Adiantum: types and care


Adiantum (Adiantum, adiant, curly fern) is a genus of ferns in which there are up to 200 different species, seventeen of which are grown for decorative purposes.

There are two zones of natural origin: Asia and South America. In nature, this fern loves the tropical climate, chooses shaded, moist and rocky places. In Russia, the adiant is found in the Caucasus in vivo.


Despite all the diversity in this family, there are a number of common features. Adianths are low bushes with drooping cirrus leaves (waiyi). The stems are thin, usually dark, like a wire. On the lower part along the edge of the leaves are pockets with spores (spores).

It does not bloom, but with proper care it remains with soft green foliage all year round b grows very quickly, increasing by 2-3 times during the season.


Adiantum is loved for its surprisingly delicate and elegant appearance. Attempts to grow it at home were undertaken 200 years ago. But due to the demanding plants for air quality, only wealthy citizens in greenhouses or conservatories could contain this fern.

Now it is much easier to create the conditions necessary for his life, so more and more often you can see one or another view in apartments.

Venus hairThis species got its name for its amazingly beautiful leaves that form a lush, sprawling bush that looks very similar to a girl's hairstyle. The leaves in the form of fans of pale green color are located on thin dark stems. This contrast gives the fern a very spectacular appearance. With good care grows up to 60 cm.
Ruddy (wedge-shaped)The representative of the family comes from the subtropics. Long leaves up to 45 cm, bright green in color, darken with age. There are several popular varieties: Grasillium, Festum, Fritz Lutz, Fragrance. They differ among themselves by their exactingness to growth conditions. Gracillium loves great humidity, so you can grow it only in a special room. The rest are less demanding and suitable for maintenance in the apartment.
Adiantum large-leavedIt is found in nature in America, where it grows along roadsides. The large-leafed adiant is loved for the unusual color of the leaves: young shoots are soft pink in color, and only with time do they turn green. This species has an unusual leaf shape: pointed, curved wedge. On the edge of which spores are located on both sides.
FootThe winter-hardy species is able to tolerate frosts without shelter up to -35 degrees. In the southern and central regions of Russia, it is grown in open ground. The adiantum of the corymbose has a flexible dark stalk about 60 cm and dissected leaves in the form of a fan. The bush, growing, takes the form of a sphere. Great for decorating the yard, garden. One of the most interesting varieties of this species - imbricatum, dwarf fern, up to 15 cm high, is great for growing in an apartment.
Delicate or adiantum pinkThere are many varieties that differ greatly in appearance (size, color, leaf shape). They grow to 90 cm in height. Variety Skutum Roseum has an unusual color of leaves: various shades of pink, and only with time they gradually turn green.
Shallow or ShallowGrows in the forests of Africa, India, Madagascar. The rhomboid leaves of this fern are located on cuttings up to 35 cm. They are pubescent with bristles, with a serrated edge.
Adiant beautiful (beautiful)Great representative of the genus. It grows to a meter. Dark green triangular leaves on purple grungy cuttings. Very hardy look. In nature, grows on the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Home Care

For the successful growth of the adiantum, he needs conditions as close to natural as possible.

Location / LightingLikes partial shade, north side. When located on other sides, it is worth placing it 2-3 meters deep into the room.
Room temperatureNot more than + 22 ° С+ 15 ° С, remove from heating appliances
WateringTwo times per weekOnce a week
SprayingDailyIt is forbidden, before the start of the heating season when lowering the temperature of the spraying harmfulDaily
Fertilizer1 time a month with fertilizer for indoor deciduous plants. Reduce the dosage by 2 times from the recommended.Does not need

Important points in growing

This fern is very picky about air quality. Therefore, when choosing a place, this is definitely worth considering. The kitchen and places where it can be fumigated are not suitable for him. The slightest smokiness for the adiantum is fatal.

He does not like dust, therefore, in the room where he is located, frequent wet cleaning and regular ventilation are required.

Choosing a place under the fern, moving the pot in the future is not recommended. Adiantum is very sensitive, any movement will negatively affect its appearance.

Proper watering is also very important. Drying of the soil will lead to the death of leaves, and overflow - to rotting of the roots. The best watering method is when the pot with fern is temporarily placed in a container with settled water and left there until the surface of the substrate becomes shiny. After the pot is pulled out and left so that excess water can drain.

Choosing a pot, soil, transplant

Adiantum loves crowding, so he will need a transplant only for 2-3 years of life. You can determine the need for the roots sprouted through the drainage holes. Adult plants no longer need a transplant; just change the topsoil once a year. Transplanted in the spring.

Since the adiantum has a powerful rhizome, the pot should choose a spacious, but shallow (in most species, the root is superficial). It is better to opt for a clay pot: this material lets in more air, so the roots get more oxygen.

Adiantum requires a significant drainage layer, about a third of the volume of the pot. The soil should be acidic, peaty. The finished mixture can be purchased at any flower shop. The most important condition is that when transplanting the soil can not be compacted, the fern loves to be loose. Before planting, you need to carefully inspect the roots, if necessary, remove damaged ones.


This plant is propagated by separation of the root system or spores.

Division is carried out in the spring, it is necessary with sufficient availability of growth points. The rhizome is separated with a knife, the slice is treated with coal dust, after which the parts are placed in prepared pots. Adiantum is difficult to tolerate division, so the seated parts do not go on growing for a long time.

Important: you can not share the adiantum more than once every three years.

Reproduction by spores will take much more time, however, there is no risk for an existing plant.

For this method, you must do the following:

  • prepare the soil (a mixture of peat, sand, earth);
  • scald the soil mixture, allow to cool;
  • disinfected collected spores with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • put seed on prepared soil, cover with glass, leave in a dark warm place until germination;
  • after germination, remove the glass and rearrange to a bright place, but not sunny;
  • seedling when the seedlings get stronger.

This method of reproduction will take from several weeks to several months.

Mistakes in the care, pests, diseases and methods of elimination

Adiantum produces special substances that in nature repel insects. However, in modern cities, pests have adapted to chemistry, and sometimes infect a plant.

External signsCauseElimination method
Dry leaves, lose their luster.Greenhouse whitefly.Destroyed by special preparations (sold in flower shops): Zeta, Rovikurt.
On the leaves are white tangles.Worm.Carefully clean with a brush, using methylated spirits, without wetting the leaves.
Small growths are oval.Scale shield California.Clean with a cotton swab, moistening it in alcohol. In severe cases, chemistry is used (Actellik).
The leaves are dry, the edges of the leaves turn brown.Lack of watering or smoke in the plant.Increase watering. If there is no way to protect the fern from accidental smoke in this place, it is better to rearrange it to another.
Falling foliage.Not enough humid air.Regular spraying.
The leaves turn pale.Unsuitable place, excess light.Rearrange the pot in the shade.
Leaves curl but do not dry.Low air temperature.Move to a warmer place or provide the desired temperature.
The leaves of the stalk turn yellow, brown spots appear.High air temperature.Rearrange (if there is a problem in the radiators) or install a protective screen.
Wither leaves with wet soil.Decay of the root system.Remove the plant from the pot, remove the damaged parts of the rhizome, change the substrate.
Darkened foliage, brown lines.The accumulation of salts in the earth.Soil replacement.

Mr. Summer resident advises: Adiantum - a useful plant

Adiantum is not only a beautiful plant, but also useful, exhibits medicinal properties. In Europe, long since, powders and infusions from its leaves were used to treat diseases of the throat, liver and bladder, and cough of various origins. The substances that make up it help reduce heat and destroy bacteria. In China, alcoholism has been successfully treated with the help of Adiantum decoction for many years.

In some cultures, leaves are used as a side dish. They also make sweet drinks.

In the Caucasus, decoctions are used to rinse hair. It is believed that it gives hair strength and shine. Fans of the Feng Shui teachings believe that the adiantum brings special energy to the house and is great for a bedroom. He gives peace and sound sleep.


Watch the video: Growing Maidenhair Ferns & Moisture Loving Houseplants - Adiantum (October 2024).