Planting roses in the fall in the open ground and care for them


Planting roses in autumn requires a creative approach, since the unpredictability of climatic conditions, the characteristics of the variety and the need to select the right soil make growing these flowers a rather painstaking process.

When to plant roses in the fall

The optimal period for planting shoots in the soil is considered to be September or October. In this case, the rhizome will have time to take root before the first frost.

In the suburbs, cold weather occurs late, but in Siberia and the Urals, subzero temperatures are already observed at the end of autumn. Therefore, the cultivation of these plants in the northern regions of the country requires early planting, as well as the selection of frost-resistant varieties.

Autumn planting of roses has a number of advantages that guarantee the next year to receive a strong and flowering shrub:

  • During this period, air humidity is 70-80%, which is 10-20% more than in spring. This indicator increases the rate of survival of plants.
  • Due to the large amount of rainfall, roses do not need to be watered so often.
  • The soil is warm, which affects the acclimatization of flowers. Soil temperature is above +14 ° С.

However, there are varieties that can be grown only with spring planting. For example, a very popular unusual Black Prince, varieties of Floribund roses are planted in May-June. Of these, standard trees with a spherical crown of various colors are formed. By virtue, such plants can be taken only during spring planting or early autumn, but only in the southern regions.

Planting roses in the open ground: nuances and technology

Planting roses can be carried out in spring or autumn, most importantly, fully comply with the technology.

Seedling Selection

The first stage of breeding roses - the choice of material for planting. Flowers can have an open or closed rhizome and can be found in local or overseas nurseries.

Bushes with the first type of roots are planted immediately after purchase, as they are sold during active vegetation. With quality care, they easily take root.

Domestic samples are bought only in the fall and from trusted breeders. Foreign seedlings are carefully examined for bud growth, if they are, then the planted plant in the spring.

Pay attention to the flowering period of specimens, their frost resistance (relevant for the northern regions).


Roses like well-lit areas, the more sun, the more active the buds appear. However, places where direct rays penetrate do not fit, because the petals turn pale and burn out, burns occur at the tips.

Shaded places are strictly forbidden, as the flowers tend to the sun, stretch out, and then weaken. This arrangement increases the likelihood of developing diseases and pest attacks. Places with drafts are not suitable, as gusts of wind break the stems of roses.

The best option is the southeastern part of the garden.

Roses love removal from buildings and other plants. These flowers can not be grown after fruit stone fruits, as they greatly deplete the soil, especially ground cover.

The soil

Roses prefer light breathing earth. Water and oxygen perfectly flow to the rhizome in chernozems and loams.

Sandstones and sandstones are not the best option, in the summer they are heated by the sun's rays, and in winter they quickly freeze. Such differences affect the rhizome. Professional gardeners correct the situation by adding peat, lime and rotted manure to such land in equal proportions. With quick drying of the soil, clay is added, laying out in a planting pit with a layer of 7-8 cm. In mid-September, in preparation for wintering, potassium monophosphate is added in the form of a solution.

Planting scheme for different varieties of roses

In September, bush varieties are planted deeper than in the soil of the nursery, as seedlings do not bulge during cold weather. The climbing varieties are deepened even more, due to which additional root processes arise.

  1. When planting, the roots of the plant are evenly spread in different directions and sprinkled with earth so that it is firmly in contact with the flower and there are no voids.
  2. Nutritious soil is poured out on the bottom of the pit, roses are placed on it.
  3. The hole is filled with soil, rammed and watered.
  4. A layer of earth 20 cm high is poured near the base of the shrub, this protects the roots of the plant from frost.
  5. Having compacted the soil, it is watered with several buckets of water (per bush).
  6. After evaporation of moisture, the surface is covered with dry soil, and holes are made around the seedlings to make water.

The interval between park varieties is from 75 cm to 1 m, because in adulthood they have a spreading crown. The distance between hybrid tea, polyanthus species and floribunda roses is from 30 to 60 cm.

Rose transplant in the fall to another place

Rose is an unpretentious flower that tolerates transplants well. The optimal time is September-October. Spend on a cloudy day or in the evening.

  • The bush is carefully dug up, trying not to injure the root system (when diving adult roses, this process is complicated). Minor damage is not terrible, roses heal quickly.
  • The shrub is dug in a circle, gradually deepening into the soil. When the root root is reached, it is chopped off. The plant is removed from the pit, keeping the lump of land intact. The flower is moved to a new area in film, tarpaulin or a large bag.
  • The hole is prepared a little larger than the root system. Deepen by 5-6 cm. The plant is carefully watered, and the pit is mulched.

Tall bushes are tied to a support, because due to the wind they often bend and can bend, and it will be difficult to level them. Pruning is postponed until spring.

Cuttings of roses in autumn and other methods of propagation

There are several options for propagating roses:

  • Cuttings. The advantage of the method is that roses do not give wild shoots. The cut is cut nearby with a leaf bud, and then germinated in a growth-promoting preparation. After the appearance of the rhizome, the flower is planted in open ground.
  • Budding. An incision in the form of the letter T is created on the stalk bark, near the soil level, a kidney of the cultivar of the plant is placed in it and fixed with a film. The operation is not complicated, but experience is needed.
  • Using seeds. This method is practically not used, since several years are expected to bloom. Germination of this planting material is low.
  • Layering. Thus, climbing and shrub roses are bred, since they have elongated and strong stems. In the lower part of the shoot make an incision about 8 cm long, put a match in it. This part of the trunk is placed in the ground and attached, the free tip is connected to the peg. The rooted plant is separated from the mother bush.

Burrito Method

In America, a new method was developed - "burrito". This is a traditional Mexican filling dish, the preparation of which resembles this breeding process.

  1. Cuttings cut 15-20 cm long in autumn. Leave the strongest stems. Bottom cut under the kidney, and above - between the shoots. They are cleaned and selected the strongest, not affected by diseases and pests.
  2. Cuttings are wrapped in a newspaper. At the same time, the cut is the filling, and the paper is the burrito.
  3. The resulting roll is moistened and packaged in polyethylene. Store at approximately +18 ° C.
  4. Ventilate once in 7 days, check for rotting. If mold appears, it is better to throw out the workpiece.
  5. After about 28-30 days, roots should form at the cut sites. Then the cuttings are planted in open ground.

Mr. Summer resident warns: errors during planting roses

When planting roses in the fall season, miscalculations are possible:

  • For rooting, a flower is planted in peat. Rose rots and dies. The solution is planting in loam saturated with minerals.
  • When grown, the roots bend up. Observe the slow growth and development of the plant. Prevention - after planting, they control the location of the root system.
  • Excessive deepening of the vaccination in the soil. The norm is 5 cm, otherwise, the flowers fade and die.

Feeding roses

In the spring, fertilizers are applied until the plants grow actively, with a positive temperature being established. Possible options:

  • they dig a half bucket of mullein around the bush;
  • 20 g of ammonium nitrate or urea are scattered on moist soil, watered;
  • special fertilizers for roses are used, nitrogen-containing are required;
  • mulch with compost.

In summer, for plentiful flowering, roses are fed several times with organic solutions (mullein, chicken droppings, ash) by spraying on flowers in the evening.

Autumn top dressing should replenish nutrients in the soil depleted after flowering and prepare the plant for winter:

  • watered with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (25 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium per 10 l of water);
  • in September, nitrogen substances are excluded, as they contribute to the growth of young growth, which is not necessary when preparing a rose for winter:
  • with the onset of cooling, the bushes mulch.

Preparing roses for winter

Roses are overly susceptible to cold, therefore, for the winter they require some protection.


Proper pruning makes the rose easier to tolerate the cold. Lower foliage and shoots are the first to suffer from diseases, so they are completely removed already in mid-September. The remaining steps depend on the variety of colors.

Weaving varieties pinch at the point of growth, and bush and species - cut under the base. The procedure is performed 1-2 weeks before shelter, leaving only 3-5 stems.

Shelter for the winter

At a temperature of + 5 ... +7 ° C, shrubs cover with spruce branches and mount wire frames under it, the shape is a semicircle. The building is covered with a film or roofing material.

Suitable height - 40-50 cm. Dimensions are related to the number of seedlings. At a temperature of -10 ° C, the film is pressed a little against the soil.

Young standard roses carefully bend to the soil and pin them with wire. The place of vaccination is a little covered with soil or compost. Adult bushes can be left without bending. They are covered with a bag of dry leaves.

Climbing roses are carefully separated from the support on which they curled, placed on a spruce branch and insulated.

In the spring, the design is dismantled only after a little ventilation, so that the flowers do not get burned.

Proper preparation for the winter will help maintain healthy, beautiful plants.

Mr. Dachnik advises: winter-resistant varieties of roses for the middle lane

For breeding in the middle lane (Moscow region), these varieties of roses are perfect:

D. AustinCharles AustinShrub plant, height up to 150 cm. Odor - fruity.Inflorescences are racemose. The buds are pale orange.
Princess Alexandra of Kent.A rounded bush, grows up to 90 cm, in width - 60 cm. The smell is lemon-currant.Large, terry. Diameter is about 12 cm. Color - pink.
Crown Princess Margaret.A wicker flower reaching a height of 2.5 m. The stems are in the form of an arc, so they use a support.
The flowering period is from June to mid-autumn.
ParkWrinkled.Strong-growing shrub, the trunk reaches 150 cm in height. On the shoots are large spikes. Frost-resistant variety, feels comfortable at temperatures up to -40 ° C.
Petals are widely used to create jam.
Semi-double, diameter about 12 cm.
Alexander MackenzieShrub with a height of up to 200 cm, width - up to 150 cm. There are thorns on the shoots.Terry. Color - raspberry red.
William Baffin.Homeland - Canada. Shrub height up to 3 m, width - about 2 m.
It has good immunity to fungal pathologies, grown in the shade.
Semi-double, deep pink, the core is white.
Frost resistant
(can winter without shelter)
Albe.Shrub plant has strong erect shoots, height up to 2.8 m. Flowering time - a month.Terry, snow-white.
Scrubs.Semi-climbing variety of shrubs, up to 3 m high.Light pink.
Agness.It is grown on any soil, including sand.Creamy yellow.
Hybrid TeaGloria Day.Shrub plant, the trunk reaches 1 m.Large, terry. Color - rich yellow, has a pink border.
Blue moonBush reaching 90 cm. Subject to powdery mildew attacks.Purple, lush.
Double Delight.Shrub grows up to 1 m. Has immunity to fungal diseases.Contrasting, deep pink.
Nicole.Two-color variety of cut type.Inside - bright red, outside - white.
Paradise.It grows to 1 m. There are many thorns on the shoots. High immunity to fungal diseases. In winter, they will certainly shelter, otherwise the plant will die.White and red.

All varieties of roses will decorate any corner of the garden, giving it a cozy and well-groomed appearance. It is important not to neglect the recommendations for planting and caring for these beautiful plants.


Watch the video: How to Transplant Plants from Pot to Ground (October 2024).