Autumn planting carrots in the winter


To get carrots in early spring, practice planting it in the winter. To do this, you need to know not only the optimal time, suitable varieties for your region, but also other secrets.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting carrots

Landing under the winter gives the following positive aspects:

  • Vitamin harvest can be obtained earlier. If the crops are covered with a film, then the root crop will ripen a month before the spring.
  • Winter is a variant of natural selection, the surviving seeds are the strongest, and from them a healthy fruit is obtained.
  • There is no shortage of moisture, as melting snow provides young sprouts with the right amount of water.
  • Pests affecting root crops still sleep in early spring.

The disadvantages include the predisposition of autumn plantings of carrots to shoot. Carrots

You can not plant carrots in the fall if you want to store the crop for a long time. You need to eat it in the summer-autumn period.

Subtleties of winter sowing

Planting carrots in the winter is easy, but you need to know the small secrets of agricultural technology. The main mistake is a very early root crop.

Since the weather is diverse every year, you need to determine the date of landing yourself, taking into account the general recommendations of specialists:

  • A month is October, November, even December, depending on the region.
  • Temperature - 1-2 weeks keeps + 2 ° C, but not lower than -5 ° C.
  • Lack of heavy rains.

By region

RegionMonthDepth shelter
Southern, Krasnodar Territorymid November - early December3 cm. Not required.
Middle, Moscow RegionNovember5 cm. Mulch (peat, humus 3 cm, spruce branches).
Northern, Siberia, UralOctoberCover with non-woven material, spruce branches.

According to the lunar calendar in 2018

Days favorable for planting carrots in autumn are determined by the lunar calendar. In 2018, these are the following numbers:

  • October - 4, 5, 15, 16, 27-29;
  • November - 2-5, 11-13, 21, 22, 25, 26.

Try to avoid winter landing from October 8 to 10 and 24, in November - from 6 to 8, 23.

Selection of planting material

For autumn planting, frost-resistant varieties are selected. As a rule, these are mid-season and late-ripening.

Due to return frosts, early ripe carrots are not suitable for winter planting. Since the early young shoots can not stand the frost. Due to the predisposition of autumn shoots to shoot, varieties resistant to flowering are selected.

The following cold-resistant varieties most demanded for winter planting in the regions of Russia are:

GradeVegetation period (days)DescriptionRegion of Russia
Fruit - 16 cm, up to 150 g. The shape is cylindrical. The tip is rounded. Contains a lot of sugar, carotene.All regions.
Losinoostrovskaya 13Mid-season
The fruit is 15 cm by 4.5 cm, 100 g. The shape is an elongated cylinder. The tip is pointed. Resistant to flowering.All except the Northern, Southern Urals, East Siberian.
Shantane 2461Mid early
Fruit - 15 cm by 5.8, up to 250 g. The shape is conical. The tip is dumb. Good keeping quality.All regions.
Vitamin 6Mid-season
Fruit - 15 cm by 5 cm, up to 165 g. The shape is cylindrical. The tip is dumb. Resistant to flowering.Everything except the North Caucasus.
The fruit is 25 cm, not higher than 120 g. The shape is an elongated cylinder. The tip is pointed. High in Vitamin A.Central.
Fruit - 17 cm by 4.5 cm, about 200 g. The shape is cylindrical.
The tip is dumb. Drought tolerant.
South Urals, Moscow Region, North Caucasus, Far East.
Moscow winterLate ripening
Fruit - 17 cm, 170 g. The shape is conical. The tip is dumb. Resistant to flowering. Good keeping quality.Great for Mid Strip. Recommended for all regions.
Queen of autumnLate ripening
(115 -130)
Fruit - up to 30 cm, 230 g or more. The shape is conical. The tip is slightly pointed. Resistant to shooting.Especially for the North.
Altai shortenedMid-season
Fruit - 20 cm, 150 g. The shape is cylindrical. The tip is rounded. It tolerates low temperatures.Especially for Siberia and the Urals.
DayanaLate ripening
Fruit - 28 cm, 210 g. The shape is conical. The tip is dumb. Resists extremes and low temperatures.Siberia, the Urals.

Site selection

When choosing a place, it must be borne in mind that seedlings will begin to grow in early spring, when snow will still lie on the ground. Therefore, the site should be well lit by the sun, it is better to choose a small hill so that the snow melts faster.

It is necessary to take into account which plants grew before that in the garden intended for carrots.

The best predecessorsWorst predecessors
  • Squash;
  • cucumbers
  • cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • Tomatoes
  • onion garlic;
  • green (salad, dill, etc.).
  • Parsley;
  • celery;
  • parsnip;
  • fennel.

It is not recommended to plant carrots in the winter at the place where this crop was harvested in the fall. Such a bed is suitable for cultivation only after 3-4 years.

Bed preparation

The bed for planting is prepared in advance (better per month):

  • The land is freed from weeds, digged to a depth of about 30 cm.
  • Fertilizers are applied per 1 square meter: a glass of wood ash, 3 kg of rotted organic matter, 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt.
  • Grooves are formed - a depth of 3-6 cm (depending on the region), the distance between them is about 20 cm.
  • It is covered with non-woven material or film.


Landing is carried out according to the following scheme (it is important not to forget that the earth should be slightly frozen):

  • Seed is distributed into the holes at a distance of about 2 cm from each other (denser than in spring sowing).
  • It is filled up with warm garden soil (pre-prepared). Crops are mulched (depending on the region).
  • Compacted.
  • If there is snow, a little sleep for them.
  • It is covered with spruce branches.

Important: Do not soak the seeds before sowing carrots in the winter.

Crop Care

In winter, planting, crops do not require special care. It is necessary to ensure that the snow cover is large enough and the seeds do not freeze.

In the spring, when the snow melts, it is necessary to remove the shelter (mulch, spruce branches) and put a film or non-woven material, if it was not (preferably on small arcs).

In the future, carrot care is the same as for spring plantings:

  • Weeding freeing from weeds.
  • Loosen aisles, for oxygen enrichment.
  • Thin out crops when several real leaves appear (the distance between root crops is about 2 cm).
  • When the sprouts grow a little (3 weeks) repeat thinning (leave 5 cm).
  • If the spring is dry, shed the crops.


Watch the video: Top 10 Cold Hardy Fall & Winter Crops to Grow In Your Garden + Reasons Why (October 2024).