Aronia - ripening and harvesting time


Chokeberry (chokeberry) is cultivated throughout Russia. It has a hypotensive and anti-allergic effect, it is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. It has a pleasant specific taste with hints of astringency, which is why it is widely used for homemade preparations, such as compotes, preserves, jellies, liquors and wine.

Ripening period and collection rules

To make good jam or wine from chokeberry, you need to take into account its degree of maturity and choose the right time for collection.

The timing

Aronia aronia begins to ripen in late August, fully ripening by the end of November. The term depends on the region, weather and climate conditions. So, in the south of Russia, the berry is ready for harvest at the end of September, and in the middle lane and the Moscow Region - not earlier than October. Most recently, the chokeberry ripen in the northern regions, in the Urals and in Siberia. There they collect it in the middle or end of November.

Qualitative Analysis

To determine the completeness of ripening berries conduct an analysis of its external qualities.

Berry colorBlack or blue-violet
Secreted juicePurple
Berry densityResilient, not too hard
TasteSweetish, slightly tart

Collection rules

Regardless of the subsequent use and degree of maturity of the berries, it is necessary to adhere to certain collection rules:

  • Harvested in dry, calm weather. You can not remove the wet berry for storage, as it can quickly rot.
  • The optimal time is the morning when the dew on the inflorescences dries.
  • It is better not to pick the berries in aluminum or galvanized dishes; this may impair their taste. Optimal will be the capacity of thick glass or plastic, you can use enameled buckets.
  • Aronia inflorescences are cut with sharp scissors or secateurs, this speeds up the collection process and prevents damage to the fruit. An additional plus of this method is the quick restoration of the bush after fruiting and the prevention of diseases. After collecting the inflorescences sorted out, removing damaged fruits and debris.
  • At room temperature, the collected berry is not stored, it must be processed as quickly as possible.

Aronia inflorescences can be stored all winter in a wooden container, laying dry moss or fresh fern leaves between rows of berries.

Berry picking dates for homemade blanks

Aronia chokeberry is widely used in cooking, as it gives the cooked dish a pleasant astringency.

Mistresses often add this berry to their homework for the winter. From ripe fruits, jam, compotes, syrups, jellies, marmalade, liquors, non-alcoholic wine are prepared. In addition, mountain ash can be dried or frozen for a long time, while beneficial substances are preserved.


Jam is made from elastic juicy fruits that are fully ripe. It is optimal to choose slightly frosted berries to get rid of excessive astringency. Shriveled, dried and rotten fruits are not used, they will spoil the taste.

If the jam is made from slightly colored vegetables, such as zucchini or pumpkin, then some berries are used to give a bright color (it is allowed to add slightly unripe brightly colored fruits).

It is best to use chokeberry jam collected in late September and early October for jam.


For the drink, which includes only chokeberry, poured fruits are chosen. The more ripe they are, the more delicious the compote will be, so they use a chokeberry collected not earlier than October.

If the fruits are added to the compote from other berries or fruits to give a pleasant color and taste, then it is permissible to use slightly unripe berries collected in late September. Aronia goes well in a compote with apple, pear, plum and apricot.


For the preparation of jam, marmalade and jelly, ripe or overripe blackberries are chosen, you can use frost-bitten fruits. In this case, you need to collect the berry in early November, since at this time it contains the most pectin, which has jelly-forming properties.


Tasty and healthy wine is made from soft and sweet fruits. When choosing berries, it is worth focusing on the absence of astringent qualities and juiciness. For the preparation of wine, the crop is harvested not earlier than October, after the first frosts.


Pouring from chokeberry has a pleasant tart taste and rich color. For cooking, dense fruits that are elastic to the touch are suitable. Do not use dry or unripe, they give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste and bitterness.

The best time to collect in this case is the end of September or October, when the first frosts hit. It is permissible to add honey, cinnamon or cloves to the liquor. The taste becomes more saturated, the beneficial properties of the drink are enhanced.

For the preparation of tinctures, the chokeberry is left on the inflorescences. Fruits should be carefully examined, removing rotten and dried up.

Harvest time for freezing and drying berries

When collecting black chokeberry, one should not start from the calendar month, but from the actual ripeness of the fruit.


This is the best way to store chokeberry, it allows you to save vitamins and minerals for a long time. Before freezing, the berries are washed and dried, which prevents their icing. Crop harvested from September to early October, when the fruits ripen, depending on the region, is suitable for freezing.

You can keep the chokeberry fresh until spring, if you string freshly picked brushes on a strong thread. Such clusters are suspended on a balcony or attic, creating a temperature close to 0 ° C. Berries for such storage are harvested in late September-early October, in which case they will retain their freshness and taste for a long time.


Dried chokeberry can withstand storage until a new crop, without losing its beneficial properties. For drying, ripe fruits are selected, with no external damage and rot. The optimal collection period is mid-October.

The most affordable way to dry is to spread a thick layer of paper directly on the lawn and lay mountain ash on it. You can cover the berries with acrylic or a light cloth to protect them from dust and birds.

You can dry the chokeberry at home, using an oven or a special dryer. Berries are laid out on baking trays or trays, setting the temperature to + 50 ... + 60 ° ะก. After complete drying, the chokeberry is cooled, then transferred to fabric bags or cardboard boxes. Such a berry is stored for no more than two years in a cool ventilated area.

With any method of drying, the fruits are left on the cut brushes, without taking each berry separately.

When choosing a collection time, you need to pay attention to the weather, the climate of the region, and ripeness. You may need additional protection from birds who like to feast on black chokeberries and prevent her from finally ripening.


Watch the video: The Fig Tree. .Harvesting And Trimming (October 2024).