10 original ideas for harvesting apples for the winter


In autumn, most housewives begin to actively harvest apples for the winter, because a rich harvest of juicy fruits should be used as quickly as possible. We offer you 10 simple and affordable ideas for delicious apple blanks.

Dried apples

The most affordable way, requiring a minimum of effort - drying apples. This can be done outdoors, in the oven or in an electric dryer. The easiest way is to use an electric dryer, but if it is not there, the oven will also do just fine. In the open air it is possible to dry only in good sunny weather.

For harvesting dried fruits, choose sweet and sour varieties with a thin skin. Apples are cut into slices and treated with saline to maintain color. This will protect the dried fruits from pests. Such a blank is stored in fabric bags. Dried apples retain all the nutrients because they are not exposed to high temperatures.

Apple marmalade

Fragrant apple marmalade is suitable as a filling for baking, a layer of cakes and soufflé, decorating cakes and cookies. The treat contains large quantities of healthy pectin. Such a preparation is easy to prepare and stored until the next harvest.

To make marmalade, the apples are boiled in a small amount of water until soft. Then grind through a sieve, add sugar and boil over low heat for 1-2 hours, depending on the variety. For 1 kg of apples you need to take 500 g of sugar and about a glass of water. Applesauce is boiled until a thick uniform consistency, then rolled up in prepared jars and cleaned in a cool place.


Apple puree is a tasty treat not only for children, but also for adults. It is cooked simply and quickly, in winter it can be added to cereals, pancakes, desserts, or simply spread on bread instead of jam.

To make mashed potatoes, apples are peeled, cut into slices and poured with a small amount of water. The apple mass is boiled until soft and with the help of a blender it turns into mashed potatoes. Then it is returned to the fire and again brought to a boil. Ready apple puree is poured into jars and put away for storage. In a dark, cool place, the workpiece can be stored all winter.

Apple jam

Tasty apple jam is suitable as a filling for rolls, pies and bagels, or just as a delicious addition to tea. The technology for making apple jam is in many ways similar to making mashed potatoes. The only difference is that the jam should be thick. To do this, after grinding the mashed potatoes are boiled first without sugar to the desired consistency. Only at the end add sugar to taste. So the jam will not burn and change color. If desired, you can add citric acid or lemon juice.

Spiced Jam with Apples and Walnuts

A very interesting and original version of winter harvesting is apple jam with spices, lemon and nuts. Despite such an unusual composition, the jam turns out to be spicy and tasty. The composition of this dish includes apples, lemon, sugar, allspice, bay leaf, walnuts, water.

Prepared apples with spices are poured with water and brought to a boil. Then cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. After cooling, remove all spices and lemon wedges. The apples are again set on fire, crushed nuts are added to them and cooked for 15 minutes until cooked. Jam is poured into prepared jars and cleaned in the pantry.

Stewed apples

Fruit compote for the winter is one of the best and most affordable harvesting options. You can add other fruits to apples or make compote only from apples. The simplest and most delicious option that many housewives practice is the double-fill method. Of the ingredients, only apples, sugar and water are needed.

Fresh apples are poured with boiling water and covered with a lid for 20 minutes. Then the water is poured into the pan, sugar is added and the syrup is boiled for 1-2 minutes. Pour apples in boiling syrup for the second time and immediately roll the jars. Such aromatic compote preserves the maximum of useful substances, because it is not subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Apple juice

Delicious and extremely healthy apple juice is easy to prepare for the winter if you have a juicer. The process of making apple juice is simple:

  1. The apples are prepared and the juice is squeezed using a juicer.
  2. If desired, the liquid can be drained from the pulp or left so.
  3. Apple juice is put on fire, sugar is added to taste. It is necessary to heat the liquid well, but it is advisable not to boil. This will preserve more beneficial vitamins and minerals.
  4. Ready juice is poured into jars and rolled up.

Homemade apple liqueur

From apples it is easy to prepare a fragrant strong drink for family holidays or adding to cocktails. Pouring can be done both on vodka and without it. To prepare a drink without vodka, apples are filled with sugar and left in a bright place for 4-5 days. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the cord is removed in a dark, cool place for 4-6 months.

The process of preparing apple juice in vodka involves several stages:

  1. Pour apples with diluted vodka and insist in a cool dark place for 10-14 days.
  2. To the filtered infusion add pre-cooked sugar syrup at room temperature.
  3. Harvest insist for another 2-3 days. After this, aromatic liquor can be stored for up to 16 months.

Cinnamon Apple Pear Jam

Apples and pears blend wonderfully in desserts. Cinnamon perfectly emphasizes the taste of fruits, and the result is an incredibly tasty treat. Such confiture is prepared quickly and easily. Apples and pears are taken in the same amount. Still, for jam, you need water, sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, in some recipes use a thickener gelfix. The use of a thickener will quickly reach a thick consistency.

The technology for making confiture is practically no different from cooking ordinary jam, only in most recipes the fruits should remain slices. If you use a thickener, it must be prepared and added after boiling the fruit or in the middle of cooking. Confiture without jellyfix is ​​cooked longer, until thickened.

Adjika from apples and tomatoes for the winter

A wonderful option for a delicious cold appetizer - adjika. The main ingredients for its preparation: tomatoes, apples, hot peppers and Bulgarian. Spices are added depending on the recipe chosen. Most often it is salt, sugar, garlic and sunflower oil. All ingredients are twisted through a meat grinder, spices are added and boiled for about 30 minutes.

Winter preparations with apples retain a large number of nutrients needed by the body in the winter. Using our tips, you can choose several options for yourself and enjoy aromatic treats and apple drinks in winter.


Watch the video: 18 AWESOME HACKS TO GROW YOUR OWN PLANTS (October 2024).