Ciperus: description, home care, varieties


The genus Tsiperus (Sat) is very extensive. It comes from the sedge family, which are herbaceous perennials. In natural places, plants are able to reach impressive sizes - stretch to a height of up to 3-4 meters.

One of the species of this plant, known to us under the name papyrus, has been used by man since ancient times. Even at school, we were told that in Ancient Egypt, not only paper was made from this reed, but also household items, clothes and shoes - rugs, baskets, cups (cut from the core of thick stems) and sandals. Boats were built from the stems.

The hull of the boat, mast, connecting elements, ropes and sails were made of it. Woody trunks were used as fuel for the outbreak.


It has a genus of about 600 different species that grow in the tropical regions of America, Africa and Madagascar. Tsiperus loves moisture very much, because he settles on the shores of fresh water bodies and in marshy areas. It is unpretentious, grows rapidly and, with enough water, can quickly tighten up decent coastal territory, forming beautiful green compositions. This feature did not go unnoticed, modern gardeners and lovers of indoor plants have the opportunity to plant, grow, and if necessary, to reproduce cyperus themselves.

Turning your attention to specially derived species of cyperus for home use, you can admire these plants at home, greenhouses and conservatories, decorate them with ponds and ponds of the site.

From other plants, cyperus can be distinguished by stems, which always look straight up and do not have lateral branches; on their top is an umbrella made of long thin leaves. Umbrellas are plain green, or two-tone. Shaggy panicles formed at the ends of the stems give the flower a voluminous and interesting appearance.

Types of cyperus for indoor cultivation

Recently, gardeners have begun to use cyperus more often in decorative compositions. Direct sunlight is not necessary for him, you can place a flower not only on the windowsill, but also in the back of the room, corridor, in company with other beautifully flowering plants.

It bribes that all varieties of cyperus are unpretentious to the conditions of detention, grow rapidly, increasing green mass. The following varieties of cyperus are suitable for breeding and care at home.

Regular leaf (umbrella)The most popular variety is sati. Has a hanging umbrella made of straight leaves. Grows to 170 cm. Flowers are plain and collected in panicles.
VariegatedIt differs by more original 2-color coloring - green leaves, and a yellowish-white tint along the edge.
PapyrusIt requires more care than, for example, the next leaf. The plant is tall, the length of the stems reaches 2 meters. At the end is a bundle from which filiform and unusual leaves hang.
SpreadingEach stalk has an umbrella of sharp long leaves. His height is about a meter. It differs from other species by a small number of stems and the presence of basal leaves.
Graceful (dwarf look)Not a tall view, which grows 30-40 cm. It looks beautiful in small rooms, it becomes its highlight.
Helfer (universal)Often found in aquariums, as it can live under water. Also, the plant is planted along the edge of garden ponds and ponds, but it also grows well in home pots, it is only necessary to create high humidity.
Zumula (cat's favorite)This variety is often compared to a waterfall, because of the type of leaves that fall down in green waves, they like to eat pets. Zumula green is harmless to cats. When the flower is young, it can suffer severe attacks and stop growing.

All these species well tolerate the proximity to plants from the families of orchids, aroid (feces, anthurium, monstera, alocasia) and bromile (pineapple, echmea, cryptantrum). Since cyperus can grow in water, it evaporates a lot of moisture, saturating the air in the room with it, thereby helping neighboring flowers also get moisture.

Cyberus Care at Home

Observing a number of simple recommendations, you can grow a healthy and beautiful plant. The main thing is to follow the care tips seasonally.

Parameter / SeasonSpring and summerAutumn-winter period
Lighting and locationCorrectly place the plant. Tsiperus needs a bright place, but even in partial shade it will grow, only not intensively.The flowerpot needs to be cleaned away from batteries and electrical appliances.
TemperatureMaintain a comfortable air temperature. The minimum should not fall below + 16 ... + 18 ° С and rise above + 22 ... + 25 ° С. In summer, the plant can be placed on balconies, terraces and in the garden. It is positively affected by a constant influx of fresh, moist air.Perennial cyperuses feel great in cold weather in conservatories and greenhouses.
WateringTimely, better with warm, settled water. You can simply put the flower pot in a container of water, pouring it as needed.The number of irrigations to reduce. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out.
Top dressingFertilize. It is not necessary to feed cyperus year-round. Start fertilizing in the spring, and continue in the summer. Once every 3 weeks is enough.At the end of autumn, finish fertilizing the plant, and continue in the spring. Choose organic or mineral supplements, additionally enriched with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Both liquid and dry options are available. Follow the dosage recommendations on the package. In winter, you can not fertilize.
HumiditySpray greens daily. Do not allow the plant to dry. Use a hydrogel that absorbs moisture well, and then gives away its flower.Irrigate the plant less abundantly. Mix hydrogel with soil.

Pot selection, soil, transplant

Transplant as needed. If the plant is an adult, the soil changes as depleted. When the plant is still in the growth phase, it is necessary to transplant once a year. Do it in the spring. At this time, growth slows down and cyperus will be easier to tolerate.

The transplant can be carried out in the fall in a warm room, after wetting the earth in a pot. Having got the flower, you need to free its roots from the old soil, remove the damaged ones. Pour drainage into a larger pot; it should take ¼ capacity. To establish a plant in the center, and to fill up the earth along the edge, constantly tamping.

In winter, it is better not to disturb the plant.

Use a suitable mixture for planting. If you are not sure that you can correctly mix the components yourself, it is better to purchase the finished mixture. In this case, a composition for moisture-loving indoor plants is suitable. The composition of the earth is the same, regardless of the season. You can add river sludge to it, and fine brick, eggshell and charcoal can be used as drainage.

Cultivation methods

Cyperus is a valuable indispensable plant in every home. It looks beautiful both independently and in composition with other colors. It is an air purifier, along with chlorophytum and dieffenbachia.
Cultivated varieties of cyperus are grown in several ways:


They grow in tubs where water is poured into the pan and sprayed frequently. You can abandon the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Water from irrigation will cover the earth, creating the effect of a swamp.


The plant is fully or partially immersed in water. Many types of cyperus are suitable for this method. So you can decorate the area near the country ponds, pools and half-ariums.

Reproduction of Cyperus

There are several methods of reproduction and all of them are highly effective.


The most difficult method to implement. Evenly distribute the seeds in a box with moist soil. Sprinkle with earth is not necessary. Cover with glass or film, put in a warm place. Ventilate and moisten the soil. When shoots appear, remove the greenhouse. When the seedlings grow up, plant them in pots in pairs.

Root division

An adult plant suitable for transshipment has basal layers. They need to be separated from the donor and placed in a separate container.


Cut the outlet with the stalk about 5 cm. Cut the leaves in half. Turn the stem upside down and place in water. After 2 weeks, the roots will appear. When the roots grow, they need to be transplanted into a pot of earth.

Transplanting an umbrella is a fascinating process and will appeal to children. This procedure can be done with them. They will get interesting experience in caring for plants, and you will get a little assistant in their affairs.

Diseases and Pests

Yellow leaves with dried tips.Ciperus, in insufficient quantity receives moisture or the air in the room is too dry.Dip the pot in a container of water, spray regularly.
Infection with flower diseases and pests - spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and others.Periodic soil checks are not carried out.Cyperus is resistant to parasites, but if pests have appeared, conduct treatment with Fitoverm.

Tsiperus - a medicinal plant

There are flowers that you must have in the house without fail. They act on energy metabolism, thereby improving our well-being. Cyperus is just such a plant. It eliminates bad thoughts and negative emotions, decorates the house and carries only good energy.

People with insomnia are recommended to put a flower in the bedroom. It will help to relax and sleep peacefully, clean the air in the child’s room and contribute to his learning. Relieve irritability, and increase the level of perception of new educational material.

No need to be afraid of far-fetched signs and superstitions surrounding this flower. People have been using it in their lives for thousands of years, and this only speaks of its positive impact on us.

You can buy a plant in any flower shop, you can also purchase seeds. Reproduction by seeds will take more time, but it will be cheaper, and the number of seedlings will be more.


Watch the video: flat sedge Cyperus odoratus (October 2024).