Yucca home - planting and care at home, photo


Yucca - an evergreen, tree-like or stemless plant of the Agave family. At home, the maximum growth of yucca reaches 2 meters, while the lower part of the leaves periodically falls, only the top remains leafy. Because of this structural feature, yucca is often confused with a palm tree. Leaves stick out in different directions, slightly leaning to the bottom.

The shape of the leaves is xiphoid, long (up to 50 cm), pointed to the end. The color of yucca leaves, depending on the species, is green, bluish or green in a bright yellow, white strip. Along the edge, the leaf plates are covered with hard villi. The homeland of the Yucca is Central America, more precisely, its arid regions and Mexico. At home, yucca is grown for decorative purposes as a deciduous plant and blooms extremely rarely.

Low growth rate, up to 30 cm in one season. The ivory trunk does not grow after pruning; only rosettes grow.
Indoor does not bloom.
The plant is grown easily.

Useful Properties of Yucca

The yucca is elephant room. A photo

Naturally grown yucca fibers are used for technical purposes to enhance the reliability of denim. As a dietary supplement used in cosmetology. In folk medicine, healing and bactericidal properties are used.

Domestic plant species create a cosiness, a peaceful atmosphere, contribute to the purification of air and the absorption of noise. It is believed that peace and prosperity reign in the house where the yucca grows. In office buildings, a mysterious flower is grown for good luck in business.

Yucca care at home. Briefly

Yucca plant is appreciated for its beautiful appearance, easy care. It adapts well to the conditions of residential and office premises, but to maintain it for many years in an attractive form, certain rules must be observed:

TemperatureA thermophilic plant for which the optimum temperature for growing in summer is from +20 to 28˚C.
Air humidityYucca at home adapts well to dry air, even during the heating season.
LightingBright lighting is required without prolonged exposure to bright sun.
WateringMoisturize when the soil dries to a depth of more than 5cm.
PrimingSoil for yucca is chosen moisture- and breathable with a neutral level of acidity.
Fertilizer and fertilizerOrganic or mineral top dressing is recommended after 15-20 days in the spring-summer period.
TransferIt is advisable to transplant a plant once every 2-3 years.
Yucca BreedingReproduction is carried out by a vegetative method and seeds.

Yucca care at home. In detail

The plant is easy to maintain, unpretentious, but errors in its content can quickly spoil the appearance and decorative qualities. To prevent this, it is necessary to provide good conditions for growth and development.

Landing Yucca

Drainage is poured into a pot of the size chosen, then a layer of soil, the yucca roots are placed over the entire width without bending. If they are very long, cut by a third and treat the cut with coal. Evenly distribute the soil, leaving no free space in the pot.

The first watering is carried out in a day.


The yucca flower at home is quite rare, but it looks impressive.

Flowers in the form of bells are collected in panicles or bouquets. at the ends of long peduncles that appear on the tops of the stems of the leaf sinuses. Inflorescences are painted in white or beige color.

Temperature mode

Temperature requirements vary by season. In spring and summer, the optimum temperature is above + 20˚C. A homey yucca normally responds to its nightly decline when grown outdoors in summer. In winter, create conditions for relaxation, contain the plant in a cool place.


Despite the fact that the flower prefers a dry microclimate, spraying with warm purified water once a week will do her good. It is not recommended to moisten the leaves at low temperatures and under the influence of sunlight.


In nature, yucca is used to getting a lot of sunlight, so it should be light in the rooms. It is best to position the plant near the southern and western windows, but not allow contact with glass surfaces and prolonged exposure to rays in the hottest periods.

Insufficient lighting leads to depletion of the sheet plates and their pulling toward the sun.

Watering Yucca

For yucca at home, some drying of the soil is more acceptable than overflow. Excess moisture, especially at low temperatures, can lead to decay of the root system and damage to the leaves.

Depending on the prevailing conditions, watering is carried out when the soil has dried out to a depth of 5-7cm. The lower the temperature, the less watering and less fluid flow:

  • in the summer period - 4-6 days;
  • in autumn - winter - 7-10 days.

The consumption of warm, purified water per 5 liter capacity is slightly more than a liter.

Yucca Pot

The following factors are recommended:

  • The diameter of the container should exceed the size of the root coma by 3-4 cm.
  • To determine the depth of the pot, its inner diameter is multiplied by 2 or 2.5.
  • The material of the pot is chosen resistant to deformation, durable so as not to damage the root ball when carrying it.

Advice! If there is a need to restrain the growth of a yucca, it is transplanted into a pot no more than the former.


The nutrient mixture is used commercially, or turf, leaf soil and river sand are mixed. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The soil should be loose, permeable. It is poured over the drainage layer.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

In order for a yucca to grow healthy and beautiful, home care cannot do without a balanced diet:

  • The plant needs fertilizing only during the period of active growth.
  • Complex fertilizer for green plants is applied with watering 2-3 times a month. The solution is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Use foliar top dressing, spraying a weak solution of fertilizer on the leaves.
  • Watered with a solution of mullein of low concentration.
  • Pour fertile soil into the pot.

Attention! In late autumn, winter, during the period of illness or adaptation after transplantation, feeding is not carried out.

Yucca transplant

The best time for transplanting is early spring, although if necessary, work can be done at other times. The transplant is carried out in order to increase the nutrition area, soil replacement and root system disease.

Healthy plants are transplanted after 2-3 years, trying not to damage the root system. The soil is partially replaced, the root ball is not destroyed, but placed in a larger pot. A prerequisite for creating comfortable conditions for growing yucca is a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot made of expanded clay or other material.

Attention! If a root disease is revealed during transplantation, the problem areas are removed, the sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, and the soil is completely changed.

How to crop yucca?

To improve the appearance of the yucca, make it more magnificent, branch into 2-3 trunks, trim the tops. Work must be done with care so as not to harm to the plant:

  • The best time to trim late February is early March.
  • 2 days before planting, the yucca is watered.
  • Given that the cropped stem of the yucca will not grow after this, the procedure is carried out when it reaches a thickness of at least 5 cm and a sufficient height.
  • A disinfected sharp knife or pruner will be required.
  • With one hand they hold the leaves and the stem, with the other - they cut off the crown with one movement so that it does not have to be broken.
  • The sections of the sections are disinfected with alcohol and dried for 2 hours in fresh air, and then sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

Sleeping kidneys should begin to grow below the cutoff site in 3-4 weeks. The thicker the mother trunk, the more new shoots can be left (from 2 to 4).

The cropped crown of a yucca is used for propagation.

Rest period

Under short daylight hours, the plant slows down growth, although the resting period is not pronounced. At this time, reduce the amount of watering, stop feeding, lower the temperature to + 14-15˚C.

Yucca Breeding

For propagation, you can use strongly overgrown or out of shape plants, vegetative parts obtained by pruning, lateral processes.

Yucca propagation by division of the trunk

The method is suitable for owners of an adult yucca, which is the time to rejuvenate. The upper part of the trunk is cut into segments 18-20 cm long with sleeping kidneys. If the plant is low, only the top is cut off, from which a new yucca will be obtained.

A section of an adult plant is treated with garden var. The pot is left in the shade and reduced watering. Soon the trunk will give young shoots. Sliced ​​parts of the trunk are used for engraftment:

  • Cuttings are set aside for 20-30 minutes to dry.
  • They place the handle in moist soil and press it by pressing on the trunk.
  • They cover the container with a film to maintain the microclimate and humidity.
  • The greenhouse is constantly ventilated and condensate removed in a timely manner.
  • After the appearance of sprouts and roots, each young shoot is cut off and planted in a separate container.

Advice! The cutlery can be germinated in boiled water with the addition of an activated carbon tablet to prevent the development of putrefactive processes.

Yucca propagation by the lateral processes

This method is suitable when the lateral processes are there and they thicken the stem. Excess processes are cut with a sharp knife, treated with charcoal slices. For engraftment, prepared fragments are planted in suitable soil and a mini-greenhouse is organized. Humidity of soil and air should be moderate so that putrefactive processes do not develop.

If there are no lateral processes, it is possible to artificially create conditions for their germination. To do this, an incision is made on the trunk below the attachment point of the bottom sheet, the bark is removed with a strip of about one and a half centimeter around the entire circumference. Wet moss is placed at the cut point, then a layer of plastic film to preserve moisture and awake the sleeping roots. If the procedure was successful, you can get healthy layering, which later cut and planted in the ground.

Diseases and Pests

Causes of plant disease are usually adverse conditions. Yucca quickly responds to problems with his appearance:

  • The tips and edges of yucca leaves dry with insufficient moisture and ventilation.
  • There are brown spots or duns on the leaves, can signal the development of fungal diseases in high humidity.
  • Yucca leaves become soft from frequent watering in the cold season.
  • Yucca leaves darken and curl most often with a low temperature in the room.
  • Light spots on yucca leaves appear with a sunburn.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall with prolonged exposure to a draft.
  • The lower leaves of yucca turn yellow and die for reasons of natural aging, but may also result from insufficient watering.
  • Yucca roots rot with excess moisture and low temperature.

Common flower pests can cause irreparable damage to leaf integrity and the state of yucca: spider mite, mealybugs, whitefly.

Types of homemade yucca with photos and names

Yucca is elephant

Most often found in home floriculture. The name was given to the species in the shape of a trunk resembling an elephant's foot. The elephant yucca grows more slowly than other species, but it also makes less claims to the conditions of detention than others. The lower part of the trunk is usually leafless, the upper branching into several shoots, densely overgrown with rosettes of long, dark-green leaves, pointed at the apex. Young leaves of the xiphoid form stretch upwards, with age they wilt to the bottom and dry on the trunk.

Yucca Aloe

On a dense, pronounced trunk, a dense rosette is formed in a spiral from xiphoid leaves, wide at the base (up to 15 cm) and very pointed at the end. The dark green color of the leaves is covered with a bluish coating. The edge of the leaf blade is serrate, lighter. The plant practically does not scrub, but can produce an attractive peduncle with large, creamy white bell-shaped flowers.

Yucca whipple

This is a spherical bush, consisting of a voluminous rosette (up to 1 m in diameter) of long, fibrous leaves and a short, dense stem. A lanceolate leaf blade, serrated at the edges, is pumped with a sharp spike. The color is dull, gray - green. The rosette can give one high peduncle, but after flowering, its aerial part dies, and in its place, young shoots grow.

Yucca Short-leaved

It is a species of large, garden yucca that grows in the southern states of America. It grows slowly in the form of a tree with a thick trunk, in nature it can reach a height of 10-15m. Intense tillering begins on the top of the trunk. Short (up to 30cm) leaves in the shape of an elongated triangle are fixed with the base to the side shoots and form a rosette. The edges of the sheet plate are decorated with small cloves and spikes. In living quarters, it is problematic to maintain such a plant.

Yucca Radiant

It differs in the form of leaf blades, which have a length of up to 60 cm and are densely attached to the trunk like rays. They are quite narrow, not more than 1 cm, with a sharp peak. Whitish, dense edges covered with multiple thin villi.

Now reading:

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Watch the video: Growing cassava at home, From planting to harvest. (October 2024).