Interesting Articles 2024

22 ways to speed up the ripening of 7 vegetables, a lot about tomatoes

Modern weather conditions in Russia are very unpredictable, so many gardeners try to stimulate the growth of vegetable fruits in order to get a good harvest. We accelerate the ripening of tomatoes. After planting, water the bush with a weak solution of manganese (2-3 days). Dilute the iodine solution (3 drops per liter) and spray them with tomato leaves.

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Zephyranthes - planting and care at home, photo species

Zephyranthes pink. Photo Zephyrantes (popularly an upstart) (Zephyranthes) is a bulbous perennial plant from the Amaryllis family. In vivo, Cuba is the birthplace of zephyranthes. The flower is quite unpretentious, suitable for growing at home. The size of this herbaceous plant can reach 40 cm in height.

Murai or Murray: home care

Murraya (Murraya, Chinese or Japanese myrtle) is an evergreen shrub. Homeland - Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Pacific Islands. The shrub got its name from the name of the botanist D. Murray. Murai is a wrong name, however, it is often found in unofficial descriptions.

Eschscholzia - Soft Chiffon Flowers

Eschscholzia is a perennial herb with surprisingly delicate and soft flowers. It belongs to the poppy family and grows in western North America. In Europe, eshsoltsia first appeared at the end of the XVIII century. Since then, plants with bright, moth-like flowers have long settled in parks and gardens.

Zinia: planting and care

Zinnia or zinnia in the original spelling is a perennial heat-loving shrub plant cultivated in temperate latitudes as an annual. Named after the director of the Botanical Garden, Johann Zinn. The second popular name is Major. Belongs to the family of asters, there are more than 20 species, more than 50 varieties are bred.

Barberry - popular varieties, description

Various shrubs are often used to decorate the garden. Barberry is one of the most popular. Many varieties of this beautiful plant have been bred, which differ in appearance, growing conditions and other features. Description of barberry Barberry is a unique ornamental shrub that is often planted in gardens.

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Gypsophila - openwork herbs with small flowers

Gypsophila is an annual or perennial culture from the clove family. The finest branched stems form a thick cloud, which, like small snowflakes, is covered with flowers. For tenderness, the gypsophila is called "baby's breath", "tumbleweed" or "swing". A plant in the garden is used as an addition or framing of flower beds.

Echinocystis - a fast-growing fragrant vine

Echinocystis is a grassy annual of the Pumpkin family. It has spread around the world from North America. The name can be translated as "prickly fruit", but gardeners often call echinocystis "mad cucumber." This name was fixed due to the property of ripe fruits to burst at the slightest touch.

Currant planting: how and when is it best to do

Perhaps, not a single garden plot is complete without currants. This fragrant and healthy berry is very popular. Currant bushes are decorated with clusters of various colors: white, red, pink, black. And what a fragrant tea with currant leaf! To grow productive bushes, you need to plant them correctly. The choice of seedlings. Planting material is best purchased in nurseries, where plants undergo strict control.

Tomato White filling - an old well-deserved variety

Any vegetables of early ripening are very popular. To date, a huge number of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes have been bred, but tomato White filling, known for more than half a century, is still actively planted by gardeners. This is due to its unpretentiousness and high resistance to weather vagaries.

Fittonia - planting, care and reproduction at home, photo species

Fittonia mix. Photo Fittonia is a popular ornamental plant of the Acanthus family, famous for its unusual foliage pattern. A pot with this flower decorates the apartment and office, becomes a colorful accent, attracting everyone's attention. The following information will help you create a brief preliminary idea of ​​this beauty.

Growing cucumbers through seedlings: available even for beginners

Cucumbers are heat-loving plants, but they are grown almost throughout the territory of our country. In most cases, they are sown with seeds directly in the garden, but for the early production is quite popular and the preliminary cultivation of seedlings at home. To do this is not too difficult, seedlings are on the windowsill for about a month, the conditions in a city apartment are usually quite suitable for its growth.

Home Flower Violet Humako Inches

Violet is a bright flower common on almost all continents of the planet. But most often one of its varieties can be found not in the wild, but in houses and apartments as an interior decoration. Many varieties of violets, differing in the color of the flowers and the characteristics of flowering, have the same care requirements.

Ktenanta - home care and breeding

Many people, choosing a house flower in their home, pay especially close attention to specimens that have original flowers or leaf color. These include a ctenant. From the story of the appearance of a flower native to South America. More specifically, from the rainforests of Costa Rica and Brazil.

Indoor fern - species for growing a house

Indoor ferns are highly decorative, as are home-grown palm trees. Their crown is lush, dense and high, and variegated leaf plates can have various bizarre shapes, depending on their belonging to a particular variety. Indoor fern is a compact plant that can be grown as an ampelous flower in hanging flower pots.