Outdoor carrot cultivation


Due to the fact that carrots retain a number of nutrients throughout the year, thereby contributing to the vitamins and mineralization of the body, its harvest is very much appreciated. However, in order to get a large crop, it is necessary to plant carrots correctly and take care of it in an appropriate way.

The best varieties of carrots for open ground

Below are the most common varieties with pronounced advantages over the rest of the variety.

Early ripe

Ideal for a gardener who wants to get a crop in a quick way:

  • Lagoon F1;
  • Alenka;
  • Amsterdam;
  • Dutch woman
  • Tuchon.


Somewhat inferior in shelf life, but suitable for preservation:

  • Tiptop;
  • Vitamin
  • Losinoostrovskaya;
  • Nantes.

Late and late varieties

Intended for winter storage:

  • Shatan;
  • Royal Shatane;
  • Perfection;
  • Sirkana F1;
  • Vita Longa;
  • Karlen
  • Red without a core.

Sowing carrots according to the lunar calendar in 2019, depending on the region

Implementation of crops on the lunar calendar will positively affect not only the timing of the crop, but also on its quality.

RegionAuspicious daysBad days
  • In March - 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April - 2-9, 11-15.
  • In March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19.
Middle lane
  • In April - 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14.
  • In April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19.
  • In May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.
  • In May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

Choosing a place for the garden

Carrots fit a place heavily lit by the sun. On the shaded area, less crop will grow, it will be inferior in taste. The most favorable soil is sandy loam or loamy, with a pH value of 7 or a slightly lower value. Excessive soil density will lead to small fruit size and its rapid decay during storage.

Carrot precursors

It is preferable to plant carrots in a new place every new season, while it is not worth placing on beds after greens such as parsley or dill. Tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, onions and cabbage are perfect for the role of predecessors.

Seed preparation

It is necessary to sort out the seeds and leave the most healthy, then soak them in a solution of salt. After a short time, bad seeds will appear on the surface. The remaining ones should be washed and left for 24 hours in tissue moistened with a growth stimulator. After drying, these seeds can be planted.

In order to facilitate further germination, leave the seeds for a week at room temperature, wrapping them in a damp cloth. For planting, swollen samples are suitable, on which the sprouts have not yet had time to hatch. Well-dried seeds will be ready for planting.

If seeds are purchased in granules, on a tape, such preparation is not necessary.

Preparation of beds for carrots

For spring planting, it is necessary to do soil preparation in advance. So, in the fall, provided that the land is dense, it should be dug up and fertilized with peat. For the poor, humus is suitable. It is worth refraining from making fresh manure and lime, as they will only harm carrots. Weeds and small stones should be destroyed from the beds.

Soil prepared in the autumn period will not need to be re-excavated before planting, however, it will still be necessary to level the soil and leave it without large lumps of earth. Grooves for carrots are indented from the edge by about 10 cm and at a distance from each other of 15 cm. The depth should not exceed 3 cm.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: methods for planting carrots

There is a wide variety of methods with which you can successfully carry out a landing. Among the presented below are time-tested ones that came back in the last century and relatively new ones that are gradually replacing the former. All of them are notable for their complexity in execution, while their effectiveness also varies.

With a strainer

In the sieve used for brewing, place the seeds of carrots and pour them into the prepared beds. Then it is necessary to fill up a shallow groove and water it. For use, another container is also suitable, with holes in which seeds can slip.

Sowing with sand

Quite a simple way to perform, just mix the seeds and sand in the ratio: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of seeds per 1 bucket of sand. The resulting mass should be moistened and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. At this time, grooves can be made into which the mixture is then distributed and covered with soil. In this case, the grooves must be moistened. The method does not guarantee a completely favorable outcome, however, it allows the soil to retain the necessary substances, temperature and humidity.

Using a paste

The scheme for implementing this method includes several stages:

  1. Mix Art. a spoonful of wheat flour with 1 liter of water;
  2. Keep the resulting mass for 5 minutes over low heat;
  3. Allow the mixture to cool to +30 ˚C;
  4. Pour seeds into the resulting paste and mix;
  5. Put the mixture in a container, for example, in a plastic bottle;
  6. Pour contents into grooves.

The method promotes early ripening.

Planting seeds in granules

The granules should be placed in the groove, while observing a distance of 5 cm. Thinning is then not required. The method is simple, but it is worthwhile to responsibly approach the choice of the manufacturer and variety.

Planting Carrots with a Ribbon

For this method you will need:

  1. Toilet paper;
  2. Low density paper (length corresponds to the length of the beds, width about 2 cm);
  3. Special tape.

The necessary paste is obtained by mixing starch with water, which subsequently participates in the sticking of seeds to the tape. Fertilizers are added to the paste only after it cools down.

On the strip, put the paste points at a distance of 2 cm and put the seeds on them. Then lay the resulting strip in grooves, cover with soil and pour. A week later, the first shoots appear.

In egg cells

The advantages of this method:

  • Dosage, which allows not to carry out thinning in the future;
  • Keeping the soil moist for a long time;
  • Lack of weed grass.

In the bag

In winter, you need to place the seeds in a bag made of natural material, and in the spring it should be planted. After 2-3 weeks, the sprouts will hatch, which should then be mixed with sand and planted in open ground. To create a greenhouse effect, it is necessary to cover the carrots with polyethylene. Already in June it will be possible to harvest, a distinctive feature of which will be clearly expressed juiciness and size of the fruit.

By mouth

This method was included in everyday life in the XX century. For its implementation is:

  1. Mix the seeds with water in a glass and mix;
  2. To make grooves in the soil;
  3. Type the mixture in your mouth and spit it out in the place prepared for planting.

Sowing soaked and sprouted seeds

You can do without thinning by planting seeds that have already been soaked and sprouted. The main problem with sowing is the small size of carrot grains, which are difficult to separate and, when planted, fall several in one place. As a result of this, the sprouts grow in inappropriate proximity relative to each other. This can be avoided by pre-soaking and germinating the seed, since swollen seeds are much more convenient. To do this, it is enough to withstand the seed in a damp tissue until sprouts appear. And then you need to harden them, leaving them in the refrigerator for several days. And then plant in open ground.

Mixed sowing

You should mix the seeds of radish and carrots with each other, also add sand. Then the mass must be put in grooves, covered with soil and moistened. The radish will ripen first and its harvest will also be carried out much earlier, thereby freeing up space for carrots and eliminating the need for thinning. Any early culture is suitable as the first. The method will be especially useful in a small area.

How to care for carrots after planting

To get a rich harvest, it is important not only to plant carrots properly, but also to carry out comprehensive care for it in the future, which will include top dressing, cultivation, weeding, thinning.

Watering and humidity

You should responsibly approach the watering of carrots, since the vegetable is very demanding on him. Otherwise, the fetus will grow with obvious flaws that will primarily affect its shape. Carrots should be constantly moistened at the initial stage of growth, since at this time the root spends a lot of water on evaporation. As the root system develops, the frequency of watering should be reduced. Small-drop watering is favorable for a vegetable. 1 month before the due date, watering should be suspended.

Top dressing

Fertilizing the soil is always done before the carrot seeds are placed in the soil. During the growing season, top dressing can increase the nitrate content in the crop, and magnesium provoke an increase in carotene.

Loosening and weeding

The vegetable will beneficially respond to proper loosening, as it will increase the saturation of the roots with oxygen, which is important for their growth and development. This will positively affect the crop itself. It is also necessary to provide the root crop with regular and high-quality weeding.


With an excessive density of seedlings, thinning should be carried out before the root crop is set. In a different scenario, carrots are largely deformed. This procedure should be carried out in the afternoon, because in the evening there is a great opportunity to attract pests. Also, you can not leave the tops on the groove. The distance between plants should be 3 cm, it is better to compact the soil around a little to maintain the sprouts in a standing state. After 3 weeks, thinning is usually repeated, with the distance between the plants doubling.

Diseases and pests of carrots

The main pest of this vegetable is a carrot fly. It occurs on plantings having a very high density, also with excessive watering and the presence of weeds. The following symptoms will give out her presence:

  1. Curled leaves;
  2. Fading and withered appearance.

In order to get rid of the insect pest, the plant should be immediately treated with insecticides.

For preventive purposes, you can plant marigolds in the immediate vicinity, whose smell carrot flies practically do not tolerate.

Carrots are rarely affected by ailments, among which the most dangerous are phomosis and alternariosis. As a prophylaxis, treatment of grooves with 1% Bordeaux fluid can be made.

When to harvest carrots and how to store it

Carrots are quite frost-resistant, however, when the temperature drops below +8 ° C, the starch turns into sugar, which is bad for keeping quality. In our latitudes, carrots are usually harvested in early October. It is advisable to do this in dry weather. After the fruit is removed from the ground, it must be dried for 2 hours, while avoiding direct sunlight. Then remove the tops and sort out the harvested. Entire copies should be placed in a container such as a box, which must be aired. The place will fit dark and cool.


Watch the video: Growing Carrots from Sowing to Harvest (October 2024).