Diseases and pests of apple trees: spring, summer, autumn


Numerous selection laboratories work daily to improve the resistance of apple varieties to various diseases. However, everything still depends on the attention and vigilance of the gardener.

Diseases dangerous to the apple tree and the fight against them, the first symptoms and methods of their prevention, as well as the causes and routes of infection - the minimum knowledge necessary for every gardener.

Summary table of apple diseases

The reasons for the development of diseases can be many: improper care, physical damage, infections. Depending on the type of lesion, the following types of diseases are distinguished:

Type of lesionDiseaseDanger of disease
FungusScabThe causative agent is a pathogenic type fungus. It affects fruits, leaves. According to some studies, scab is a danger to human health. The affected fetus contains toxins, which, falling into the human body, reduce its natural defense. The fungus destroys tooth enamel and leads to gum disease. In some European countries, the sale of apples affected by this disease is prohibited.
Powdery Mildew (Sphere library)Loss of yield up to 60%, apple trees lose their winter hardiness.
Milky shineThe death of the apple tree.
RustThe death of the crop, while the affected apple tree does not bear fruit for the next season. Concomitant disease is scab.
CytosporosisWhen the branch is damaged, complete dying occurs after 1.5-2 months; trunk - the death of an apple tree.
European CancerCrop reduction by 3 times, loss of its quality. In running forms - the death of a tree, infection of neighboring ones is possible.
Black cancerThe death of the apple tree. In the absence of measures, the disease can destroy the entire garden in a couple of years.
Moniliosis (Fruit Rot, Monilial Burn)Crop loss, stunted growth or death of young branches, damage to neighboring trees.
Phyllosticosis (Brown spotting)It leads to falling leaves and winter hardiness. Significant crop losses.
BacteriaBacterial burnA dangerous disease that can destroy all apple trees in one or two seasons.
Bacterial root cancerIncurably, poses a great danger to the rest of the garden. The bacteria that cause it remain in the soil for several more years.
Bacterial necrosisThe death of a tree, the infection of the rest of the garden.
VirusesMosaicIt affects young apple trees, slowing their growth and development. Decrease in productivity.
Star cracking fruitThe disease is incurable, leads to a decrease in yield, loss of its quality.
Panicle (polyferation).
RosetteA 2-fold decrease in yield, the death of roots and branches. With the defeat of young apple trees, the probability of death of a tree is high.

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases of apple trees are the result of improper care, neglect of sanitary measures. Do not forget that the natural environment is oversaturated with various fungi, but in a healthy state the tree is able to withstand them.

Infection occurs due to damage to the bark, improper pruning of branches, errors in care. For prevention, the following measures are required:

  1. Pruning branches in the spring.
  2. Preventive treatment of apple trees from diseases and pests (at least 2 times a season).
  3. The exception of sprinkling (increased crown moisture contributes to the development of fungi).
  4. Fertilizer application mode.
  5. Autumn cleaning the garden.
  6. Whitewashing before winter.


The fungus infects fruits and leaves. The disease is common in areas with a temperate climate, which are characterized by wet spring. The fungus is carried by spores with the help of wind, water, insects. Signs appear immediately after infection.


  1. Yellow-green spots on the leaves, over time they turn black.
  2. After the leaves, the fruits are affected.
  3. The fruits are deformed.


  1. Planting disease-resistant varieties.
  2. Timely collection and destruction of plant debris, fallen leaves, cut branches.
  3. Excavation of soil around the trunk.
  4. Thinning crown for better air circulation.
  5. The choice of hills for planting apple trees.

Treatment: remove and destroy the affected parts of the tree. Treat with chemicals. A less toxic option is the use of biological preparations containing hay bacillus. This bacterium destroys a pathogenic fungus. Bordeaux solution is also traditionally used. This is a mixture of copper sulfate with lime. In modern gardening, drugs are also used that act in a complex way: from the inside and through the surface. This is Rayok, Skor, Horus. Their feature is that they are not washed off by precipitation and during irrigation.

When treating a disease, one should not forget that fungi tend to "get used" to poisons, therefore it is more effective to use drugs with various active ingredients.

Powdery mildew

The incubation period of the disease is half a month. The source of infection has not yet been identified. Trees are especially susceptible to it during the summer heat, with high humidity. Symptoms: whitish bloom on the kidneys, foliage. Over time, black spots appear on it.


  1. Processing Bordeaux liquid.
  2. Moderate soil moisture at the trunk, weeding.
  3. Phosphorus top dressing, increase the resistance of the apple tree.

You can process:

  1. colloidal sulfur;
  2. fungicides or Bordeaux liquid;
  3. soda ash;
  4. potassium permanganate solution (remove and destroy damaged parts of the apple tree).

Milky shine

It is found in the southern regions of the country. Occurs due to frost damage. Mushroom spores penetrate wounds and fissures. Long wet and cold weather contributes to development. The first sign is the whitening of foliage. The trunk is getting dark. With the further development of the disease, fungi appear.


  1. Thorough preparation of trees for winter: whitewashing, mulching.
  2. Landing only on the hills.
  3. Fertilizer with calcium and phosphorus.
  4. Treatment with copper sulfate.


  1. Remove affected areas,
  2. Treat slices with vitriol and var.
  3. Spray the apple tree with fungicides (Topaz, Vectra, Bordeaux liquid).


Most often, it becomes infected from a juniper growing nearby. On the leaves there are spots and stripes of brown-rusty color with black dots. The affected bark is cracking.

Prevention and treatment are the same as with milky shine.


The disease dries the plant. Any damage to the cortex is a risk of developing cytosporosis. Infection usually occurs in spring or autumn, in winter the fungus is inactive, with warming it begins to develop rapidly. Outwardly similar to black cancer. The difference is that with cytosporosis, the bark becomes loose, but it is poorly separated from the trunk.


  1. The branches are covered with dark tubercles, which later take on a red tint.
  2. Foliage and branches begin to dry.
  3. Cracks form on the trunk, from which gum oozes.


  1. Timely collection and destruction of plant debris, fallen leaves, cut branches.
  2. Excavation of soil around the trunk.
  3. Fungicide treatment.

Treatment is effective only in the early stages of the disease: treat with fungicides, preparations containing copper. The soil is watered with urea and nitrate (ammonia).

In case of disease at the stage of destruction of the cortex: remove and destroy damaged areas.

Phyllosticosis (brown spotting)

Ways of infection: high humidity and mild winters, damage to the bark. Symptoms: small brown spots on the leaves (appear in early May), they brighten by the end of summer. In autumn, destroy the fallen leaves, dig up the ground, spray the apple trees with urea. In the spring, treat with fungicides.

Prevention is the same as with cytosporosis.

Black cancer

Damage to the cortex is the main cause. Excessive fertilizer can also contribute to the disease. The first signs are black dots around the damaged area of ​​the cortex. Over time, spots grow and become covered with plaque. Prevention: plant winter-hardy varieties (they are less susceptible to black cancer and moniliosis). Observe the requirements for the sanitary preparation of trees for winter. Treatment is only possible in the early stages.

  1. To clean, grease with an antiseptic.
  2. Spray the whole tree with fungicides.
  3. Process all the apple trees on the site.

The treatment is long and most often inconclusive.

Moniliosis (fruit rot)

It affects the trunk and apples. The causes may be:

  1. bark damage
  2. previous other diseases
  3. variety instability,
  4. improper care.
  5. improper storage of the crop.

Symptoms: the fruit is covered with brown spots with a gray coating. Treatment: destroy the damaged fruits, treat the apple trees themselves with Bordeaux liquid, and after the harvest season with a solution of copper sulfate.

Bacterial diseases

Affected apple trees are difficult to treat. Most often, the infection enters with seedlings, after planting it is quickly carried by insects and birds. There are such diseases. Prevention of all bacterial diseases - treatment from insects, careful selection of seedlings.

Bacteriosis (Bacterial burn)

Bacteria penetrate the vascular system of the apple tree through damage to the bark. Often accompanied by moniliosis. The peddlers are insects. Signs of bacteriosis:

  1. Red spots between veins.
  2. The ends of young shoots dry.
  3. The bark becomes sticky.
  4. Damaged leaves, buds and fruits do not fall.

It is necessary to treat with antibiotics and drugs with sulfur. Remove damaged parts.

Bacterial root cancer

Infection occurs through particles of affected roots and branches remaining in the soil. As a rule, the disease occurs when growing apple trees in one place for a long time. Symptoms are soft growths on the roots. Gradually they harden. Not treated. The affected tree is uprooted, destroyed.

Bacterial necrosis

Infection occurs through damaged bark. All parts of the apple tree are affected. The edges of the sheet die off, he folds himself. Stains form on the shoots and fruits.


  1. Trim all damaged parts.
  2. Sanitize cut points with copper sulfate.
  3. Coat the sections with paint or putty.
  4. Treat the spots with a solution of zinc chloride.

Viral diseases

The peculiarity of these diseases is that viruses do not live in an open environment. You can infect an apple tree only with unprocessed tools.

Prevention includes careful selection of seedlings, quarantine, treatment with insect repellents. Even an inexperienced gardener can recognize these diseases using the description below.

Polyration (growth, paniculation)Excessive growth of shoots ("witch brooms"). The leaves on them are small and deformed.Affected apple trees are not treatable. In order to avoid further distribution, they must be uprooted and burned.
MosaicStripes and spots on the leaves, its early decline. The disease is characteristic of young apple trees.
Small leaf (rosette)The coarsening of the leaves, often they are wrapped, become small. The apple tree does not bloom.
Star crackingOn young fruits, spots form in the center of which star-shaped cracks.

Pest treatment

Timely treatment with insect and pest preparations helps to avoid many problems in the future. The most common substances:

A drugApplicationProcessing methodConcentration
UreaTreatment and prevention of diseases.During the vegetative period, the entire tree and near-stem soil are treated.5%
Vitriol (copper)Ticks and larvae.Only affected areas are treated.1%
Vitriol (Iron)Scab, black cancer, cytosporosis.Both general processing and local.1% for general treatment, 3% for affected areas.
Colloidal sulfurScab, ticks, powdery mildew.Complete wood processing.1%
Bordeaux mixtureTreatment and prevention of diseases.Both general and local processing.Additionally, do not breed.
30+Destruction of overwintered insects (ticks, aphids, scale insects, insects)Full processing in the spring, if necessary, repeat in the summer.

You can also find on sale complex preparations (Skor, Horus, Fitosporin). Their action is aimed at pests of various types.

It is especially important to carry out processing in the fall. Basic Rules:

  1. Before the procedure, remove all plant parts from under the trees.
  2. Work is carried out only in dry, calm weather.
  3. Dissolve vitriol in a glass or plastic container.
  4. Before pouring into the sprayer, be sure to filter the solution.
  5. Spray the whole tree, including the piece of land around the trunk.
  6. You can not use several tools at once.

Whitewashing is a must when preparing a garden for winter. It will allow the tree to tolerate frost more easily and protect it from pests and diseases. Recommendations:

  • Age trees need a more thorough and serious whitewash.
  • The solution is mixed with vitriol (copper).
  • The trunk is whitened to a height of up to 1.5 meters, capturing the lower branches.

Tips of Mr. Summer Resident

  1. All funds must have an expiration date.
  2. Buy chemicals at specialized points of sale.
  3. Processing is allowed only in personal protective equipment.


Watch the video: What Should You Do If You See This On Your Fruit Trees? (October 2024).