. Due to the ability to not fade for a long time, this flower is often used by florists in the preparation of bouquets.
FisherHeight is up to 0.6 m, inflorescences are brush-shaped, about 0.25 m long with many (up to 20) small white flowers.
DroopingIt reaches a height of 0.5 m. It got its name due to the drooping type of inflorescences with up to 12 flowers.
Balances (Schmalhausen)The height of the bush is small, only 0.1 m. On the peduncle there are 3 white flowers with thin strips of green in the center of each petal. The diameter of each flower is 3 cm.
NarbonneThe bush can reach a height of up to 0.8 m, the color of the flowers is greenish.
Tailed (or Indian Onion)Despite the fact that the plant is poisonous, it has healing properties. The bush consists of several hanging flat leaves wide at the base and pointed at the ends, their length can reach 0.8 m. White flowers have a white color with a greenish core.
UmbrellaThis species is considered the most popular among gardeners. The plant can reach a height of 0.25 m. It got its name due to the similarity of a white flower with an open umbrella.
PyramidalIt reaches a height of 1 m. The color of the flowers is white with a greenish tint.

Open poultry planting and care

Three types of poultry farms are most suitable for growing on garden plots: Balance, umbrella and drooping. These varieties take root well and can tolerate even severe winter cold; they do not even need a special greenhouse or any shelter.

Ornithogalum likes daylight, but in the shade it feels comfortable. This plant does not even take root on fertile and loamy soil. The main condition that must be observed during planting is the absence of stagnant water, otherwise the bulbs may rot. To avoid this, it is enough to put gravel or broken brick on the bottom of the planting holes to protect the bulbs from moisture.

He does not need a special feed, he receives all the necessary useful elements on his own. But it requires regular, but rather moderate watering, because from waterlogging can die. During flowering, it must be shortened.

Ornithogalum landing dates

Ornithogalum is usually planted at the end of the summer season (the last days of August - early September) in loose soil. There should not be a distance of less than 15 cm between the planted bulbs so that the bushes do not interfere with each other during germination. Poultry farmers planted in summer take root in the soil in winter, and begin to sprout and bloom in spring.


During the cultivation of the poultry house, the main condition is a timely transplant. When the bulb is in the soil for a long time, it begins to grow plentifully in children, and this does not affect the general appearance and condition of the plant in the best way.

In one place, the bush can be no more than 5-6 years. But for better health, ornithogalum is best transplanted every 4 years.


Poultry breeds in two ways:

  • kids
  • seeds.

Children separated from the bulbs are planted separately in sunny places or near trees in late summer (last days of August - early September) or in spring.

Reproduction by seeds is as follows: the seed is planted in the soil in a shallow hole before the onset of winter, and seedlings are waiting for spring.

But it is worth considering that landing in both ways is a long process. Before the bush blooms, it will take about 3-4 years.

Diseases and Pests

Ticks and aphids are the main enemies of the ornithogalum, from which the plant dies most often. Usually, gardeners treat the bushes with insecto-acaricides (Gardener BT, Marshal, Gerold, etc.) or use folk methods: insist tomato leaves or garlic with laundry soap and irrigate this planting liquid once a week.

They also plant nasturtiums or marigolds near the poultry house (they have deterrent properties).

Landscape design application

Poultry - a plant undemanding, but very beautiful. A scattering of white stars will be an excellent decoration for any site.

Bushes are usually planted by those gardeners who need to achieve continuous flowering in their garden. The poultry catcher opens when other plants, as a rule, hibernate or gain strength for flowering.

Also, this plant was loved by gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and ability to get along on any, even on poor soil, which cannot be said about many other flowers.

Another plus is that it is in perfect harmony with any other colors, creating an attractive overall composition of the garden.

Growing ornithogalum at room conditions

Ornithogalum is so easy to plant and care that it can be grown without problems even on the windowsill. For home breeding, use bulbs (for example, Arabic or tailed ornithogalum), a large pot and fertile soil.

The capacity for growing should not be excessively large and deep, because the bulb forms a lot of children and the hen house will not bloom.

It is important to observe the temperature regime (+ 17 ... +25 ˚С), the absence of drafts, especially in winter. Also, do not place a container with a plant near a heat source (batteries, heaters, fireplaces, etc.), because dry air may cause ornithogalum to dry out and become ill.

It is categorically impossible to fill the plant with water, this can cause decay and subsequent death. Water should be well absorbed into the ground, and the next watering is done when the top layer of the earth has dried up.

A short daylight hours can adversely affect the poultry, so during flowering it is better to highlight it with special phytolamps. When choosing a place you need to focus on the east or south side of the house, there ornithogalum will get enough light.

When growing in a house, the poultry farmer needs to be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers, which can be alternated. Feeding is necessary no more than 1 time per month.

Mr. Dachnik advises: the healing properties of ornithogalum

In traditional medicine, this plant occupies one of the leading places in its beneficial properties. In the treatment of various diseases and ailments, bulbs, flowers, leaves and even poultry juice are used. It kills microbes and viruses, has a healing effect (it tightens small cuts and abrasions well), relieves swelling, anesthetizes, and also disinfects the air in the room in which it grows.

Therefore, ornithogalum (poultry farmer) is not only a beautiful and elegant plant that can decorate any garden, but also a real natural doctor.


Watch the video: Орнитогалум или птицемлечник зонтичный. Ранне весенний цветок (October 2024).