Gooseberry planting in the fall: rules and technology


Gooseberries - perennial berry shrubs, one of the most unpretentious. It is distinguished by special productivity, stability and a rich selection of vitamins.

Landing need

Gooseberries contain vitamin C, B and A, as well as up to 20% of sugars. In the suburbs, where you can calmly plant a small garden in the dachas, it is important to have at least one bush to maintain family health. With the gradual inclusion of gooseberries in the diet, the risk of hypertension and many other cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

Landing time

In the seedling market, in most cases you can find gooseberries with an open root system. In order for this plant to take root, it is planted even before the buds are swollen or when the bush has survived flowering. The best time of the year is spring and autumn. When choosing the best season, you need to consider the region in which the landing is made.


In the southern part of Russia, gooseberries should not be planted in spring, because of the heat the seedlings do not have time to take root and the plant dies. Whereas in the fall, at a moderate temperature for 2-3 weeks, the root system of the plant manages to adapt and recover.

The optimal landing time is from September 15 to October 15. The first crop can be harvested next summer. Do not delay the fit. The plant will not have time to adapt to a new place and will not survive the onset of cold weather.


In the northern regions, landing occurs in spring. Thanks to the non-hot climate, the gooseberry root system quietly adapts to new soil within a few months, thereby preparing for a long winter.

When planting at this time of the year, it is important to start the process as early as possible before the plant begins sap flow. Otherwise, the seedling may die.

For spring, it is best to choose seedlings with a closed root system. The plant is protected by an earthen lump, which keeps moisture inside and promotes favorable adaptation to new conditions.


For her, you need to purchase special seedlings. They are a bush packed in a strong container. Thus, the plant does not experience much stress and takes root much faster. Summer heat can not greatly affect it.

In the central part of the country, planting can be done at both times of the year, due to the favorable climate. But gardeners still prefer to plant in the fall or late August.

Seedling Selection

Ideal for planting seedlings, which are 2 years old. They have stems and leaves formed, and the length of the roots and shoots is 20-30 cm. When planting, only 3-4 buds should remain, and the stems and all excess are cut off. This process helps the bush survive with undeveloped roots.

If a seedling with an open root system is selected for planting, then it is important that the shoots for this year are already numb. You can not delay with the transplant and perform it for three days.

Seedlings with a closed root system are best tolerated. Earth should not crumble and dry. If they outgrew the defense, then it is worth combing them with your hands.

Any kind of seedling should be watered abundantly, regardless of the time of year. Gooseberry planting scheme in autumn

Choosing a place and soil

In order for the plant to begin without difficulty, several criteria must be taken into account:

  • There should not be high-rise buildings, high fences in the district. They have a detrimental effect on gooseberries, close it from sunlight, which for a good harvest needs a lot.
  • The location of trees and large bushes nearby, impedes the proper development of gooseberries, as it lacks nutrients.
  • The place of growth of the bush should be ventilated, however, a strong wind can destroy the plant.
  • The location of groundwater should be more than one and a half meters from the surface of the earth. The closer they are, the faster the roots will begin to rot. This will lead to the death of the plant. If necessary, create a small hill.
  • Soil, which contains a large amount of organic matter, positively affects the growth of gooseberries. If it does not have a sufficient number of trace elements, then it should be fertilized before planting a seedling.
  • Compost, manure and humus are the most common and effective top dressings for the soil. Moreover, it can be fertilized with superphosphate, potassium chloride or urea, but in individual dosages. It all depends on the quality of the soil and its chemical structure.

Landing pattern

There are several schemes for planting gooseberries. The variety and the area on which the plant is planted affects the choice:

  • Free - the essence of thinning twice. Plants are planted after 75 cm, leaving 1 meter between rows. When the crowns of the bushes begin to touch (this will happen in a few years), they will need to be destroyed, replanting some of them to another place. The procedure should be repeated as necessary.
  • With subsequent thinning - at a distance of 1.5 meters and an aisle of 2 meters.
  • Between the trees - suitable for row spacing of 4 meters, which allows the bush to well sprout. When the plant reaches the desired size, touching the crowns of trees, they dig it up, keeping a distance of 30 cm from the trunk, for transplantation.

Gooseberry Stepping

It is important to provide all the points in order to avoid the death of the plant:

  • The depth of each well should depend on the size of the root system of the seedling. Typically, the size is from 40 to 55 cm in diameter. The hole must be prepared in advance.
  • When creating pits for a plant, it is worth putting soil layers in different places, since they have a different composition of trace elements.
  • Fertilizer is prepared in advance - humus or compost:
    • 200-300 g of superphosphate;
    • 300 g of ground wood ash;
    • 60 g of any fertilizer high in potassium;
    • 50 g of limestone.
  • Fertilizer spills out into the pit. Its volume should not exceed 10 liters.
  • After that, the top layer of the dug up soil is filled up, in order to avoid direct contact with concentrated fertilizer. The soil should replenish the hole by 10 cm.
  • The seedling is placed on top and must be installed directly. The roots need to be straightened by placing them in the vertical direction without damaging.
  • Gooseberry roots are covered with a lower layer of soil.
  • Water and earth are combined when a plant falls asleep. The optimal volume of fluid for each bush is 10 liters (1 bucket).
  • In order to avoid the formation of voids, the earth near the seedling is rammed with hands.
  • The root neck should be 5 cm in the soil and only then can you stop burying the seedling and water the last time.


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