Fern Ostrich - how to grow?


Forest handsome fern - a worthy decoration of a shaded hill or plot under the trees. High vayi, as its elongated branches are called, reach a height of 2 m. Fern does not require a lot of attention, this is a great solution when planting greenery.

Ostrich fern - what kind of flower

The ostrich is the most beautiful of his brothers. Its bush is distinguished by carved leaves, succulent greens. The bushes of the plant are the highest and slender among all types of fern. The rosette of large dissected leaves retains its decorativeness from the beginning of spring until late autumn.

Tall slender bushes - decoration of any garden

Another difference of the ostrich operator is the placement of spores. If all ferns have them on the lower part of the leaves, separate vayi are reserved for this spore for spores. These branches are called sporophylls. They are short (up to 60 cm) and appear on bushes in August. When the spores mature, the leaves turn burgundy. In spring, sporophylls bloom and sow around the bush.

It is interesting! The name of the fern was due to the similarity of leaves with ostrich feathers. Spore-bearing branches are most similar to an ostrich feather. These branches are dried and used in the design of bouquets and home decoration.

Short description of what it looks like

Homeland ostrich - North America. He belongs to the Onkleev family. The rhizome of the shrub has a bulbous shape. Its branches develop in a circle, growing on top of a bulb. Shrub shoots are long, sometimes reaching 1.5-2 m. Leafy leaves are pinnate, each feather is narrow and slightly twisted into the leaf. Fern branches open at the same time, and in the middle of the season the bush looks like a vase with an empty core.

Ostrich in landscape design

Ferns are often used to decorate shady plantings and flower beds. Juicy greens are an excellent backdrop for compositions with lower colors on alpine slides or mixborders. Ferns decorate the banks of artificial ponds and small garden ponds. They make out the trunks of tall trees.

Green pond decoration

Varieties and varieties of ostrich

How to grow indoor fern - home care

Varieties of this species include ferns that look very similar to an ostrich. It is a Pennsylvania and fluffy variety. Eastern ostrich has a more elegant appearance and care requirements.

Artificial varieties of fern ostrich common differ in the size of the bush and leaves. Royal, Jumbo, Eros and Tattered Feathers are all its hybrids.

Features of planting and care of ostrich fern in the garden

Fern retained its growth habits in the forest - he loves a lot of moisture, diffused light, light deciduous soil. If the conditions are met, the shrubbery will run amok in the flowerbed, and will flood with itself its entire territory. This should be taken into account and fenced plant growth buried in the ground by limiters (pieces of slate, tin, rubber). If it is not possible to install them, from time to time you need to remove young shoots by digging them.

Does fern need lighting

Nefrolepis fern - home care and reproduction

The plant needs sunlight, but it must be diffused. It is best that it be a shadow from a tree. Shrubs can grow in open areas, without shading. Even after providing him with a sufficient level of moisture, you should not expect that the bush will grow tall and sprawling.

Note! The more sunshine in the place of growth, the smaller will be the bush and its vaya.

Landing time

The best time for planting and replanting ferns is the beginning of spring or the end of August. For a young seedling to grow the root system, it needs time.

It often happens that during the sale, the roots of the delenka are for a long time without soil and moisture. Having bought a slightly withered young bush, you should not hope that it will depart if you water it abundantly when planting. The salvation of such a seedling will be the removal of all of its wai. You need to cut all the branches, leaving a part of about 10 cm. The young bush may not let out a single branch for the current season, but next spring there will be a strong and healthy ostrich copper at the landing site.

Site selection and soil preparation

The fern should be in the shade or partial shade. The roots of the bush are superficial, so under favorable conditions they quickly build up children around themselves at a sufficient distance. The ostrich very quickly fills a flower bed. The place of growth of the bush should be protected from the wind. Delicate waiyi easily break from his impulses, losing their decorative effect.

If you prepare a good substrate for the bush and supplement it every season, it will not need fertilizers. The soil should be, as in the forest - light, leafy, breathable. If you plant fern in the garden under the trees, fallen leaves will only benefit the flowerbed. The overripe leaves will be an excellent nourishment and soil renewal for the green bush.

How to water an ostrich

Watering regimen depends on the place of plant growth. Due to its spreading wai, the fern retains moisture under the bush, but you should not wait until the soil around the bulb dries. Permanent moisture will be the optimal regime for ferns. On hot summer days, the bush needs to be given special attention.

Important! Watering is a crucial factor for healthy fern growth.

How the Fern Ostrich Feather Propagates

Edible bracken fern - how it looks and where it grows

In good conditions for growth, the bush quickly acquires children. It is important to wait until a young root has developed a good root system, and it can grow without being fed from maternal roots. Having released several branches, the seedling is ready for planting. It must be carefully excavated and separated from the mother plant. A small bush can be transplanted into a pot for rooting, and then planted on a flower bed. It is advisable to transfer the earth from the pot to a new place of growth of a young bush.

Young children can be obtained by thinning a flower bed from a shoot

Another method of reproduction is by spores. The bushes are taller, healthier and stronger. However, this procedure takes time and effort. Disputes are collected on good vayyas on which soruses are placed (a group of spores). As soon as the soruses are browned, their collection can begin. This usually happens in late August - early September. They are dried and sown on a mixture of peat and leaf soil.

Fern needs a greenhouse, warmth and constant hydration. When the sprouts are 5-6 cm long, you need to start preparing them for an open area. The greenhouse should be aired daily, starting from 15 minutes, each time increasing the time. Bushes planted in this way are moved to the open ground after 1.5-2 years. They should be looked after as adults.

Pruning and shelter for the winter

Trimming the fern is not necessary. Its leaves serve as a wonderful mulch for the roots and fertilizer for the soil. So the bush overwinters better. In the spring, if the tail of the dry leaves remaining on the bush spoils the appearance of the shrub, you can remove the old wai.

A frost-resistant ostrich driver does not need shelter, if it is not a young seedling. If the fern planting was in the fall, you can mulch the bulb with peat or dry leaves.

Interesting to know! Once every three years, the bush is thinned, cutting off excess branches on dense bushes.

Diseases and Pests

Ostriches practically do not get sick. They are resistant to rot and garden infections. The only problem that may arise during their growth is a fungal infection. Marsupial mushroom affects fern leaves, covering them with brown spots. The affected foliage is removed and burned, and the remaining greens are treated with a systemic fungicide.

Pests that infect young shoots of a bush include a small-worm butterfly. Her larvae eat young greenery on the plant. To preserve the decorativeness of the fern, you can simply collect the larvae (which are usually not many) and destroy them.

Larva Butterfly Larva


The ostrich fern is a beautiful green decorator of shaded garden spaces. If you plant just one bush, after a few years you can get a bright green thick flowerbed. The main advantage of the ostrich is that it does not require much time and attention in the growing process.


Watch the video: Growing ostrich ferns fiddleheads for food! (October 2024).