Zozulya Cucumber F1: the well-known greenhouse hybrid


Ten years ago, cucumber Zozulya F1 was very popular among Russian gardeners, especially in those regions where only greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers is possible. But in recent years there has been a rapid increase in the number of different varieties and hybrids, as a result of which it has lost its position. Nevertheless, admirers of Zozuli are not in a hurry to refuse it and persistently plant them in their plots.

Description of the variety Zozulya, its characteristics, region of cultivation

Cucumber Zozulya F1 has been known for a long time, an application for its registration in the State Register was received in 1972, a hybrid was bred by domestic breeders. Place of birth - UC them. V.I. Edelstein at TSAA, Moscow. In 1977, it was registered and recommended for cultivation in almost all regions. What is the reason for this distribution decision throughout the country? The hybrid was originally developed with the expectation of growing in good, comfortable greenhouses with heating and irrigation systems. And for such conditions, the region does not matter much.

This, of course, does not mean that Zozul cannot be planted in a simple home-made film greenhouse or even in an ordinary greenhouse. Of course you can. It is grown in open ground, but not in the most severe climatic conditions. Occupying greenhouses for cucumbers in the southern regions makes no economic sense, except, of course, year-round cultivation of vegetables. And Zozulya is grown in heated greenhouses in the winter months.

This is a parthenocarpic plant (partially self-pollinated), according to the date of harvest, the cucumber is considered to be ripe: the first fruits are ready for harvesting 46-48 days after the sprouts are biting. The maximum collection of cucumbers falls on the first month of fruiting. The yield is stable and very high (on average about 12 kg / m2), and, depending on the region, gardeners prefer to plant Zozul in greenhouses, unprotected soil or even on the balcony: everywhere it gives a decent amount of fruit. When sowing seedlings in April-May, the periods of normal fruiting in the greenhouse fall in June-October.

Zozuli fruits look impressive, but, of course, not everyone likes such long cucumbers

The bushes of this cucumber are quite large, lashes of medium length, the average height of the plant is about a meter. Garter in the greenhouse is required. The lashes grow rapidly, forming numerous flowers in the axils of the leaves, and then the ovaries, which are located in bunches. Pasynkovka is not required: the number of lateral branches is sufficient for normal fruiting, there is no excess green mass. The leaves are large, bright green in color. Like most of the best greenhouse varieties, Zozulya is quite shade-tolerant. The hybrid is characterized by high pain resistance (against rot, spotting, mosaic) and relative unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Type of flowering - female, pollination by bees is not required. Fruits are long, up to 25 cm, cylindrical, slightly grooved, thin-barked. The pubescence is weak, the tubercles on the dark green surface of the fetus are small. The mass of the fruit is from 130 to 250 g. The taste is described as excellent, refreshing, sweetish. The pulp is dense, crisp, with lots of juice. The aroma is ordinary cucumber, strong.

Fruits can be stored for a long time, transportable. The purpose is universal: they are mainly intended for fresh consumption, but they are also suitable for pickling or pickling, although, of course, they do not fit entirely into an ordinary jar, and there are not so many lovers of canned cucumbers.

Self-pollination, early maturity and resistance to diseases allows the cultivation of Zozulya F1 cucumber practically throughout the country, including in the Urals and Siberia, and in most regions this is possible not only in greenhouses and greenhouses.


The appearance of the cucumber Zozulya does not quite correspond to the generally accepted ideal: in most cases, people believe that the most delicious cucumbers should be medium-sized and with obvious spikes. The fruits of the Zozuli are rather long, and the thorns are not very characteristic for them. In terms of color, this is a classic green cucumber, often with subtle light longitudinal stripes.

Light stripes on long cucumbers are barely visible, and sometimes they are not visible at all

On the bushes, the fruits most often hang in clusters, or bunches, and, since they have an impressive size, thereby creating a visual effect of high productivity.

Zozul cucumbers rarely hang one at a time, usually a whole bunch

Advantages and disadvantages, features, differences from other varieties

At the time of its birth, Zozuly F1 was considered one of the best hybrids of cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation. Its advantages have not disappeared, just now the number of available varieties has increased many times, and of course, he lost his position. Zozulya naturally differs from most varieties intended for cultivation in open ground, and this is due to the nature of greenhouse cucumbers. Still, it is believed that the most delicious and real vegetables should grow in sunlight and in the fresh air. However, a feature of Zozuli a few decades ago was that the taste of Zelentsy was practically inferior to the ground.

Among the obvious advantages of the hybrid can be noted:

  • early ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • good presentation of the crop;
  • excellent taste of fruits, lack of bitterness;
  • self-pollination, which allows you not to think about the presence of bees or artificial pollination;
  • the ability to grow in any conditions, including on the windowsill;
  • high resistance to most diseases.

The disadvantages mainly indicate the limited suitability of the fruits for obtaining tasty classic canned food, as well as the fact that, since Zozulya is a hybrid of the first generation, you cannot collect your seeds from it. Actually, this fact led to the emergence of many “clones” of Zozuli, and over time, the quality began to decline. As a result of the breeding work of a number of companies, analogues of this hybrid were created: very similar to it, but with improved characteristics. As such "substitutes", for example, the following hybrids are:

  • Virenta F1 (high-yielding long-fructose fruit bearing cold-resistant hybrid with fruits up to 15 cm long);
  • Emelya F1 (precocious hybrid with greenbacks up to 15 cm, universal purpose);

    Emelya - one of the cucumbers, which is called the analogue of Zozuli

  • Makar F1 (highly resistant crop hybrid, fruits up to 20 cm in size);
  • The real Colonel F1 (an early hybrid with a friendly return of the crop, consisting of Zelentsy up to 15 cm long).

The number of Zozuli analogues is constantly growing, but true lovers are in no hurry to part with this well-deserved hybrid.

Video: opinion on cucumbers Zozulya

Features of planting and growing varieties Zozulya

Zozulya, like all cucumbers, is a heat-loving vegetable. In addition to heat, cucumbers need higher doses of fertilizers, and especially organic ones. Even fresh manure is suitable for this culture, which most vegetables do not tolerate well, although humus is more valuable, since its plants can be used immediately. Both compost and peat-based mixtures are suitable for cucumbers, however, mineral fertilizers are also applied under them, and a lot: up to 100 g of azofoska per 1 m2.

In open ground, cucumbers often arrange warm beds. They are tall buildings, where under the top layer of fertile soil are located in advance (from last summer) various waste introduced: small twigs, tree leaves, vegetable tops, peeling, household garbage, etc. mixed with peat and dung. In the spring, wood ash is poured into this bed, watered with heated water and warmed under a film until the seeds are sown or seedlings are planted. In protected ground, where Zozul is usually grown, there is no need for such beds.

Planting cucumbers

Depending on how early they want to get the crop, cucumbers are grown through seedlings or by direct sowing of seeds. If there is a greenhouse into which you can plant cucumber seedlings without fear of colds in early May, then Zozuli seeds can be sown in individual pots or cups at the end of March in a city apartment. In any case, the timing of both sowing seedlings, and sowing in the garden or planting seedlings should be calculated on the basis that cucumbers will grow well only when the air temperature in the daytime is about 25 aboutFROM.

Most likely, the seeds will be bought ready for sowing, so the maximum that can be done before sowing is to soak them for a couple of days in water, although this will only give 1-2 days of time gain.

Some lovers even heat up seeds bought in a specialty store and soak them in growth stimulants (Zircon, Epin or aloe juice). It is hardly worth doing, especially if the bag will contain at least a couple of words that the seeds have undergone preliminary preparation, you can only negate its results.

For greenhouse cucumbers there is no point in hardening. The same applies to the option of direct sowing of seeds in the greenhouse. To grow a dozen copies of seedlings, you need to select the most lighted window sill, and it is easier to purchase soil in a store. For cucumbers, you should choose individual cups with a capacity of 250 ml, or better - peat pots of not the smallest size. Sowing seeds for seedlings is not difficult.

  1. They are laid out on the surface of moistened soil for 1-2 seeds in each cup.

    Increasingly, we sow only one seed: seeds are now expensive

  2. Sprinkle the seeds with soil, a layer of 1.5-2 cm.
  3. Gently watered, preferably by spraying from a spray bottle.
  4. Put the cups on a warm, well-lit window sill (better if with a temperature of 25-28 aboutC), it is possible to cover with glass or a transparent film.

    It is the southern window sill - the best home for seedlings

The appearance of the first seedlings of Zozul cucumbers can be expected in 5-8 days, depending on the degree of seed preparation, as well as temperature. If two seeds in a cup have risen, one sprout is removed. On the first day after emergence, the temperature is lowered to 18 aboutC, so they keep it for five days, otherwise the seedlings will stretch. Then you need room temperature (best - about 24 aboutHappy and 18 aboutWith night). With a lack of light, seedlings are highlighted with fluorescent or diode lamps. Care - as for any vegetable seedlings (infrequent watering, if necessary - top dressing).

Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse at the age of about a month. Since the Zozuli bushes are rather large, they leave at least 25 cm between the plants in a row, from 40 cm between rows. Plants in peat pots are planted with a pot, and they try to extract from an ordinary cup without destroying an earthen coma. The seedlings are not buried unnecessarily, but stretched out — they dig in almost cotyledonous leaves, after which they well water and mulch the soil.

If you decide to do without seedlings, then sow Zosulu seeds directly into the greenhouse. This can be done if the temperature of the soil has reached at least 15 aboutC, but better - more. There are various schemes for placing holes: ordinary, tape, square-nested. Choose any of them, based on the dimensions of the greenhouse and the wishes of the owner. If only a dozen cucumbers are planted, then in a greenhouse it is more convenient to plant them in one row, either at the wall itself or, conversely, opposite the main entrance, leaving passages along the edges. Sowing seeds in wells is carried out in the same way as in cups when growing seedlings.

Video: growing cucumber seedlings Zozulya

Care for cucumbers Zozulya

In general, care for cucumbers Zozulya is quite standard and includes watering, fertilizing, cultivating, removing weeds and, of course, garter plants, especially in greenhouses. Despite the fact that this hybrid is relatively shade tolerant, the best fruiting is observed in well-lit greenhouses, at a temperature of about 25 ° C. The soil should be moist all the time, but without stagnation of water. Cucumbers are watered with necessarily warmed up water in the sun. The frequency of watering is approximately once every 4 days before flowering and a day after the start of ovary formation. The best watering is in the evening hours, some time after watering, shallow loosening is necessary.

If the roots are exposed, they add soil; it is convenient to combine this process with top dressing with wood ash: it is scattered in an amount of about half a glass on each bush and cucumbers are slightly spudded with a hoe. The first mandatory top dressing - urea solution - is performed before flowering begins, and this top dressing is much more effective in the foliar version (by spraying on leaves). You do not need to prepare a strong solution: just a tablespoon of fertilizer in a bucket of water. Subsequent feeding, once every two weeks, is performed with mullein infusion (1:10), based on about a liter per plant. If the leaves turn yellow, foliar feeding of urea is repeated.

The greenhouse should be periodically ventilated to prevent a temperature increase of up to 30 aboutC: the weather is too hot, and even if you skip watering, it leads to the appearance of bitter cucumbers. In addition, in a too humid hot air, various diseases attack faster.

The formation of the Zozuli bush is highly desirable: he gives a few lateral shoots, and it is on them that the main crop is formed. Therefore, pinch the main stem over the fifth leaf, which stimulates the appearance of new shoots. Trellis in the greenhouse is sure to suit: letting cucumbers in the garden is a wasteful event. Each master invents the trellis design himself, but the shoots should already be tied when they reach a length of 40-45 cm. Usually they are allowed upright.

One row of cucumbers is conveniently placed on a trellis against the wall of the greenhouse

The first Zozuli cucumbers can be removed one and a half months after the emergence of seedlings, and the first 3-4 weeks are especially fruitful, then the supply of green leaves decreases. To prolong fruiting, pick cucumbers should be often, at least once every three days, or better - every other day. The best harvest time is morning.

Caring for Zozulya cucumber in open ground is practically no different from that in a greenhouse, but in those regions where cold nights are possible, temporary shelters should be provided in case of a drop in temperature. And, of course, fruiting in unprotected soil in such regions ends much earlier.

Video: Zozulya cucumbers in the open ground


Planted, planted and will plant "Zozulu." A wonderful thing - and in the salad is very good, and in the pickled form - crispy, dense, and although the cucumbers are large, there are practically no hollow ones in the jars.



Yes, Zozulya grows constantly with us ... When planting other varieties or hybrids of cucumbers, Zozulya grows ugly and saber-like, and sometimes does not tie fruit. And it’s just that without other cucumbers it grows up to 30 cm smooth and long. I have already noticed this for the second year. I have been planting Zozul for 2 years separately from cucumbers (in a tomato greenhouse). Enough 7-8 Zozuli bushes for me.



What do you molested to Zozula? It is not worth planting it as a summer cucumber, there are more delicious summer varieties. And if you plant it in the summer, then pluck it in the pencil stage, and do not hold it to a length of 30 cm. Zozuli has an advantage over all other varieties. It is one of the few varieties that can be grown precisely for an early harvest in an unheated greenhouse. Almost all delicious varieties, when planting seedlings in early May, act up and throw off the ovary until night temperatures rise to the desired values ​​and the temperature drops are less.And Zozulya bears fruit. Therefore, I always grow and plant several bushes with seedlings. And by July, when the sown ones are pulled up already I pull out.



We have been growing zosul cucumbers for many years. The cucumbers themselves are delicious with soft skin. They tried to plant other cucumbers, but always returned to the zosula. The hybrid is very productive and resistant to disease. we use it both in salads and in pickling. Of course we buy seeds every year, it makes no sense to collect our seeds, since this is a hybrid.



Cucumber Zozulya F1 is a representative of greenhouse vegetables, but is able to grow in open ground. Nowadays, it can no longer be considered one of the best, but at one time he made a small revolution among summer residents, giving them the opportunity to grow cucumbers in almost greenhouses with a taste of ground. This is a very decent hybrid in terms of consumer qualities, quite unpretentious in care.


Watch the video: Выращивание огурцов в теплице, посадка рассады огурцов "Зозуля" (October 2024).