Maranta: description, types, home care


Maranta is a grassy perennial native to the forests of South and Central America. Named after a medieval doctor and botanist from Venice. Maranta - the name of the genus, which includes 25 species.

Description of the arrowroot

This is a low grass up to 20 cm, the leaves grow sporadically from the roots or on stems. Appreciated for its beautiful color: spots and bright veins are located on the green leaf.

It has a characteristic feature: leaves can change their position depending on external conditions. If the arrowroot is comfortable, she lowers them horizontally, and if she lacks something, they twist and rise higher. Hence the second name - "praying or prayer grass."

From its relative, the calaranth arrowroot is different:

  • dimensions (first above);
  • leaves (in the first they are arranged on cuttings in two rows);
  • flowering (much brighter in calathea).

Maranta is not a poisonous plant, therefore it is completely safe for children and pets.

Types of arrowroot for indoor breeding

Arrowroot refers to deciduous and ornamental plants. Her flowering is nondescript.

ViewExternal signs
White-veined (white-veined)26-30 cm, dark green leaves with silver stripes in the center and on the side veins.
Masanja (white-strained variety)Stripes extend from light veins, brown spots are visible between them.
Kerchoven (Kerchovean)On the surface of the leaves there are dark dots that look like feathers, and a white stripe in the center, the lower side of the leaf plate is red.
Two-toneThe leaves are oval with a wavy edge, stripes of two shades of green.
ReedUp to 1 m in height, large dark green leaves with a gray pattern.
CombIt grows to 40 cm, the edges of the leaves are wavy. Along the central vein, the light green strip is the “comb”, on both sides of it there are dark wide strokes.
MaricellaDark green leaf with lighter veins.
Beauty kimVariegated variety, with stripes over the entire surface of the leaf plate.
GibbaBeautiful violet flowers collected in panicles.
Red-stamped (tricolor, tricolor)Velvety leaves of three shades: dark green, lime and pink.

Care for the arrowroot at home

The most important thing when leaving at home is to ensure a comfortable temperature and humidity. Maranta comes from the tropics, so loves a humid warm climate.

Temperature+ 20 ... +22 ° С. Avoid drafts and temperature extremes.+ 20 ... +26 ° С. Avoid temperature increase.+ 18 ... +20 ° С, lowering the temperature is fatal.
Location / LightingHe loves partial shade, diffused light. Avoid direct sunlight - delicate foliage burns. Suitable west and east. In rooms with southern windows, place in the back of the room.If possible, add artificial light.
HumidityMaintain high humidity: spray twice a day.Spray every 2-3 days.
WateringIt is important to keep a balance. Optimum time: the top layer has dried up, but there is still moisture inside the soil. About a day later.Every 3-4 days
Equally important is the quality of the water. It should be filtered, settled, slightly warmer than the air in the room.
Top dressingConventional fertilizers (except nitrogen) 2 times a month. Concentration to do much less than indicated in the instructions. Maranta does not like excess fertilizer.Not required.

A plant damaged by external factors (sun, pests), or an old one, must be pruned. In the first case, the greens are cut to the root. After the pot is rearranged in a dark place, periodically watered. When a young shoot appears, you can rearrange it.

Transplant features: soil and pot selection, procedure

Young plants are transplanted every year in the spring, more adults every two years. During this, the division of the roots is carried out for the purpose of reproduction.

The pot is plastic, wide. Ceramics do not retain heat well, therefore it is not very suitable for a heat-loving arrowroot. The depth of the pot is not important, since the root system is superficial.

The ideal soil for arrowroot is a mixture of leafy, coniferous earth with humus, sand and charcoal. It is important to provide good drainage.

Transplant procedure:

  • disinfect soil, pot, drainage;
  • put drainage on the bottom, with a layer of 4 cm, use expanded clay or brick chips;
  • pour a small layer of soil, spill it;
  • remove damaged or dried leaves;
  • carefully remove the arrowroot from the old pot without breaking the earthen lump;
  • check the roots, if necessary, remove damaged areas;
  • move to a new pot;
  • sprinkle carefully with earth without tamping;
  • water and spray;
  • put in partial shade.


The arrowroot is propagated in two ways: by grafting and dividing the bush:

MethodThe timingActions
DivisionCarry out at the time of transplant.
  • Divide the bush into 2-3 approximately equal parts. The main condition is that on all formed lobes there must be a sufficient number of roots and ground part.
  • The places of cuts on the roots must be processed.
  • Land all parts in the same way as in a normal transplant.
  • Put a plastic bag on the pot with the crown. This will create the necessary level of temperature and humidity;
  • occasionally ventilate;
  • when the plant has finally taken root and fresh sprouts appear, remove the bag.
CuttingsSuitable time is spring-autumn. Cuttings - tops of branches, about 10 cm long, always with several internodes. It is cut 3 cm below the nodule.
  • Put the handle in a container of water.
  • In the second month, the first roots are formed.
  • When the roots grow to 3-4 cm, the plant can be planted in a pot. The procedure for this is the same as for division.

Alternative Growing Method

In the content of arrowroot it can be difficult to maintain the level of humidity necessary for it. Therefore, many experienced flower growers plant it in home mini greenhouses or in open and closed type florariums.

Features of landing and maintenance:

  • use a container or aquarium made of glass or plastic;
  • plants choose miniature and tropical origin;
  • Florarium is placed in a bright and warm place;
  • sometimes when droplets of condensate appear, they arrange ventilation;
  • sometimes they take a shower and remove excess leaves.

Unlike open, closed does not need watering and ventilation. The plant is watered once during planting, and then in the closed system of the florarium creates its own microclimate.

In this case, the flower itself produces the necessary oxygen for itself and creates a level of humidity. A container with a narrow neck and a tight-fitting lid is used for this option.

Such florariums are called "a garden in a bottle." They look very impressive, but not everyone can cope with the landing.

Bugs, diseases and pests

External symptoms on the leavesCauseRemedy
Dried along the edges, the arrowroot itself does not grow.Low humidity.Intensify spraying, place the arrowroot in a pan with moss or wet pebbles.
Turn yellow and curl up.Not enough moisture.Increase watering.
Turn yellow and curl with moist soil.Draft or low room temperatures.Rearrange to another place.
Does not rise.The plant has grown.Make a pruning, transplant into a larger pot.
Small, pale.Excessive lighting.Rearrange or shade.
White coating at the base.Waterlogging and low temperature.Reduce watering, rearrange in a warmer place.
Cobwebs.Spider mite.Increase humidity, in case of severe damage, treat with drugs.
Whitish coating.Mealybug.Treat with insecticides.
Turn yellow and fall, the shoots dry.ChlorosisPour acidified water.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: arrowroot - benefit and harm

Maranta is an extremely useful plant. The Indians were the first to cultivate it 7,000 years ago.

During archaeological excavations, scientists discovered the remains of starch flour made from its rhizome. They also used arrowroot juice as an antidote.

Plant Benefit:

  1. Confectioners use starch and root flour. The latter is great for dietary nutrition, stimulates the food processes in the digestive tract. The roots are also boiled.
  2. Contains folic acid, vitamins of group B and PP, rich in calcium.
  3. The arrowroot drink helps with infectious and colds.
  4. It treats insomnia. It is believed that the flower installed in the bedroom by the bed contributes to a healthy sleep.
  5. Strengthens the immune system.
  6. Absorbs negative energy in the house, brings peace and mutual understanding.


  • Do not use with a tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance. It is better to consult with your doctor first.
  • Contraindicated in the postoperative period and with problems with blood coagulation (arrowroot flour liquefies).
  • Do not use for exacerbation of peptic ulcer.


Watch the video: How to care for Maranta Prayer Plant Indoors! (October 2024).