Canadian roses: varieties with photos and descriptions


In Russia, Canadian roses are in demand among gardeners in Siberia and the Urals. Canadian breeders have tried to develop a unique species of plants that tolerates low temperatures. Canadians without shelter can withstand frosts down to -40 ° C. The cultivation of these beautiful flowers has become available in the harsh weather conditions of the regions of the North.

Canadian roses and their benefits

The advantage of culture, in addition to resistance to frost, is an elegant appearance. The bushes have fluffy large flowers of different shades, saturated thick leaves, stems with a small number of thorns.

The main advantages of canadas:

  • winter hardiness and endurance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • wide palette of shades of flowers;
  • quick recovery after frostbite;
  • immunity to temperature extremes;
  • beautiful and long-term flowering;
  • non-susceptibility to disease;
  • interesting shape of the bush, saturated foliage;
  • easy methods of propagation by cuttings;
  • popularity in landscape design.

Canadians get in pots, they start selling in April. You can order seedlings in specialized online stores.

Canadian Rose Classification

Culture can be divided into two series:

  • Parkland The buds have sophistication and a wide selection of colors, but lack aroma.
  • Explorer (Explorer, translated "researcher"). The series acquired this name in memory of the researchers and discoverers of Canada. Charming fragrant flowers adorn densely branched and climbing shrubs.

Canadian roses Explorer series

Varieties are named after researchers who conquered the north of the planet. Most of the plants in this group are hybrids, based on the flower of Cordes.

It is worth highlighting 3 groups of the Explorer series:

  1. Park bush. These include: Champlain, Royal Edward, J.P. Connell, Alexander Mackinsey, Frontenac, George Vancouver, Simon Fraser, Lewis Joliet, Lambert Kloss.
  2. Climbers. This is John Davis, Captain Samuel Holland, Henry Kilsey, William Baffin, John Cabot.
  3. Rogusa.

The most interesting are presented in the table (click on the flower photo to enlarge it):

GradeDescriptionFlowersHeight (m)
Henry Hudson

Grown since 1966. Good immunity to disease. Easily propagated by cuttings. Suitable for forming rounded flower beds.White with a red splash.Up to 0.5 and diameter up to 1.
David Thompson

Year of opening - 1971.Raspberry color. Flowering from summer to autumn. Volumetric, consisting of 25 petals. Fragrant.About 1.3.
Jens munch

Large spreading bush with a very strong stalk and developed rhizome.Pink, pleasantly smelling buds up to 7 cm in diameter.Almost 2.
Charles Albanel

Nice compact groundcover, very frost-resistant.They grow modestly, from the beginning of summer to the first frosts.1,5.
Martin Frobisher

Unpretentious and undemanding, for this reason they are grown in gardens and parks, used in the construction of artificial fencing.Light red color. Volumetric multi-petal. Not without a bright rich fragrance.About 2.

Canadian roses Parkland series

Plants of this selection are often grown in public parks and gardens because of their undemanding nature. It tolerates the dry and rainy season. Any soil is suitable for growing, but to maintain a well-groomed appearance it is necessary to feed. Designers use these roses to decorate the green hedge, so pruning shoots are pruned. Propagated by division of the bush and layering.

The most noteworthy varieties are considered in the table (click on the flower photo to enlarge it).

GradeDescriptionFlowersHeight (m)
Adelaide Hoodless

Attractive neat ground cover.Dark pink and reddish color.1.
Prairie Joy

With long shoots, it is actively used in garden design. The bush is fixed on a solid skeleton, forming living partitions.Light red. Blooms in the summer.Up to 1.8.
Winnipeg Parks

It has green leaves with a reddish glow.Dark red or raspberry. Vanilla fragrance.Not more than 0.5.
Prairie Celebration

Good immunity to various diseases. Illumination of the site does not affect development, quietly growing in the shade.Bright pink color.

Blooms all summer.

Up to 1.
Hope of Humanity

Bred in 1996. The most frost-resistant look of the Parkland series. Low neat bush.Dark red flowers. Inflorescences consist of 5 fluffy buds. They bloom all season and have a slight smell.About 1.5.
Cuthbert Grant

A popular variety. Smooth shrub with strong shoots.Velvety, deep red, smell pleasant.About 1.

The following plants of the Morden group can be attributed to the Parkland series: Rosa Louise Bugnet, Ruby / Ruby, Amorett / Amorett, Centennial, Cardinette, Sunrise, Blush, Fireglow, Belle, Snowbeauty.

Canadian artists - a new young series that arose in 2007, owned by her: Felix Leclerc, Emily Carr, Campfire, Bill Reid.

Canadian Rose Care

Any gardener will be able to breed and properly maintain such plants without difficulty, but first you should familiarize yourself with the main recommendations.

The best time for planting is autumn. In a sunny, ventilated area (partial shade is permissible) of the earth, it is necessary to dig a recess of about 70 cm, then fill it with porous fertile soil. When planting seedlings nearby, observe a distance of 1 m between them. After this, care is needed: timely watering and mulching.

In regions with severe weather conditions, young plants require shelter for the winter. Before this, the shoots should be cut off, since frost can ruin them, and the plant as a whole will weaken. In climbing and branching bushes, they should be pressed to the ground. In autumn, in harsh areas of Canada should be fertilized with compost, peat or ash. In winter, it is advisable to throw snow under the bush.

The method of sheltering seedlings in the winter period depends on the geography of growing:

The middle strip of RussiaHilling soil 15-20 cm.
Ural and Trans-UralsThe first year is covered with non-woven material, then this is not necessary.
SiberiaBefore the onset of severe frosts, a coating is not required, in a snowless period, non-woven material is used.

In the spring, once every 2 years, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: cut off weakened and dry shoots. To stimulate the flowering of roses, it is recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers (urea). Topping up bushes with phosphorus (30 g superphosphate) and potassium (20 g kalimagnesii) can be carried out in the middle of the third season. Culture rarely suffers from fungal diseases.

In the summer period - in dry times, it is necessary to moisten the plant and fertilize it moderately.

Roses without any problems coexist with any other plants. Seedlings quickly take root.

Mr. Summer Owner's Choice: The Best Canadians

The list of the most recognizable and original Canadian roses among amateurs is given. Any of them will decorate a site, park or garden. According to gardeners, these are the best varieties of Canadian roses - they have a spectacular appearance and a number of advantages. The table shows the main parameters and features (click on the photo to enlarge it).

GradeShrub descriptionHeight, m ​​/ DimensionsFlowers
Morden sunrise

Upright, belongs to the Parkland series. The plant is widely used in garden design, not covered in winter.0,7.

Width 70 cm.

The circumference of the bud is 8 cm.

The yellow rose has eight-petalled buds.
Hope of Humanity

Narrow, prefers loam.Up to 1.5.

Diameter up to 7 cm.

Red with a white core.
Prairie Joy

Half-braided. Unpretentious in leaving, but has one weakness - susceptible to precipitation.1,5.

Diameter 1.25 m.

Pink. Flowering can be observed from spring to autumn.

Saturated with flowers. Highly resistant to black spotting and powdery mildew.Up to 1.

The diameter of the bud is up to 9 cm.

The bud, as it ripens, changes from dark pink to raspberry, inside the petals have a more saturated deep and bright color.
William Baffin Climbing

Tall erect. In autumn you can see the appearance of small orange fruits.Reaches 3.

The average diameter is 7 cm.

Bright pink velvety petals form a bud that swirls inward. No aroma.
Morden Centennial

With saturated foliage, it can fade from bright lighting. Prevention of black spotting is required.1,75.Bright raspberry.
Canadian rose centuries old

Spreading, original, picky, grows equally in both light and shadow areas, winter-resistant.1,5.

Width 70 cm.

Flower circumference 8 cm.

Large fluffy inflorescences of a pink hue. Blooms all warm season.
Modern blush

Equal shape. Its disadvantages are intolerance to very severe winters and exposure to black spots.Up to 75 cm.Like a hybrid tea rose, the petals are white and pink.
Cuthbert Grant

Very steady with strong stems.1.

Width 1 m.

Fluffy, red with yellow stamens, smell pleasant. Early flowering throughout the summer period.
Martin Frobisher

The rose is almost devoid of thorns; inflorescences can be cut to create bouquets. Erect, has long stems. Can get black spotting.Up to 1.8.

Width up to 1.2 m. Flower diameter 6 cm.

The inside of the petals is a milky color, and on the outside is white.

An unusual variety resembling floribund was bred in 1982.

With increased humidity, powdery mildew may develop.

Up to 1.1.

The diameter of the flower is about 6 cm.

Catchy bright red, bloom until frost.

Miniature and neat. Very sensitive to climate. Diseases - powdery mildew and black spotting.75 cm.

Width 75 cm.

Semi-double flowers that bloom from June to September and have a light citrus aroma.


Watch the video: 13 Rose Varieties . Garden Answer (October 2024).